[Ocfs2-users] re: how should ocfs2 react to nic hardware issue

Peter Santos psantos at cheetahmail.com
Thu Nov 30 12:30:11 PST 2006

Hash: SHA1

	I'm trying to test how my 10gR2 oracle cluster (3 nodes) on SuSe reacts to a network card hardware failure.
	I have eth0 and eth1 as my network cards, I took down eth0 (ifdown eth0) to see what would happen and
	I didn't get any reaction from the o2cb service. This is probably the correct behavior since my
 	/etc/ocfs2/cluster.conf uses eth1 as the connection channel?

	If I take down eth1 I suspect o2cb will eventually reboot the machine right? I'm not using any bonding.

	My concern is that when I took down eth0, I had a user logged into the instance and everything just "hung" for
	that user, until I manually took down the instance with "SRVCTL"... then the user connection failed over to
	a working instance.

	Anyway, just trying to get some general knowledge of the behavior of o2cb in order to understand
	my testing.

- -peter

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