[Ocfs2-tools-devel] [PATCH 6/7] Ocfs2-tests: Add wrapper script for thorough xattr test in terms of mutiple nodes.

Tristan Ye tristan.ye at oracle.com
Sun Sep 7 21:59:07 PDT 2008

The wrapper script help to organize the multi-nodes xattr test with
various settings,to perform the utility,fucntional,and stress test etc.

NOTE:need to have openmpi 1.2.5 or later configured and passwordless rsh/ssh

Signed-off-by: Tristan Ye <tristan.ye at oracle.com>
 programs/xattr_tests/xattr-multi-run.sh |  451 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 451 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 programs/xattr_tests/xattr-multi-run.sh

diff --git a/programs/xattr_tests/xattr-multi-run.sh b/programs/xattr_tests/xattr-multi-run.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..99fef53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/programs/xattr_tests/xattr-multi-run.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+# vi: set ts=8 sw=8 autoindent noexpandtab :
+# File :	xattr-multi-run.sh
+# Description:	The wrapper script help to run the multi-nodes xattr test with 
+# 		various settings,to perform the utility,fucntional,stress test.
+#		NOTE:need to have openmpi configured and passwordless rsh/ssh 
+#		access.
+# Author:       Tristan Ye,	tristan.ye at oracle.com
+# History:      14 august 2008
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+# Global Variables
+PATH=$PATH:/sbin      # Add /sbin to the path for ocfs2 tools
+export PATH=$PATH:.
+MPI_RUN=`rpm -ql openmpi|grep bin|grep mpirun`
+MPI_BIN_PATH=`dirname ${MPI_RUN}`
+MPIRUN_BIN="`which mpirun`"
+RM="`which rm`"
+MKDIR="`which mkdir`"
+RSH_BIN="`which rsh`"
+SSH_BIN="`which ssh`"
+AWK_BIN="`which awk`"
+TOUCH_BIN="`which touch`"
+MOUNT_BIN="`which sudo` -u root `which mount`"
+UMOUNT_BIN="`which sudo` -u root `which umount`"
+MKFS_BIN="`which sudo` -u root `which mkfs.ocfs2`"
+CHMOD_BIN="`which sudo` -u root `which chmod`"
+CHOWN_BIN="`which sudo` -u root `which chown`"
+XATTR_TEST_BIN=`which xattr-multi-test`
+declare -i MPI_RANKS
+MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG="-mca pls_rsh_agent ssh:rsh"
+###for success/failure print
+MOVE_TO_COL="echo -en \\033[${RES_COL}G"
+SETCOLOR_SUCCESS="echo -en \\033[1;32m"
+SETCOLOR_FAILURE="echo -en \\033[1;31m"
+SETCOLOR_WARNING="echo -en \\033[1;33m"
+SETCOLOR_NORMAL="echo -en \\033[0;39m"
+echo_success() {
+  [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $MOVE_TO_COL
+  echo -n "["
+  [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $SETCOLOR_SUCCESS
+  echo -n $" PASS "
+  [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $SETCOLOR_NORMAL
+  echo -n "]"
+  return 0
+echo_failure() {
+  [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $MOVE_TO_COL
+  echo -n "["
+  [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $SETCOLOR_FAILURE
+  echo -n $"FAILED"
+  [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $SETCOLOR_NORMAL
+  echo -n "]"
+  return 1
+        if [ "${1}" == "0" ];then
+                echo_success
+                echo
+        else
+                echo_failure
+                echo
+                exit 1
+        fi
+        if [ "${1}" != "0" ];then
+                exit 1;
+        fi
+# Utility Functions
+    echo "usage: `basename ${0}` [-r MPI_Ranks] [-f MPI_Hostfile] [-a access method] [-o output] <-d <device>> <mountpoint path>"
+    echo "       -r size of MPI rank"
+    echo "       -a access method for process propagation,should be ssh or rsh,set ssh as a default method when omited."
