[Tmem-devel] Tmem [PATCH 0/5] (Take 3): Transcendent memory

Pavel Machek pavel at ucw.cz
Fri Dec 18 00:06:31 PST 2009


> Performance is difficult to quantify because some benchmarks respond
> very favorably to increases in memory and tmem may do quite well on
> those, depending on how much tmem is available which may vary widely
> and dynamically, depending on conditions completely outside of the
> system being measured.  Ideas on how best to provide useful metrics
> would be appreciated.

So... take 1GB system, run your favourite benchmark. Then reserve
512MB for tmem, rerun your benchmark, then run the system with
512MB/512MB swap, rerun the benchmark?

Tune the sizes so that first to last run differ by 100% or so, and see
how much first and second differs? If it is in 1% range, you are
probably doing good...?
(english) http://www.livejournal.com/~pavelmachek
(cesky, pictures) http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~pavel/picture/horses/blog.html

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