[Ocfs2-tools-devel] thoughts on xattr fsck

Joel Becker Joel.Becker at oracle.com
Fri Mar 13 10:05:32 PDT 2009

	Here's what I'm thinking.  First, you check the xh_count against
the detected_count.  I think you have to bound by both the max_count
calculation we discussed and the detected_count you originally coded.

  1) Calculate the max_count as the largest N where
     ((N * sizeof(entry)) + (N * 4 /* min value */)) <= available space
  2) Use your old detect_count(), the one that just checks
     IS_LAST_ENTRY() and the name hash if it is a bucket.  But don't let
     it go past the max_count you computed in step (1).  This new
     detected_count is a safer value; it doesn't have as much of a
     problem with memmove().
  3) If xh_count is <= detected_count, do nothing
  4) If xh_count > max_count, ask the user if they want to set xh_count
     to detected_count.  If they don't, you just exit out of checking
     this xattr  object.  If they do, you fix xh_count and continue.

	By checking for a last entry, you avoid the memmove() problem -
you're not memmoving() on the maximum count if you could detect
something smaller.
	If xh_count is less then the detected_count, you just trust
xh_count.  Sure, it's *possible* that xh_count was corrupted and should
be larger, but there's no real sane way to figure that out.  In the data
allocation, if l_next_free_rec is corrupted to be smaller than the
number of actual records in the extent list, we can't actually figure
that out; we don't try to guess that extent records past l_next_free_rec
might be valid.  It's tough, but there's not much we can do.  It's
better to get it wrong by losing a few xattrs than to try and claim more
than were there.  It's far more likely that an xh_count <=
detected_count is valid.
	Next, you build some code to map used parts of a buffer (by
"buffer", I mean the xattr portion of an inode/block/bucket).  You'd
initialize this region with the xh.  Something like this pseudocode:

    #define xe_offset(xh, xe)  ((char *)(xe) - (char *)(xh))
    max_offset = xattr area of the inode/block/bucket, including the xh
    used_map = new_used_map(max_offset);
    set_used(used_map, 0, sizeof(struct ocfs2_xattr_header));
    for (i = 0; i < xh_count; i++) {
	xe = &xh->xh_entries[i];

        /* does the entry itself fit? */
        if (!check_fits(used_map, xe_offset(xh, xe), entry_size)) {
            if (!prompt()) {
                rc = -1;
            } else
                goto wipe_entry;

        /* does the entry make sense? */
        if (xe->xe_name_offset > max_offset) {
            if (!prompt()) {
                rc = -1;
            } else
                goto wipe_entry;
        if (xe_value_size is wrong for the is_local()) {
            if (!prompt()) {
                rc = -1;
            } else
                goto wipe_entry;

        /* Ok, it seems to make sense, now we want to check the value
           area against a map where the entry is valid */
        set_used(used_map, xe_offset(xh, xe), entry_size);
        if (!check_fits(used_map, xe->xe_name_offset,
                        xe->xe_name_len + xe->xe_value_size)) {
            /* If the value wouldn't fit, this entry is invalid, so
               clear it from the map */
            clear_used(used_map, xe_offset(xh, xe), entry_size);
            if (!prompt()) {
                rc = -1;
            } else
                goto wipe_entry;

        /* Ok, this entry is good! */

        memmove(); memset();

    return rc;

	The basic idea is that the used_map is a linked list of (offset,
length) tuples.  Then check_fits() can make sure a new region, like the
next entry you're checking or the name+value it points to, doesn't
overlap with any previously seen regions.  This handles the case of
out-of-order name_offsets you mentioned earlier.
	What do you think?



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 that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only
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	- Theodore Roosevelt

Joel Becker
Principal Software Developer
E-mail: joel.becker at oracle.com
Phone: (650) 506-8127

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