+    echo "       -f MPI hostfile,script would generate one by referring /etc/ocfs2/cluster.conf by default"
+    echo "       -o output directory for the logs"
+    echo "       -d specify the device which has been formated as an ocfs2 volume."
+    echo "       <mountpoint path> path of mountpoint where the ocfs2 volume will be mounted on."
+    exit 1;
+	 if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+                f_usage;
+                exit 1
+         fi
+	 while getopts "o:d:r:f:a:h:" options; do
+                case $options in
+		r ) MPI_RANKS="$OPTARG";;
+                f ) MPI_HOSTFILE="$OPTARG";;
+                o ) LOG_OUT_DIR="$OPTARG";;
+                d ) OCFS2_DEVICE="$OPTARG";;
+                h ) f_usage
+                    exit 1;;
+                * ) f_usage
+                   exit 1;;
+                esac
+        done
+	shift $(($OPTIND -1))
+        TMP_FILE="${TMP_DIR}/.tmp_openmpi_hostfile"
+	if [ -f "$MPI_HOSTFILE" ];then
+		${RM} -rf ${MPI_HOSTFILE}
+	fi
+        cat ${CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE}|grep name|sed '$ d'|${AWK_BIN} '{print $3}'>$TMP_FILE
+        while read line
+        do
+                echo "$line      slots=2">>$MPI_HOSTFILE
+        done<$TMP_FILE
+        ${RM} -rf $TMP_FILE
+	rpm -q --quiet openmpi ||{
+                echo "Need to install openmpi in advance"
+                exit 1
+        }
+	f_getoptions $*
+	if [ "$MPI_ACCESS_METHOD" = "rsh" ];then
+		MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG="-mca pls_rsh_agent rsh:ssh"
+	fi
+	if [ -z "${MOUNT_POINT}" ];then 
+		f_usage
+	fi
+	${MKDIR} -p ${LOG_OUT_DIR} || exit 1
+	LOG_POSTFIX=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)
+	LOG_FILE="`dirname ${LOG_OUT_DIR}`/`basename ${LOG_OUT_DIR}`/xattr-multiple-test-log-${LOG_POSTFIX}.log"
+	RUN_LOG_FILE="`dirname ${LOG_OUT_DIR}`/`basename ${LOG_OUT_DIR}`/run-${LOG_POSTFIX}.log"
+	if [ -z "$MPI_HOSTFILE" ];then
+                f_create_hostfile
+        else
+                if [ ! -f "${MPI_HOSTFILE}" ];then
+                        f_usage
+                fi
+        fi
+        ${CHOWN_BIN} -R ${USER}:${USER} ${MOUNT_POINT}
+        WORKPLACE="`dirname ${MOUNT_POINT}`/`basename ${MOUNT_POINT}`/multi_xattr_test_place"
+        echo -n "Mkfsing device(-b ${BLOCKSIZE} -C ${CLUSTERSIZE}): "|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        echo y|${MKFS_BIN} --fs-features=xattr -b ${BLOCKSIZE} -C ${CLUSTERSIZE} -N 4 ${OCFS2_DEVICE} ${BLOCKNUMS}>>${RUN_LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        exit_or_not ${RET}
+        while read node_line ; do
+                host_node=`echo ${node_line}|${AWK_BIN} '{print $1}'`
+                echo -n "Mounting device to ${MOUNT_POINT} on ${host_node}:"|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+                RET=$(${REMOTE_SH_BIN} -n ${host_node} "sudo /bin/mount -t ocfs2 -o rw,nointr ${OCFS2_DEVICE} ${MOUNT_POINT};echo \$?" 2>>${RUN_LOG_FILE})
+                echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+                exit_or_not ${RET}
+        done<${MPI_HOSTFILE}
+        ${MKDIR} -p ${WORKPLACE} || exit 1
+        while read node_line;do
+                host_node=`echo ${node_line}|awk '{print $1}'`
+                echo -ne "Unmounting device from ${MOUNT_POINT} on ${host_node}:"|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+                RET=$(${REMOTE_SH_BIN} -n ${host_node} "sudo /bin/umount ${MOUNT_POINT};echo \$?" 2>>${RUN_LOG_FILE})
+                echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+                exit_or_not ${RET}
+        done<${MPI_HOSTFILE}
+	echo >>${LOG_FILE}
+	echo "==========================================================">>${LOG_FILE}
+	echo -ne "Check Namespace&Filetype of Multinode Xattr on Ocfs2:"|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+	echo -ne "Check Namespace&Filetype of Multinode Xattr on Ocfs2:">>${LOG_FILE}
+	echo >>${LOG_FILE}
+	echo "==========================================================">>${LOG_FILE}
+	for namespace in user trusted
+	do
+		for filetype in normal directory symlink
+		do
+			echo -e "Testing Binary:\t\t${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE} ${XATTR_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -x 20 -n ${namespace} -t ${filetype} -l 50 -s 200 ${WORKPLACE}">>${LOG_FILE}
+			echo "********${namespace} mode on ${filetype}********">>${LOG_FILE}
+			${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE} ${XATTR_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -x 20 -n ${namespace} -t ${filetype} -l 50 -s 200 ${WORKPLACE}>>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+			rc=$?
