[Ocfs2-tools-devel] [PATCH 2/2] Ocfs2-tests: Add multiple_run.sh for ocfs2-test V2.

Tristan Ye tristan.ye at oracle.com
Thu Oct 9 00:59:31 PDT 2008

Changes from v1 to v2:

1.Change volume label name as a meaningful one under marcos's suggestion.

2.Add lvb_torture testacase.

urrently,it includes following testcases,


Need to run this wrapper script like this:

 	multiple_run.sh -n node1.us.oracle.com,node2.us.oracle.com -d /dev/sdd1 /storage

All its logs and behaviors kept a unification as single_run.sh did. More testcases were expected
to be integrated as we're going to develop more multi-nodes cases for ocfs2-test.

Signed-off-by: Tristan Ye <tristan.ye at oracle.com>
 programs/python_common/multiple_run.sh |  411 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 411 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 programs/python_common/multiple_run.sh

diff --git a/programs/python_common/multiple_run.sh b/programs/python_common/multiple_run.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..64c6c76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/programs/python_common/multiple_run.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+# vi: set ts=8 sw=8 autoindent noexpandtab :
+# File :        multiple_run.sh
+# Description:  The wrapper script help to organize all multi-nodes testcase
+#		to perform a thorough test among multiple nodes.
+# Author:       Tristan Ye,     tristan.ye at oracle.com
+# History:      22 Sep 2008
+# Global Variables
+PATH=$PATH:/sbin      # Add /sbin to the path for ocfs2 tools
+export PATH=$PATH:.
+DATE=`/bin/date +%F-%H-%M`
+DF=`which df`
+GREP=`which grep`
+AWK=`which awk`
+ECHO="`which echo` -e"
+SUDO="`which sudo` -u root"
+DEBUGFS_BIN="`which sudo` -u root `which debugfs.ocfs2`"
+TUNEFS_BIN="`which sudo` -u root `which tunefs.ocfs2`"
+MKFS_BIN="`which sudo` -u root `which mkfs.ocfs2`"
+REMOTE_MOUNT_BIN="`which sudo` -u root `which remote_mount.py`"
+REMOTE_UMOUNT_BIN="`which sudo` -u root `which remote_umount.py`"
+# Utility Functions
+    echo "usage: `basename ${0}` <-n nodes> <-d device> <mountpoint path>"
+    echo "       -n nodelist,should be comma separated."
+    echo "       -d device name used for ocfs2 volume."
+    echo "       <mountpoint path> path of mountpoint where test will be performed."
+    echo 
+    echo "Eaxamples:"
+    echo "	 `basename ${0}` -n node1.us.oracle.com,node2.us.oracle.com -d /dev/sdd1 /storage"
+    exit 1;
+         if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+                f_usage;
+                exit 1
+         fi
+         while getopts "n:d:h:" options; do
+                case $options in
+                n ) NODE_LIST="$OPTARG";;
+                d ) DEVICE_NAME="$OPTARG";;
+                h ) f_usage
+                    exit 1;;
+                * ) f_usage
+                   exit 1;;
+                esac
+        done
+        shift $(($OPTIND -1))
+        MOUNT_POINT=${1}
+	f_getoptions $*
+	if [ -z "${MOUNT_POINT}" ];then
+                f_usage
+        fi
+	. ./config.sh
+	LOGFILE=${O2TDIR}/log/multiple_run_${DATE}.log
+	if [ ! -d ${MOUNT_POINT} -o ! -w ${MOUNT_POINT} ]; then
