[graalvm-users] Confused about GraalVM <--> Oracle Java current status

Eric Sedlar eric.sedlar at oracle.com
Fri Oct 26 14:37:52 PDT 2018

Hi Yikes,

You are asking forward-looking questions, which of course are hard to 
answer definitively.   Here are my thoughts on them...

* We are working on Windows for GraalVM and hope to have it available in 
the next few months
* The Graal compiler (via dynamic compilation) is available 
experimentally in JDK 11.  GraalVM is in "release candidate" status 
which means that the development team thinks it is ready, but we are 
monitoring people with real applications using it (and fixing their 
issues) until we feel like enough people are using it with no issues to 
say it is ready and that we can meet Oracle's support criteria for 
customers (24x7x365 support, 1 hr response times for production system 
downtime, etc.).  I'm guessing that we'll call GraalVM production 
officially in 2-3 months.  Of course, Twitter has been using it in 
production for 2 years, so your mileage may vary from what we say 
officially :-)
* OpenJDK 11 incorporates the Graal compiler portion of GraalVM CE in 
its release.  Other parts of GraalVM (native images, support for other 
languages, etc.) are only available in the GraalVM download.  GraalVM CE 
and Java are independent open source projects with separate release 
schedules, but of course they borrow from each other.  The GraalVM 
download includes JDK8, and we will release a JDK11 version soon, but at 
least as of now, there is no plan to have a new GraalVM release for each 
Java release, or vice-versa.  There will be a licensing fee for GraalVM 


   Eric Sedlar
   Vice-President & Technical Director, Oracle Labs

On 10/23/2018 5:57 AM, yikes aroni wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out when graal will be available as part of 
> official releases of the JVM. I've found a lot of info on graal from a 
> technical pov, but the info about Oracle's plans is (at least what 
> i've found), partial and / or inconsistent. My understanding is that 
> Graalis bundled into Java 11, however the details aren't clear (to me):
> * Apparently graalvm in JVM 11 only works under MacOS / Linux? If so, 
> when will it be available for Windows?
> * What GraalVM features are included in Java 11?
> * Are any (all?) parts of Graal in Java 11 considered production-ready?
> * the graalvm.org 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__graalvm.org&d=DwMFaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PZh8Bv7qIrMUB65eapI_JnE&r=CUkXBxBNT_D5N6HMJ5T9Z6rmvNKYsqupcbk72K0lcoQ&m=8HDAwEW0zEAFj0D8KPcRn5hNE_pX6zjHXIwutaIaHTc&s=t6UiLGI5KMDElgDIZVEisrKY7yIopEciUa56h-8o5a4&e=> 
> site makes a distinction between CE and EE -- which one is 
> incorporated into Java 11? Is Oracle planning to charge a licensing fee?
> Anyone have some definitive info answering these questions?
> thank you.
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