+			if [ "$rc" != "0" ];then
+				if [ "$namespace" == "user" -a "$filetype" == "symlink" ]; then
+					continue
+				else
+					rc=1
+                                        echo_failure | tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+                                        echo | tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+                                        exit 1
+				fi
+			fi
+			${RM} -rf ${WORKPLACE}/* || exit 1
+		done
+		if [ "$rc" != "0" ];then
+                        if [ "$namespace" == "user" -a "$filetype" == "symlink" ]; then
+                                continue
+                        else
+                                break
+                        fi
+                fi
+	done
+	if [ "$rc" == "0" ];then
+                echo_success |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+                echo |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        fi
+        ${RM} -rf ${WORKPLACE}/* || exit 1
+	echo >>${LOG_FILE}
+	echo "==========================================================">>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo -ne "Check Utility of Multinode Xattr on Ocfs2:"|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        echo -ne "Check Utility of Multinode Xattr on Ocfs2:">>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo >>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo "==========================================================">>${LOG_FILE}
+	for((i=0;i<4;i++));do
+		echo -e "Testing Binary:\t\t${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE} ${XATTR_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -x 10 -n user -t normal -l 50 -s 100 ${WORKPLACE}">>${LOG_FILE}
+		${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE} ${XATTR_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -x 10 -n user -t normal -l 50 -s 100 ${WORKPLACE}>>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		rc=$?
+		if [ ! "$rc" == "0"  ];then
+			echo_failure |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+			echo | tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+			break
+		fi
+	done
+	if [ "$rc" == "0" ];then
+                echo_success |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+                echo | tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        fi
+        ${RM} -rf ${WORKPLACE}/* || exit 1
+	echo >>${LOG_FILE}
+	echo "==========================================================">>${LOG_FILE}
+	echo -ne "Check Max Multinode Xattr EA_Name_Length:"|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+	echo -ne "Check Max Multinode Xattr EA_Name_Length:">> ${LOG_FILE}
+	echo >>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo "==========================================================">>${LOG_FILE}
+	echo -e "Testing Binary:\t\t${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE} ${XATTR_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -x 4 -n user -t normal -l 255 -s 300 ${WORKPLACE}">>${LOG_FILE}
+	${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE} ${XATTR_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -x 4 -n user -t normal -l 255 -s 300 ${WORKPLACE}>>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+	RET=$?
