[Ocfs2-users] memory leak

Kristiansen Morten Morten.Kristiansen at hn-ikt.no
Thu Apr 15 03:31:02 PDT 2010

I discovered our four node cluster running on RedHat EL5, Ocfs2 1.2.6 and Oracle have memory leak. I suspect ocfs2, but I could be wrong. I suspect ocfs2 because when we run RMAN backup the free memory goes from 8 GB down to 200 MB. When I umount the ocfs2 backupdisk after the backup is finished, the memory is released again.

I want to test it some more and found a script to test writing to the disk. This script contains a command saying "echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches". Is this a safe command to run in production? Meaning the cluster and oracle database is running. Or should I run the "sync" command pre to this command? Or should I never run this command in a production environment? I'm afraid that this command will free up memory not written to disk yet. And therefore I would get into trouble in my production environment. The script I want to test looks like this and is captured from this mailing list:


dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/file bs=1024 count=75

COUNT2=`cat /tmp/COUNT2`

DIR1=$(printf "%03d" $COUNT2)
mkdir /data/$DIR1

while [ "$COUNT1" -lt 101 ]
    cp -v /tmp/file /data/$DIR1/file.$COUNT1
  (( COUNT1++ ))
(( COUNT2++ ))
echo $COUNT2 > /tmp/COUNT2


I then executed it as follows:

while [ true ] ; \
 do /root/bin/populateocfs2.sh ; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches ;
sleep 2 ; \
 vmstat |tail -n 1 >> /root/tmp/sysstats.txt ; done

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