[fedfs-utils] [PATCH] FedFS - simple setup howto

Ian Kent raven at themaw.net
Mon Aug 27 02:28:01 PDT 2012

Add a howto to setup a DNS domain fedfs.org, an (OpenLDAP) LDAP
instance with context dc=fedfs,dc=org and work through the steps
to setup a read-only FedFS root domain with a single referral.

Signed-off-by: Ian Kent <raven at themaw.net>

 doc/howto/fedfs-simple-setup-howto.txt |  465 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 465 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 doc/howto/fedfs-simple-setup-howto.txt

diff --git a/doc/howto/fedfs-simple-setup-howto.txt b/doc/howto/fedfs-simple-setup-howto.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6454f64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/howto/fedfs-simple-setup-howto.txt
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+Simple example of basic FedFS setup and operation
+The examples in this test procedure assume a Fedora 18 install.
+Assume that the package fedfs-utils-server and fedfs-utils-client
+are installed on perseus.fedfs.org. And that fedfs-utils-server and
+a nfs-utils built with fedfs-utils-devel installed on zeus.fedfs.org
+and that fedfs-utils-lib is also installed on zeus.fedfs.org.
+We want to setup perseus.fedfs.org to provide the domain root,
+be able to use FedFS to mount the domain root, and to setup and
+use a FedFS juntion to access an export on zeus.fedfs.org upon
+access to a directory within the domain root. And lastly, setup
+autofs to use the FedFS program map to mount the root of the
+#Questions still to be answered:
+#1. When and where (ie. on which server) is rpc.fedfsd used in the
+#   procedure below.
+#2. What is the procedure for setting up a junction on a third
+#   unrelated machine.
+Setup a forwarding DNS server for fedfs.org
+Some of this setup may not be necessary but it is what I use to setup
+DNS instances for testsing. Also many of the files created in step 1
+should be included in a caching nameserver package. Installing the
+cacheing nameserver package and making appropriate modifications to
+turn the cacheing nameserver into a forwarding nameserver iis really
+all that needs to be done. Of course the fedfs zone files will always
+be needed.
+The example assumes the private IP address range 192.168.1 is being
+used and a nameserver that is able to satisfy name resolution for
+external names is at and the hosts perseus.fedfs.org and
+zeus.fedfs.org are assigned addresses and
+1. Setup zeus.fedfs.org as a forwarding DNS server:
+        mkdir -p /var/named/master/fedfs.org
+        if [ ! -d /var/named/data ]; then
+                mkdir /var/named/data
+        fi
+Create /var/named/named.root using:
+	dig +norec NS > /var/named/named.root
+Create /etc/named.rfc1912.zones as:
+	// named.rfc1912.zones:
+	//
+	// ISC BIND named zone configuration for zones recommended by
+	// RFC 1912 section 4.1 : localhost TLDs and address zones
+	//
+	zone "localdomain" IN {
+		type master;
+		file "localdomain.zone";
+		allow-update { none; };
+	};
+	zone "localhost" IN {
+		type master;
+		file "localhost.zone";
+		allow-update { none; };
+	};
+	zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" IN {
+		type master;
+		file "named.local";
+		allow-update { none; };
+	};
+	zone "" IN {
+		type master;
+		file "named.ip6.local";
+		allow-update { none; };
+	};
+	zone "255.in-addr.arpa" IN {
+		type master;
+		file "named.broadcast";
+		allow-update { none; };
+	};
+	zone "0.in-addr.arpa" IN {
+		type master;
+		file "named.zero";
+		allow-update { none; };
+	};
+Create /var/named/localdomain.zone as:
+	$TTL	86400
+	@		IN SOA	localhost root (
+					42		; serial (d. adams)
+					3H		; refresh
+					15M		; retry
+					1W		; expiry
+					1D )		; minimum
+		        IN NS		localhost
+	localhost	IN A
+Create /var/named/localhost.zone
+	$TTL	86400
+	@		IN SOA	@       root (
+					42		; serial (d. adams)
+					3H		; refresh
+					15M		; retry
+					1W		; expiry
+					1D )		; minimum
+		        IN NS		@
+	 		IN A
+			IN AAAA		::1
+Create /var/named/named.local as:
+	$TTL	86400
+	@       IN      SOA     localhost. root.localhost.  (
+                                      1997022700 ; Serial
+                                      28800      ; Refresh
+                                      14400      ; Retry
+                                      3600000    ; Expire
+                                      86400 )    ; Minimum
+        	IN      NS      localhost.