+        echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        exit_or_not ${RET}
+        ${RM} -rf ${WORKPLACE}/* || exit 1
+	echo >>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo "==========================================================">>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo -ne "Check Max Multinode Xattr EA_Size:"|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        echo -ne "Check Max Multinode Xattr EA_Size:">> ${LOG_FILE}
+        echo >>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo "==========================================================">>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo -e "Testing Binary:\t\t${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE} ${XATTR_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -x 1 -n user -t normal -l 50 -s 65536 ${WORKPLACE}">>${LOG_FILE}
+        ${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE} ${XATTR_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -x 1 -n user -t normal -l 50 -s 65536 ${WORKPLACE}>>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        exit_or_not ${RET}
+        ${RM} -rf ${WORKPLACE}/* || exit 1
+	echo >>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo "==========================================================">>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo -ne "Check Huge Multinode Xattr EA_Entry_Nums:"|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        echo -ne "Check Huge Multinode Xattr EA_Entry_Nums:">> ${LOG_FILE}
+        echo >>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo "==========================================================">>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo -e "Testing Binary:\t\t${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE} ${XATTR_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -x 10000 -n user -t normal -l 100 -s 200 ${WORKPLACE}">>${LOG_FILE}
+        ${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE} ${XATTR_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -x 10000 -n user -t normal -l 100 -s 200 ${WORKPLACE}>>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        exit_or_not ${RET}
+        ${RM} -rf ${WORKPLACE}/* || exit 1
+	echo >>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo "==========================================================">>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo -ne "Check All Max Multinode Xattr Arguments Together:"|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        echo -ne "Check All Max Multinode Xattr Arguments Together:">> ${LOG_FILE}
+        echo >>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo "==========================================================">>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo -e "Testing Binary:\t\t${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE} ${XATTR_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -x 1000 -n user -t normal -l 255 -s 65536 ${WORKPLACE}">>${LOG_FILE}
+        ${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE} ${XATTR_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -x 1000 -n user -t normal -l 255 -s 65536 ${WORKPLACE}>>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        exit_or_not ${RET}
+        ${RM} -rf ${WORKPLACE}/* || exit 1
+	echo >>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo "==========================================================">>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo -ne "Launch Concurrent Adding Test:"|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        echo -ne "Launch Concurrent Adding Test:">> ${LOG_FILE}
+        echo >>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo "==========================================================">>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo -e "Testing Binary:\t\t${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE} ${XATTR_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -x 1000 -n user -t normal -l 255 -s 5000 -o -r -k ${WORKPLACE}">>${LOG_FILE}
+        ${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE} ${XATTR_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -x 1000 -n user -t normal -l 255 -s 5000 -o -r -k ${WORKPLACE}>>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        exit_or_not ${RET}
+        ${RM} -rf ${WORKPLACE}/* || exit 1
+	echo >>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo "==========================================================">>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo -ne "Launch MultiNode Xattr Stress Test:"|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        echo -ne "Launch MultiNode Xattr Stress Test:">> ${LOG_FILE}
+        echo >>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo "==========================================================">>${LOG_FILE}
+        echo -e "Testing Binary:\t\t${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE} ${XATTR_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -x 2000 -n user -t normal -l 255 -s 5000  -r -k ${WORKPLACE}">>${LOG_FILE}
+        ${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE} ${XATTR_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -x 2000 -n user -t normal -l 255 -s 5000  -r -k ${WORKPLACE}>>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        exit_or_not ${RET}
+        ${RM} -rf ${WORKPLACE}/* || exit 1
+	if [ -f "$TMP_FILE" ];then
+                ${RM} -rf $TMP_FILE
+        fi
+# Main Entry
+trap 'echo -ne "\n\n">>${RUN_LOG_FILE};echo  "Interrupted by Ctrl+C,Cleanuping... "|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}; f_cleanup;exit 1' SIGINT
+trap ' : ' SIGTERM
+f_setup $*
+for BLOCKSIZE in 512 1024 4096
+        for CLUSTERSIZE in  4096 32768 1048576
+        do
+                echo "++++++++++Multiple node xattr test with \"-b ${BLOCKSIZE} -C ${CLUSTERSIZE}\"++++++++++" |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+                echo "++++++++++Multiple node xattr test with \"-b ${BLOCKSIZE} -C ${CLUSTERSIZE}\"++++++++++">>${LOG_FILE}
+                echo "======================================================================================="
+                f_do_mkfs_and_mount
+		f_runtest
+                f_do_umount
+                echo "======================================================================================="
+                echo -e "\n\n\n">>${LOG_FILE}
+        done

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