[Ocfs2-users] [Ocfs2-devel] Does any other company and production use the ocfs2?

Goldwyn Rodrigues rgoldwyn at suse.de
Fri Sep 12 08:19:47 PDT 2014

Hi Matthew,

On 08/13/2014 10:52 AM, Matthew Huff wrote:
> Understood.
> Besides the politics, is there a reason Oracle can't re-add the code to RHEL/SUSE as a rpm? Not having ocfs2 available is not going to lead us to use Oracle Linux, rather we are much more likely to use GFS or Veritas. We have a large implementation of HP hardware / RHEL, and have standard monitoring tools, scripts, etc to build / manage machines, and would be very unlikely to introduce another OS into the mix.

SUSE actively maintains the ocfs2 kmp (kernel module packages) rpm for 
it's distributions. It comes with the high-availability extensions.

For that matter, we use and recommend it for all our clustering 
solutions which require shared filesystems.


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