[Ocfs2-users] ocfs2_controld binary

Heitor Lessa heitor.lessa at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 15 02:44:00 PDT 2012

I have been reading loads of threads over different mailing lists about ocfs2_controld, so have anyone ever built Cluster stack (openAIS, pacemaker, corosync + OCFS2 1.4) from source and got o2cb agent working with pacemaker?

Got this from messages:
/var/log/messages:Aug 14 15:05:20 ip-172-16-2-12 o2cb(resO2CB:0)[4239]: ERROR: Setup problem: couldn't find command: /usr/sbin/ocfs2_controld.pcmk
Then I realized that the binary is really missing but when I tried to compile getting dlm source I got a issue once I am using corosync 1.4 and not 2.0 as dlm notice says.
Pacemaker - 1.1.5
Thanks a lot in advance.

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