[Ocfs2-users] ocfs2 is still eating memory

Jeff Mahoney jeffm at suse.com
Wed Mar 14 14:42:47 PDT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Hi John -

I'm taking a look at the memory consumption issue you reported, and I
just can't seem to reproduce it in the manner you've described. I'm
running our CVS kernel, which at this point is really the same thing as
the KOTD with two OCFS2 DLM fixes I added today that should be entirely
unrelated to this bug.

I created a file system with about 890,000 files, rebooted with mem=512M
and did a find -exec stat {}\; on the file system. I can see it sucking
down all the memory as you described, but it's not OOM killing or even
going into swap.

I've been seeing this for about the last 15 minutes, give or take the
usual fluctuations:

 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy
id wa st
 6  1    168   5028 257956  15388    0    0  1045     0 1466 17997  3  9
71 17

Running a quick and dirty vmpressure program that allocates a chunk of
RAM and then writes to each page caused the system to properly drop
inodes from cache to honor the allocation request.

When I created the files, the inodes were using about 700 MB of RAM (8
GB machine), but I had run the vmpressure program earlier to see if they
would actually get dropped.

Out of curiosity, can you reproduce this with a vanilla kernel?

- -Jeff

- --
Jeff Mahoney
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