[Ocfs2-users] ocfs2 goes to read only

gjprabu gjprabu at zohocorp.com
Thu Mar 24 07:45:40 PDT 2016

Hi Team and Joseph,

  Ocfs2 file systems goes to Read Only mode when mount after reboot. we try fix with fsck but its aborted and thrown error" fsck.ocfs2: dir_indexed.c:1441: ocfs2_dx_dir_search: Assertion `entry_list->de_num_used > 0' failed.". We are in critical situation please give us solution asap. 

[root at ceph-zclient1 home]# cd sas/cde/

[root at ceph-zclient1 cde]# pwd


[root at ceph-zclient1 cde]# mkdir test123213

mkdir: cannot create directory ‘test123213’: Read-only file system

[root at ceph-zclient1 cde]# mount | grep ocfs

ocfs2_dlmfs on /dlm type ocfs2_dlmfs (rw,relatime)

/dev/rbd0 on /home/sas/cde type ocfs2 (ro,relatime,_netdev,heartbeat=local,nointr,data=ordered,errors=remount-ro,atime_quantum=60,coherency=full,user_xattr,acl)

  fsck.ocfs2 -y -f /dev/rbd/rbd/labs 

fsck.ocfs2 1.8.0

Checking OCFS2 filesystem in /dev/rbd/rbd/cdelabs:

  Label:              label

  UUID:               EDE38A7C7D45498D889CA6943589B3C1

  Number of blocks:   402653184

  Block size:         4096

  Number of clusters: 402653184

  Cluster size:       4096

  Number of slots:    25

/dev/rbd/rbd/labs was run with -f, check forced.

Pass 0a: Checking cluster allocation chains

Pass 0b: Checking inode allocation chains

[CHAIN_BITS] Chain 229 in allocator inode 62 has 746 bits marked free out of 16384 total bits but the block groups in the chain have 747 free out of 16384 total.  Fix this by updating the chain record? y

[CHAIN_BITS] Chain 224 in allocator inode 62 has 1096 bits marked free out of 16384 total bits but the block groups in the chain have 1099 free out of 16384 total.  Fix this by updating the chain record? y

[CHAIN_BITS] Chain 223 in allocator inode 62 has 41 bits marked free out of 16384 total bits but the block groups in the chain have 43 free out of 16384 total.  Fix this by updating the chain record? y

[CHAIN_BITS] Chain 222 in allocator inode 62 has 1797 bits marked free out of 16384 total bits but the block groups in the chain have 1812 free out of 16384 total.  Fix this by updating the chain record? y

[CHAIN_BITS] Chain 219 in allocator inode 62 has 946 bits marked free out of 16384 total bits but the block groups in the chain have 978 free out of 16384 total.  Fix this by updating the chain record? y

[CHAIN_BITS] Chain 215 in allocator inode 62 has 927 bits marked free out of 16384 total bits but the block groups in the chain have 929 free out of 16384 total.  Fix this by updating the chain record? y

[CHAIN_BITS] Chain 214 in allocator inode 62 has 1391 bits marked free out of 16384 total bits but the block groups in the chain have 1468 free out of 16384 total.  Fix this by updating the chain record? y

[CHAIN_BITS] Chain 212 in allocator inode 62 has 1346 bits marked free out of 16384 total bits but the block groups in the chain have 1347 free out of 16384 total.  Fix this by updating the chain record? y

[CHAIN_BITS] Chain 210 in allocator inode 62 has 1165 bits marked free out of 16384 total bits but the block groups in the chain have 1166 free out of 16384 total.  Fix this by updating the chain record? y

[CHAIN_BITS] Chain 190 in allocator inode 62 has 786 bits marked free out of 17408 total bits but the block groups in the chain have 787 free out of 17408 total.  Fix this by updating the chain record? y

[CHAIN_BITS] Chain 189 in allocator inode 62 has 1291 bits marked free out of 17408 total bits but the block groups in the chain have 1297 free out of 17408 total.  Fix this by updating the chain record? y

[CHAIN_BITS] Chain 187 in allocator inode 62 has 925 bits marked free out of 17408 total bits but the block groups in the chain have 991 free out of 17408 total.  Fix this by updating the chain record? y

[CHAIN_BITS] Chain 180 in allocator inode 62 has 1131 bits marked free out of 17408 total bits but the block groups in the chain have 1146 free out of 17408 total.  Fix this by updating the chain record? y

[CHAIN_BITS] Chain 179 in allocator inode 62 has 1071 bits marked free out of 17408 total bits but the block groups in the chain have 1072 free out of 17408 total.  Fix this by updating the chain record? y

Pass 2: Checking directory entries.