+	1       IN      PTR     localhost.
+Create /var/named/named.ip6.local as:
+	$TTL	86400
+	@       IN      SOA     localhost. root.localhost.  (
+                                      1997022700 ; Serial
+                                      28800      ; Refresh
+                                      14400      ; Retry
+                                      3600000    ; Expire
+                                      86400 )    ; Minimum
+		IN      NS      localhost.
+	1	IN      PTR     localhost.
+Create /var/named/named.broadcast as:
+	$TTL    86400
+	@               IN SOA  localhost.      root.localhost. (
+                                        42              ; serial (d. adams)
+                                        3H              ; refresh
+                                        15M             ; retry
+                                        1W              ; expiry
+                                        1D )            ; minimum
+		IN	NS	localhost.
+Create /var/named/named.zero as:
+	$TTL    86400
+	@               IN SOA  localhost.      root.localhost. (
+                                        42              ; serial (d. adams)
+                                        3H              ; refresh
+                                        15M             ; retry
+                                        1W              ; expiry
+                                        1D )            ; minimum
+		IN	NS	localhost.
+Create /etc/named.conf as:
+	options {
+		listen-on port 53 { any; };
+		listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
+		directory 	"/var/named";
+		allow-query     { any; };
+		forwarders {; };
+		recursion yes;
+	};
+	logging {
+        	channel default_debug {
+                	file "data/named.run";
+	                severity dynamic;
+        	};
+	};
+	zone "." IN {
+		type hint;
+		file "named.root";
+	};
+	include "/etc/named.rfc1912.zones";
+	include "/var/named/master/fedfs.org/zone.fedfs.org";
+Create /var/named/master/fedfs.org/zone.fedfs.org as:
+	zone "fedfs.org" {
+	        type master;
+        	notify no;
+	        file "master/fedfs.org/db.fedfs.org";
+	};
+	zone "1.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
+        	type master;
+	        notify no;
+        	file "master/fedfs.org/db.192.168.1";
+	};
+Create /var/named/master/fedfs.org/db.fedfs.org as:
+	$TTL 3D
+	@	IN	SOA	ns.fedfs.org. hostmaster.fedfs.org. (
+			199802152       ; serial, todays date + todays serial #
+			8H              ; refresh, seconds
+			2H              ; retry, seconds
+			4W              ; expire, seconds
+			1D )            ; minimum, seconds
+	;
+			NS	ns		; Inet Address of name server
+	;
+	localhost	A
+	ns		A
+	zeus		A
+	perseus		A
+	; Assume these aren't present, they've been left to show an example
+	; of the SRV record that would be used for a read-write FedFS domain
+	; rather than the read-only setup we use here.
+	;_nfs4._domainroot._tcp		SRV	0 0 2049 perseus.fedfs.org.
+	;_nfs4._write._domainroot._tcp	SRV	0 0 2049 perseus.fedfs.org.
+Create /var/named/master/fedfs.org/db.192.168.1 as:
+	$TTL 3D
+	@	IN	SOA	ns.fedfs.org. hostmaster.fedfs.org. (
+			199802151 ; Serial, todays date + todays serial
+			8H      ; Refresh
+			2H      ; Retry
+			4W      ; Expire
+			1D)     ; Minimum TTL
+			NS	ns.fedfs.org.
+	32		PTR	ns.fedfs.org.
