[graalvm-users] Creating maven artifacts for native libs

Ramsey Gurley ramseygurley at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 21:43:03 PST 2019

I think you may have saved me a lot of work :) I'll also check out 
javacv-platform, since I see you have a swing component to play video in 
that as well.

Thank you!


On 11/26/19 1:25 PM, Samuel Audet wrote:
> Hi,
> In theory, Sulong can compile x265 to fully portable bytecode, and 
> these files can be packaged into Maven artifacts like any other Java 
> classes, but the performance that we would get from that may not be 
> satisfactory. It would probably be around 10x slower than native 
> binaries since Java bytecode isn't able to accommodate for native 
> assembly instructions that are used heavily in encoders such as x265. 
> Also, we may need dependencies on GraalVM, Truffle, and Sulong, so we 
> wouldn't get a small independent package that could run on the JDK, 
> but I'm not entirely sure about that. Those projects are still pretty 
> experimental, so that's probably why I'm not finding a friendly way to 
> try it out. :)
> Because of these kinds of limitations, what everyone does, including 
> very official projects from OpenJDK like JavaFX, is simply to package 
> native libraries in JAR files and access them with JNI. It works fine 
> for multiple platforms as well. For example, I'm making packages for 
> FFmpeg (which include x265) available here:
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_bytedeco_javacpp-2Dpresets_tree_master_ffmpeg&d=DwICaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PZh8Bv7qIrMUB65eapI_JnE&r=CUkXBxBNT_D5N6HMJ5T9Z6rmvNKYsqupcbk72K0lcoQ&m=P573E3XF-jbWCxG9-zyRQuXdUDeOxoD_Mp89FbJRRj0&s=DOAK_rfDb3maxXH74AJdUChxWqY7HyGmKHtxu0aon7M&e= 
> There are binaries for Android (ARM, ARM64, x86, x86_64), Linux (ARM, 
> ARM64, POWER, x86, x86_64), Mac (x86_64), and Windows (x86 and 
> x86_64), all accessible from a single Maven artifact named 
> "ffmpeg-platform", but we can create builds easily for more platforms. 
> To get smaller JAR files, we can also limit the scope of the builds to 
> small libraries such as only x265 itself.
> Samuel
> On 11/25/19 4:47 PM, Ramsey Gurley wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'd like to compile a native lib with graal to be distributed as a maven
>> artifact. I have a few questions.
>> Are native libraries platform specific if compiled with graalvm's llvm
>> tools? Let's say I want to compile x265. Do I need one artifact per
>> arch? Per os?
>> Once created, can the graal compiler used by OpenJDK make use of them?
>> Or is a graalvm with llvm tools installed a requirement?
>> Basically, I want to fill a gap in Java, which is video codecs and a
>> swing component to use them. I'm hoping graalvm is a good way to do 
>> this.
>> Thank you,
>> Ramsey

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