[DIRENT_INODE_FREE] Directory entry '..' refers to inode number 29962495 which isn't allocated, clear the entry? y

[DIRENT_INODE_FREE] Directory entry '..' refers to inode number 29962561 which isn't allocated, clear the entry? y

[DIRENT_INODE_FREE] Directory entry '..' refers to inode number 34089694 which isn't allocated, clear the entry? y

[DIRENT_INODE_FREE] Directory entry '..' refers to inode number 34089694 which isn't allocated, clear the entry? y

[DIRENT_INODE_FREE] Directory entry '..' refers to inode number 36992908 which isn't allocated, clear the entry? y

[DIRENT_INODE_FREE] Directory entry '..' refers to inode number 36992907 which isn't allocated, clear the entry? y

[DIRENT_INODE_FREE] Directory entry '..' refers to inode number 36992927 which isn't allocated, clear the entry? y

[DIRENT_INODE_FREE] Directory entry '..' refers to inode number 36992940 which isn't allocated, clear the entry? y

[DIRENT_INODE_FREE] Directory entry '..' refers to inode number 37382914 which isn't allocated, clear the entry? y

[DIRENT_INODE_FREE] Directory entry '..' refers to inode number 96736223 which isn't allocated, clear the entry? y

[DIRENT_INODE_FREE] Directory entry '000000000d954f58' refers to inode number 227888984 which isn't allocated, clear the entry? y

[DIRENT_INODE_FREE] Directory entry '000000000dfe91de' refers to inode number 234787294 which isn't allocated, clear the entry? y

[DIRENT_INODE_FREE] Directory entry '000000000d954f5c' refers to inode number 227888988 which isn't allocated, clear the entry? y

[DIRENT_INODE_FREE] Directory entry '000000000dfe91e0' refers to inode number 234787296 which isn't allocated, clear the entry? y

[DIRENT_INODE_FREE] Directory entry '000000000d954f5f' refers to inode number 227888991 which isn't allocated, clear the entry? y

[DIRENT_INODE_FREE] Directory entry '000000000dfe91dd' refers to inode number 234787293 which isn't allocated, clear the entry? y

[DIRENT_INODE_FREE] Directory entry '000000000dfe91e8' refers to inode number 234787304 which isn't allocated, clear the entry? y

[DIRENT_INODE_FREE] Directory entry '000000000d954f64' refers to inode number 227888996 which isn't allocated, clear the entry? y

fsck.ocfs2: dir_indexed.c:1441: ocfs2_dx_dir_search: Assertion `entry_list->de_num_used > 0' failed.


debugfs.ocfs2 -n -R "stats" /dev/rbd/rbd/cdelabs 

Revision: 0.90

Mount Count: 0   Max Mount Count: 20

State: 0   Errors: 0

Check Interval: 0   Last Check: Tue Dec  8 18:14:25 2015

Creator OS: 0

Feature Compat: 3 backup-super strict-journal-super

Feature Incompat: 14160 sparse extended-slotmap inline-data xattr indexed-dirs refcount discontig-bg

Tunefs Incomplete: 0 

Feature RO compat: 1 unwritten

Root Blknum: 5   System Dir Blknum: 6

First Cluster Group Blknum: 3

Block Size Bits: 12   Cluster Size Bits: 12

Max Node Slots: 25

Extended Attributes Inline Size: 256

Label: label

UUID: EDE38A7C7D45498D889CA6943589B3C1

Hash: 3133295124 (0xbac24a14)

DX Seeds: 2458771289 3433882298 280871258 (0x928ddf59 0xccace2ba 0x10bdc15a)

Cluster stack: classic o2cb

Cluster flags: 0 

Inode: 2   Mode: 00   Generation: 3752133006 (0xdfa5018e)

FS Generation: 3752133006 (0xdfa5018e)

CRC32: 00000000   ECC: 0000

Type: Unknown   Attr: 0x0   Flags: Valid System Superblock 

Dynamic Features: (0x0) 

User: 0 (root)   Group: 0 (root)   Size: 0

Links: 0   Clusters: 402653184

ctime: 0x56676451 0x0 -- Tue Dec  8 18:14:25.0 2015

atime: 0x0 0x0 -- Wed Dec 31 19:00:00.0 1969

mtime: 0x56676451 0x0 -- Tue Dec  8 18:14:25.0 2015

dtime: 0x0 -- Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969

Refcount Block: 0

Last Extblk: 0   Orphan Slot: 0

Sub Alloc Slot: Global   Sub Alloc Bit: 65535


Prabu GJ

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