+	32		PTR	zeus.fedfs.org.
+	31		PTR	perseus.fedfs.org.
+	service named start
+	systemctl start named.service
+2. On perseus.fedfs.org and zeus.fedfs.org configure /etc/resolve.conf:
+	cd /etc
+	cp resolve.conf resolv.conf.orig
+	echo "domain fedfs.org" > resolve.conf
+	echo "search fedfs.org" >> resolve.conf
+	echo "nameserver" >> resolve.conf
+Setup an NSDB (NameSpace DataBase)
+1. Set parameters for NSDB connections:
+	# nsdbparams(8) is used to set NSDB connection parameters
+	nsdbparams update -e "dc=fedfs,dc=org" \
+			  -D "cn=Manager,dc=fedfs,dc=org" \
+			  zeus.fedfs.org
+2. Setup an OpenLDAP instance for fedfs.org:
+	service slapd stop
+	systemctl stop slapd.service
+Create /etc/openldap/slapd.conf as:
+        include         /etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
+        include         /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
+        include         /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
+        include         /etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
+	# Get this from the FedFS distribution
+        include         /etc/openldap/schema/fedfs.schema
+        pidfile         /var/run/openldap/slapd.pid
+        argsfile        /var/run/openldap/slapd.args
+        database        bdb
+        suffix          "dc=fedfs,dc=org"
+        rootdn          "cn=Manager,dc=fedfs,dc=org"
+        rootpw          secret
+        directory       /var/lib/ldap
+        index objectClass                       eq,pres
+        index ou,cn,mail,surname,givenname      eq,pres,sub
+        index uidNumber,gidNumber,loginShell    eq,pres
+        index uid,memberUid                     eq,pres,sub
+        index nisMapName,nisMapEntry            eq,pres,sub
+Create fedfs.org-naming-context.ldif as:
+	dn: dc=fedfs,dc=org
+	objectClass: domain
+	dc: fedfs
+	description: naming context
+Create an OpenLDAP instance for fedfs.org:
+	# Ensure that /etc/openldap/ldap.conf is setup to use fedfs.org
+	# by commenting out any other URI and BASE directives and then
+	# add definitions to the end of the configuration.
+	echo "URI ldap://zeus.fedfs.org/" >> /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
+	echo "BASE dc=fedfs,dc=org" >> /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
+	# Setup OpenLDAP for fedfs.org
+	cd /etc/openldap
+	restorecon -v slapd.conf
+	rm -f /var/lib/ldap/*
+	# supress warnings that this file does not exist
+	touch /var/lib/ldap/DB_CONFIG
+	rm -rf slapd.d
+	slaptest -F slapd.d -f slapd.conf
+	# I think this will restore the correct ownership
+	# of the configuration directory tree but it may
+	# be necessary to chmod -R ldap.ldap slapd.d also.
+	restorecon -R -v slapd.d
+	slapadd -l fedfs.org-naming-context.ldif
+	chown ldap.ldap /var/lib/ldap/*
+	restorecon -v /var/lib/ldap/*
+	service slapd start
+	systemctl start slapd.service
+4. Add NCI (NSDB Container information) attributes to the
+   naming context LDAP entry:
+	nsdb-update-nci -l zeus.fedfs.org \
+		-D "cn=Manager,dc=fedfs,dc=org" \
+		-e "dc=fedfs,dc=org"
+Add a FedFS junction within a domain root directory
+Assuming there is a file system mounted on /vm (or just a directory
+we can export) on server zues.fedfs.org which we want to access
+under the domain root as <domain root mount point>/vm, we will be
+exporting /.domainroot-fedfs.org as the domain root.
+1. Add an entry to /etc/exports on zeus.fedfs.org:
+	# Add to /etc/exports
+	/vm	*(ro)
+	# Restart the nfs service or just re-export the table
+	exportfs -r
+2. Add a junction to the domain root on persues.fedfs.org:
+	#
+	# Tell nfsref the LDAP server (the NSDB) we are using to
+	# record file system name (FSN) and file system location
+	# (FSL) uuids. This assumes the LDAP connection parameters
+	# have been setup as in step 1 of "Setup an NSDB".
