[rds-devel] New rds patches for ofed 1.3.1

Olaf Kirch olaf.kirch at oracle.com
Wed May 7 03:50:22 PDT 2008


I have two more RDS kernel patches for OFED 1.3.1, and one additional
rds-tools patch. They're available from my git trees at
on branch code-drop-20080507

If you have any feedback, please let me know.

At this point, I'm not going to submit the dma_sync patches yet.
I think they need more testing, and I'd rather postpone them to
OFED 1.3.2.

I'll also post these patches in a follow-up email to this message.

Olaf Kirch  |  --- o --- Nous sommes du soleil we love when we play
okir at lst.de |    / | \   sol.dhoop.naytheet.ah kin.ir.samse.qurax

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