[Ocfs2-users] Bad magic number in inode

Marcel Savelkoul marcel.s at softlution.com
Wed Nov 15 06:17:23 PST 2006


Pretty new here with SAN's and Oracle RAC.
I had set up everything but because I wanted to enlarge one of the
disks used I removed everything and started over and stumble upon the

There is one disk defined on the SAN. This is /dev/sda.
I haven't done fdisk yet so I also don't have /dev/sda1 yet.

But if I now do the "mounted.ocfs2" command I see the following:

# mounted.ocfs2 -d
Device                FS     UUID                                  Label
/dev/sda              ocfs2  6fe56000-97e6-4ea1-a302-29a8213c6e04  oradb

# mounted.ocfs2 -f
Device                FS     Nodes
/dev/sda              ocfs2  Unknown: Bad magic number in inode

This device is also listed when I check it with the ocfs2console.

I tried to open it with debug but then I get this:

# mount -t debugfs debugfs /debug
# echo "fs_locks" | debugfs.ocfs2 /dev/sda >/tmp/fslocks
debugfs.ocfs2 1.2.2
Could not open debug state for "6FE5600097E64EA1A30229A8213C6E04".
Perhaps that OCFS2 file system is not mounted?

If I now use fdisk to create a partition on the device /dev/sda I see the
following with the "mounted.ocfs2" command:

# mounted.ocfs2 -f
Device                FS     Nodes
/dev/sdc              ocfs2  Unknown: Bad magic number in inode
/dev/sdc1             ocfs2  Not mounted

Now the /dev/sda isn't listed anymore in the ocfs2console but the /dev/sda1
is and after actually mounting the /dev/sdc1 I see:

# mounted.ocfs2 -f
Device                FS     Nodes
/dev/sda              ocfs2  Unknown: Bad magic number in inode
/dev/sda1             ocfs2  pub.host.com

Why do I keep seeing the /dev/sda device?

Best Regards,


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