[Ocfs2-users] Fwd: Issue when I attempt to grow ocfs2 file system

remgasis remgasis remgasis at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 11:11:27 PST 2018

Hello list,

At this occasion I'm attempt grow my ocfs2 file system with the commands:

tunefs.ocfs2 -S /dev/sdx
tunefs.ocfs2 -S /dev/sdx 100G

The last command show me the following message:

"The ocfs2 filesystem on device "" cannot be larger than XXXX clusters
(XXXX bytes)"

However, with the first command I can't grow it either. When I attempt do
it, the prompt shell shows no outcomes. I've installed debian 9.0 and
already have tried change the features but the issue continues.

Do you have any idea which may be the cause of issue ?


de virus. https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.avast.com&d=DwIBaQ&c=RoP1YumCXCgaWHvlZYR8PZh8Bv7qIrMUB65eapI_JnE&r=wXmkJNAUtutY0U9inuQWCbzSSRji5zLpyR0a_Mek4jM&m=MVCpK-WjeBCbAmHOKlfI1Ejbp5MPQhVMougW37tdKI8&s=5gJ0zS5E8H-oJ3Q5jvZ7EM9ePDetuH4J6CyzvGLyPNA&e=
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