[Tmem-devel] tmem how to get current usage in megabytes?

Dan Magenheimer dan.magenheimer at oracle.com
Wed Aug 18 08:52:39 PDT 2010

> If i run domU with memory 5000 and maxmemory 60000 domU can shrink it
> memory to lower then minimum (for example to 1500), how can i get
> current memory usage of domU from hypervisor (in dom0) ?

"xm list" has a bug that shows only the original amount of memory
for the machine.  I use "xentop" to show current memory usage.
If you have a recent upstream Xen "xl list" will work also.

> And can You explain me format of output xm tmem-list xomain_id  xm
> tmem-list xomain_id  -l ?

The data returned by tmem-list is in a machine-parseable ascii format
that I believe will be forward/backward compatible (i.e. no fixed size data
structures).  To translate tmem-list output to human-readable I use:

# xm tmem-list --long --all | /usr/sbin/xen-tmem-list-parse

And to watch it change dynamically, try:

# watch -d 'xm tmem-list --long --all | /usr/sbin/xen-tmem-list-parse'


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