[Ocfs2-users] growing a ocfs2 filesystem

Sebastian Reitenbach reitenbach_pub at rapideye.de
Wed Feb 28 10:54:18 PST 2007

Hi list,

I tried to grow a ocfs2 partition. According to the manual page, I have to 
issue this command:
tunefs.ocfs2 -S /dev/sdg1
and it should take all available space for growing. 
I tried with the partitions mounted, and unmounted too, also after I did 
a /etc/init.d/o2cb stop.

nevertheless, with a mounted and unmounted partition tunefs presented me the 
following error message:
tunefs.ocfs2: Trylock failed while locking down the cluster
the partitions were not mounted on any node.

with a stopped o2cb it was unable to initialize the cluster.

I am using heartbeat 2.0.8 to manage the ocfs2 heartbeat, running on a SLES10 
x86_64 and using ocfs2-1.2.2 rpm.

anybody has a suggestion what my problem could be?

kind regards

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