[Berkeley DB Announce] Patch Release: Berkeley DB Java Edition 5.0.48

Announcements related to the Berkeley DB product family. bdb at oss.oracle.com
Mon May 14 18:53:01 PDT 2012

Berkeley DB Java Edition 5.0.48

http://www.oracle.com/us/products/database/berkeley-db/index.html   (BDB 
product page)
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/berkeleydb/overview/index.html (BDB 
(BDB JE overview)

Berkeley DB Java Edition 5.0.48 is a patch release consisting of fixes 
for a number of issues. We strongly recommend that users of the 5.0.x 
version upgrade to this release. These fixes include:

  * [#21348]  Fixed a bug that caused an EnvironmentFailureException
    with LOG_FILE_NOT_FOUND. The bug occurred after deleting a range of
    keys in a deferred-write database
    (DatabaseConfig.setDeferredWrite(true) or
    StoreConfig.setDeferredWrite(true)), closing the Environment, and
    then opening the Environment.
  * [#21328]  Fixed a bug that could cause Btree corruption for
    databases. The corruption causes corrupted keys, and could manifest
    itself in a number of ways. For example, the comparator could throw
    an exception because the key is invalid, an operation could fail
    unexpectedly because the key is not found, internal operations such
    as log cleaning could fail, etc.
  * [#21304]  Fixed a bug in the DbPreUpgrade_4_1 and
    DbRepPreUpgrade_4_1 utilities that prevented them from working
    properly due to concurrent log cleaning activity while the utility
    is running.
  * [#21405]  Fixed a bug that could cause unnecessary log cleaning when
    upgrading to JE 5. It could also cause an exception after upgrading
    such as the one below, when a Btree comparator is configured in a
    duplicates database:

    at com.sleepycat.je.dbi.DupKeyData$TwoPartKeyComparator.compare(DupKeyData.java:200)
    at com.sleepycat.je.dbi.DupKeyData$TwoPartKeyComparator.compare(DupKeyData.java:167)
    at com.sleepycat.je.tree.Key.compareKeys(Key.java:187)
    at com.sleepycat.je.tree.IN.findEntry(IN.java:2205)
    at com.sleepycat.je.tree.Tree.searchSubTreeInternal(Tree.java:1414)
    at com.sleepycat.je.tree.Tree.searchSubTree(Tree.java:1310)
    at com.sleepycat.je.tree.Tree.search(Tree.java:1170)
    at com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.FileProcessor.processBINDelta(FileProcessor.java:1075)
    at com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.FileProcessor.processFile(FileProcessor.java:625)
    at com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.FileProcessor.doClean(FileProcessor.java:290)
    at com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.FileProcessor.onWakeup(FileProcessor.java:149)
    at com.sleepycat.je.utilint.DaemonThread.run(DaemonThread.java:162)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)

  * [#20816]   Fixed a bug that could cause |Environment.removeDatabase|
    or |truncateDatabase| to loop in a "livelock" pattern along with
    active log cleaner threads, where the |removeDatabase| or
    |truncateDatabase| thread is not making forward progress.
  * [#21015]  Added additional fixes to prevent looping and long
    operations times for |Environment.removeDatabase| and
    |truncateDatabase|. The additional fixes address long operation
    times due to log cleaning with large file sizes in combination with
  * [#21177]  Fixed a bug that sometimes caused a
    ConcurrentModificationException when calling
    Environment.setMutableConfig, when exception listeners were
    previously configured.
  * [#20967]  Fixed a bug where JE internal threads throw
    UnsupportedOperationException on a JVM where CPU time measurement is
    not supported by the java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean implementation.
  * [#21258]  Fixed a bug that caused an erroneous
    SecondaryIntegrityException to be thrown, or an
    OperationStatus.KEYEXIST to be returned, when using a JoinCursor
    with READ_UNCOMMITTED isolation. The erroneous exception or return
    value occurred when performing reads using the JoinCursor
    concurrently with updates or deletions of the same records.

  * [#21328]  Log all RuntimeExceptions (not only DatabaseExceptions)
    when the Environment.cleanLog method is called. Previously,
    RuntimeExceptions were logged when the built-in cleaner thread was
    used, but not when cleanLog was called directly

Find the complete list of changes in the change log.


Read the detailed product documentation included in the download package 
or on the web.



Download the source code.


Review the frequently asked questions (FAQs):


Join OTN and participate in the Berkeley DB JE Support Forum 
discussions. Our engineering and support staff are highly active on 
these forums, if you have questions please ask them there first.


For further information, or questions about licensing and sales of JE, 
please contact us at:

mailto:berkeleydb-info_us at oracle.com

Thank you for your support of Berkeley DB Java Edition.


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