[Ocfs2-users] Userspace heartbeat in ocfs2 1.2.5 on RedHat Enterprise Linux

Chakravarti, Avishek (STSD) avishek.chakravarti at hp.com
Thu May 3 03:17:38 PDT 2007


Is it possible to configure ocfs2 1.2.5 to use user-space heartbeat on
Redhat Enterprise Linux? 

I was previously using ocfs2 1.2.3 on SLES10 and had configured
Heartbeat2.0 to do replace the disk based heartbeat natively used in
ocfs2. Recently I moved to RHEL4 U4 with kernel 2.6.9-42.Elsmp and
installed ocfs2-2.6.9-42.ELsmp-1.2.5-1 and the latest ocfs2-tools. On
running the /etc/init.d/o2cb configure command I did not see the option
to "Use user-space driven heartbeat? (y/n) [y]:" which was available on
SLES10. Probing further, I found that the "ocfs2_user_heartbeat.ko"
kernel object was not present in RedHat.

Is there any way I can load this module in RedHat and use the userspace
heartbeating? Or, would it be possible to replace o2cb completely and
manage the entire membership through the filesystem.

Thanks for your help!!

- Avishek 

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