[fedfs-utils] fedfs-utils packaging in Fedora

Chuck Lever chuck.lever at oracle.com
Wed Mar 27 07:46:17 PDT 2013

[ Cc-ing fedfs-utils-devel on this part of the thread]

On Mar 27, 2013, at 12:38 AM, Ian Kent <raven at themaw.net> wrote:

> On another note I also want to re-package fedfs-utils.
> I don't think that the current packaging lends itself to what you asked
> about wrt. installing all the bits using a "yum install fedfs-utils"
> type command.

I thought we could do this by creating a husk RPM that depends on having the separate real fedfs-utils RPMs installed.  Is that no longer allowed?

> IMHO, since the bits in the package are quite small we
> should make, mostly, a single package that installs almost everything. 

The current situation is a mix of 

  a) allowing users to install just the pieces they need, and
  b) Fedora packaging requirements (like the -lib and -devel packages being separate)

> There are a couple of exceptions, such as the lib package and possibly
> the need to be able to install nfsref separately and maybe a need to
> keep nsdbparams also but then we come back to having too many really
> small packages.

Right, there's no way around it if we start breaking pieces out into their own package.

> So I'm still thinking about that.
> What are your thoughts on it?

We could go back to an nfs-utils model, where all the pieces are installed by a single RPM, with separate -lib, -debuginfo, and -devel packages.  That may be more convenient than having separate packages.

Chuck Lever

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