[Ocfs2-users] Free space oddities on OCFS2

Robinson Maureira Castillo rmaureira at solint.cl
Wed Aug 2 15:27:37 PDT 2006

Hi all,

I'm testing OCFS2 as a cluster filesystem for a mail system based on maildir, so basically the filesystem must be able to deal with lots of directories, and lots of small files.

The first "oddity", is that when I mount a newly formated ocfs2 fs, it already contains used space:

[root at ocfs1 /]# df /cgp02
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb2             10710016    135004  10575012   2% /cgp02

The info for that partition:

[root at ocfs1 /]# fsck.ocfs2 -n /dev/sdb2
Checking OCFS2 filesystem in /dev/sdb2:
  label:              cgp02
  uuid:               ad 2e 20 38 60 70 45 b8 97 68 48 d7 b9 88 5e 59
  number of blocks:   10710016
  bytes per block:    1024
  number of clusters: 2677504
  bytes per cluster:  4096
  max slots:          2

After creating 300 directories, and 300 files (2kB each) on each directory, renaming them, and then deleting, the df output is:

[root at ocfs1 cgp02]# df /cgp02/
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb2             10710016    228256  10481760   3% /cgp02

I've created another partition, using these parameters:

[root at ocfs1 cgp01]# fsck.ocfs2 -n /dev/sdb1
Checking OCFS2 filesystem in /dev/sdb1:
  label:              cgp01
  uuid:               cf 1c 34 6b 10 87 45 37 84 fd 98 ea 8a 46 d2 7a
  number of blocks:   2441724
  bytes per block:    4096
  number of clusters: 2441724
  bytes per cluster:  4096
  max slots:          2

After creating 100000 accounts, and deleting them, the df output is:

[root at ocfs1 cgp01]# df /cgp01
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb1              9766896   2122080   7644816  22% /cgp01

The usage reported by du in that directory:

[root at ocfs1 cgp01]# du -sh .
23K     .

If I create the 100000 accounts again...

[root at ocfs1 example.lan]# df /cgp01/
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb1              9766896   3342204   6424692  35% /cgp01

[root at ocfs1 example.lan]# du -sh .
531M    .

After a reboot...

[root at ocfs1 ~]# df /cgp01/
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb1              9766896   3344956   6421940  35% /cgp01

The application is using a 2-level hashing for directory creation, a typical user account resides on a hierarchy structure as shown below, and with those default files:

[root at ocfs1 example.lan]# ll aa.sub/g.sub/test10110.macnt/
total 1
-rw-rw----  1 root mail 134 Aug  2 16:57 account.info
-rw-rw----  1 root mail  78 Aug  2 16:57 account.settings
-rw-rw----  1 root mail   0 Aug  2 16:57 INBOX.mbox

Where are the other 2.8GB of data being used? Is this an expected behaviour? If so, then maybe I'm doing something terribly wrong, and I would appreciate an advise on what settings should I use for this scenario.

On production systems, the size of the LUN presented is 1TB, 3 LUN per server, holding ~300000 user accounts, and expecting 1 million in a near future.

Thanks in advance, and best regards,
Robinson Maureira Castillo
Soluciones Integrales S.A.
Eleodoro Flores 2425, Ñuñoa, Santiago - Chile
Central: (56 2) 411 9000   Fax: (56 2) 411 9001
Directo: (56 2) 411 9047
Móvil:   (56 9) 599 4987
e-mail: rmaureira at solint.cl

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