[graalvm-users] RC6 to_s behavior changed

Rodrigo Botafogo rodrigo.a.botafogo at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 08:36:47 PDT 2018


In rc5 with the following code:

p1 = Polyglot.eval("R", 'as.formula').call("medv ~ lstat + age")
p p1
p p1.to_s

I get the following result:

#<Truffle::Interop::Foreign at 2a984952>
"language(medv ~ lstat + age)"

in rc6, the same code prints:

#<Foreign [#<Foreign:0x49d979c4>, #<Foreign:0x3ba5c4dd>, #<Foreign
[#<Foreign:0x47fca3cc>, #<Foreign:0x55746340>, #<Foreign:0x6a0c7af6>]>]>
"#<Foreign [#<Foreign:0x49d979c4>, #<Foreign:0x3ba5c4dd>, #<Foreign
[#<Foreign:0x47fca3cc>, #<Foreign:0x55746340>, #<Foreign:0x6a0c7af6>]>]>"

The old behavior is preferred, if possible.

Rodrigo Botafogo
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