[Ocfs2-users] ocfs2cdsl + directories

John Anderson johna at ccbill.com
Wed Jun 21 13:45:07 CDT 2006

Hello all,


I have been playing with ocfs2 as provided by the 2.6.16 kernel for the
past couple of days without any major issues.  I downloaded and
installed version 1.2.1 of the user space tools.  I'm having some
trouble creating a context dependent symlink.  Say I want the /etc
directory of the ocfs2 volume to be viewed differently by each node in
the cluster based on hostname.  I copy in an /etc/ directory tree to the
ocfs2 volume :


[root at tx1 urls]# cp -ra /etc/ ./

[root at tx1 urls]# ls etc/

adjtime        fcron.deny  gshadow    init.d       ld.so.conf
man.conf       ntpd.conf  paxflags.conf  resolv.conf  shadow-      udev

blkid.tab      fdprm       gshadow-   inittab      limits
modules.boot   ocfs2      profile        securetty    skel         vimrc

blkid.tab.old  fstab       hosts      inputrc      localtime     mtab
pam.d      proftpd.conf   security     ssh          xen

fcron.allow    group       hotplug    iproute2     login.access
network.conf   passwd     protocols      services     sysconfig

fcron.conf     group-      hotplug.d  ld.so.cache  login.defs
nsswitch.conf  passwd-    rc.d           shadow       syslog.conf


Then I try to create a context dependent symlink:


[root at tx1 urls]# ocfs2cdsl -c etc

[root at tx1 urls]# ls -l

total 0

lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 32 Jun 21 11:39 etc ->


So far no errors.  Now I try:


[root at tx1 urls]# cd etc

-su: cd: etc: No such file or directory

[root at tx1 urls]# ls .cluster/hostname/`uname -n`/



I can see the copy of etc in .cluster/hostname/`uname -n`/etc but I
can't traverse the symlink to get there.


Can anyone see if I'm doing anything wrong?




John A.

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