[rds-devel] Please pull RDS

Olaf Kirch olaf.kirch at oracle.com
Thu Jul 3 06:14:30 PDT 2008

Grmbl, I mistyped the rds-devel list addr in the first attempt :-/

---8<---- snip ----8<---

Hi Vlad,

can you please pull from the following trees

git://git-openfabrics.org/~okir/ofed_1_3/rds-tools.git code-drop-20080703
	This reverts commit 804de7023165fd3fe89af6aac94843f195a23e72.
 	This patch would result in calls to try_to_del_timer_sync from the send
 	CQ handler. However, it is not legal to call this from an interrupt
 	context - it causes live locks (proven :-)

git://git-openfabrics.org/~okir/ofed_1_4/linux-2.6.git code-drop-20080703
	Lots of patches - partly forward porting changes to 1.3, partly
	fixing things to make them compile on current kernels, and partly
	new stuff.

	None of this is new; it has all been discussed before AFAIK -
	I just rolled it into one consistent patch set for ofed 1.4 now.

git://git-openfabrics.org/~okir/ofed_1_4/rds-tools.git ofed_1_4
	Misc patches improving rds-stress in minor ways

Olaf Kirch  |  --- o --- Nous sommes du soleil we love when we play
okir at lst.de |    / | \   sol.dhoop.naytheet.ah kin.ir.samse.qurax

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