[rds-devel] Has anyone tried RDS on IA64 Linux?

Olaf Kirch olaf.kirch at oracle.com
Fri May 2 00:42:28 PDT 2008

On Thursday 01 May 2008 16:33:55 Or Gerlitz wrote:
> this function always does _sync_for_device, where its callers sometimes 
> want it to sync for the CPU.

Okay, I got confused. Yes, there's a big difference between sync_for_cpu
and sync_for_device. I thought the direction (TO_DEVICE/FROM_DEVICE)
was enough - but it appears we really have to specify the direction
value given in the original dma_map call.

> Also why not use ib_dma_sync_sg_for_device() ?

I don't think this function exists yet, I think. OFED's ib_verbs.h
only defines sync_single.

> > +	rds_ib_dma_sync_sg(dev, scat, sg_dma_len, DMA_TO_DEVICE);
> earlier in this function you did a dma mapping, which also does sync for 
> device, unless the bidi directive does not let it do so correctly?

No, you're right. The dma_map should imply a sync.

Olaf Kirch  |  --- o --- Nous sommes du soleil we love when we play
okir at lst.de |    / | \   sol.dhoop.naytheet.ah kin.ir.samse.qurax

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