+	#
+	export FEDFS_NSDB_HOST=zeus.fedfs.org
+	#
+	# Add the junction metadata to the directory and update
+	# the NSDB with uuid info of the junction.
+	#
+	mkdir -p /.domainroot-fedfs.org/vm
+	nfsref --type=nfs-fedfs \
+		add /.domainroot-fedfs.org/vm \
+		zeus.fedfs.org /vm
+Setup fedfs domain root export (read-only case)
+For this we are seeking to mount the domain root exported from host
+1. Add an SRV record for the FedFS file server to DNS:
+	_nfs4._domainroot._tcp SRV 0 0 2049 perseus.fedfs.org.
+2. Restart named to make in available.
+	service named restart
+	systemctl restart named.service
+3. Add an entry to /etc/exports on perseus.autofs.test:
+	#
+	# Created when we added the junction above.
+	# mkdir /.domainroot-fedfs.org
+	#
+	/.domainroot-fedfs.org	*(ro)
+4. Restart NFS:
+	service nfs restart
+	systemctl restart nfs.service
+5. Mount using the FedFS mount utility on a local directory:
+	mount -v -t fedfs /nfs4/fedfs.org /mnt
+	mount | grep domainroot
+	perseus.fedfs.org:/.domainroot-fedfs.org/ on /mnt type nfs4 ...
+	cd /mnt/vm
+	#
+	# This check assumes /etc/mtab is symlinked to /proc/mounts
+	# as it is in Fedora. Kernel automounted file systems will
+	# not be present in the text based /etc/mtab and so will not
+	# be seen in it. Look to /proc/mounts instead in this case.
+	#
+	mount | grep ^zeus.fedfs.org.*vm
+	zeus.fedfs.org:/vm/ on /mnt/vm type nfs4 ...
+	# Ha, move out of the directory so it can be umounted
+	cd
+5. Lastly cleanup:
+	#
+	# This example includes a specific umount of the junction
+	# (/mnt/vm) but such kernel automounted file systems are
+	# umounted automatically (when they are not in use) so it
+	# may not be present when this step is done.
+	#
+	umount /mnt/vm
+	umount /mnt
+Setup autofs to automount the domain root
+1. Add a line to /etc/auto.master to automount FedFS root domains:
+	#
+	# Note that the autofs pseudo option "nobind" probably
+	# should be used. In the case here it is required because
+	# the FedFS client also hosts the root of the domain and
+	# autofs will see the mount is local and perform a bind
+	# mount instead of an NFS mount. That, of course, means
+	# file system lookups won't be with an NFS file system
+	# so NFS referals can't be followed.
+	#
+	# Also note that the autofs mount point name must be
+	# /nfs4 to be able to mount nfs4 root domains.
+	# 
+	echo "/nfs4  /usr/sbin/fedfs-map-nfs4 nobind" >> /etc/auto.master
+2. Restart or reload the autofs service:
+	service autofs restart
+	systemctl restart autofs.service
+3. Check that we can mount the domain root and the referal:
+	# automount the root domain.
+	[raven at perseus ~]$ ls /nfs4/fedfs.org
+	top.txt  vm
+	# automount the referal (from a different machine).
+	[raven at perseus ~]$ ls /nfs4/fedfs.org/vm
+	lost+found  test.txt
+	# Check they were mounted.
+	[raven at perseus ~]$ mount |grep perseus|grep nfs4
+	perseus.fedfs.org:/.domainroot-fedfs.org/ on /nfs4/fedfs.org type nfs4 ...
+	[raven at perseus ~]$ mount |grep zeus|grep nfs4
+	zeus.fedfs.org:/vm/ on /nfs4/fedfs.org/vm type nfs4 ...

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