+        	${ECHO} "Mount point ${MOUNT_POINT} does not exist or is not writable" \
+                	|tee -a ${LOGFILE};
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	${DF} -h|${GREP} -q ${DEVICE_NAME}
+        if [ "$?" == "0" ];then
+                ${ECHO} "Partition has been mounted,should umount first to perform test" \
+                        |tee -a ${LOGFILE};
+		exit 1
+        fi
+if [ ${1} -ne 0 ]; then
+        ${ECHO} "Failed." >> ${LOGFILE};
+        ${ECHO} "Passed." >> ${LOGFILE};
+END=$(date +%s);
+DIFF=$(( ${END} - ${START} ));
+${ECHO} "Runtime ${DIFF} seconds.\n" >> ${LOGFILE};
+${ECHO} `date` >> ${LOGFILE};
+${ECHO} "${1}\c" >> ${LOGFILE};
+while (( i < 60 ))
+        ${ECHO} ".\c" >> ${LOGFILE};
+        (( ++i ));
+	local OCFS2_DEVICE=${1}
+	${DF} -h | ${GREP} -q ${OCFS2_DEVICE}
+	if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then
+		return 0
+	else
+		return 1
+	fi
+	LogMsg "xattr-test"
+	${BINDIR}/xattr-multi-run.sh -r 8 -f ${NODE_LIST} -a rsh -o ${O2TDIR}/log/xattr-tests-log -d ${DEVICE_NAME} ${MOUNT_POINT}
+	LogRC $?
+	LogMsg "inline-test"
+	${BINDIR}/multi-inline-run.sh -r 4 -f ${NODE_LIST} -a rsh -o ${O2TDIR}/log/inline-tests-log -d ${DEVICE_NAME} ${MOUNT_POINT}
+	LogRC $?
+	LogMsg "write-append-truncate-test"
+	local logdir=${O2TDIR}/log/write_append_truncate_log
+	local logfile=${logdir}/write_append_truncate_${DATE}.log
+	local testfile=${MOUNT_POINT}/write_append_truncate_test_file
+	${SUDO} mkdir -p ${logdir}
+	#force to umount volume from all nodes
+	${ECHO} "Try to umount volume from all nodes before test."|tee -a ${logfile}
+	${REMOTE_UMOUNT_BIN} -m ${MOUNT_POINT} -n ${NODE_LIST}>>${logfile} 2>&1
+	LABEL=ocfs2test
+	${ECHO} "Format volume to launch new test"|tee -a ${logfile}
+		${ECHO} "Can not format ${DEVICE_NAME}"
+		return 1
+	}
+	${ECHO} "Mount volume to all nodes"|tee -a ${logfile}
+	${REMOTE_MOUNT_BIN} -l ${LABEL} -m ${MOUNT_POINT} -n ${NODE_LIST}>>${logfile} 2>&1
+	${BINDIR}/run_write_append_truncate.py -i 20000 -l ${logfile} -n ${NODE_LIST} -f ${testfile}
+	LogRC $?
+	${ECHO} "Umount volume from all nodes after test."|tee -a ${logfile}
+        ${REMOTE_UMOUNT_BIN} -m ${MOUNT_POINT} -n ${NODE_LIST}>>${logfile} 2>&1
+	LogMsg "multi-mmap-test"
+	local logdir=${O2TDIR}/log/multi_mmap_log
+        local logfile=${logdir}/multi_mmap_test_${DATE}.log
+        local testfile=${MOUNT_POINT}/multi_mmap_test_file
+        ${SUDO} mkdir -p ${logdir}
+        #force to umount volume from all nodes
+        ${ECHO} "Try to umount volume from all nodes before test."|tee -a ${logfile}
+        ${REMOTE_UMOUNT_BIN} -m ${MOUNT_POINT} -n ${NODE_LIST}>>${logfile} 2>&1
+        CLUSTERSIZE=32k
+        BLOCKSIZE=4k
+        SLOTS=4
+        LABEL=ocfs2test
+        ${ECHO} "Format volume to launch new test"|tee -a ${logfile}
+        echo y|${MKFS_BIN} -C ${CLUSTERSIZE} -b ${BLOCKSIZE} -N ${SLOTS} -L ${LABEL} ${DEVICE_NAME} || {
+                ${ECHO} "Can not format ${DEVICE_NAME}"
+                return 1
+        }
+        ${ECHO} "Mount volume to all nodes"|tee -a ${logfile}
+        ${REMOTE_MOUNT_BIN} -l ${LABEL} -m ${MOUNT_POINT} -n ${NODE_LIST}>>${logfile} 2>&1
+        ${BINDIR}/run_multi_mmap.py -i 20000 -n ${NODE_LIST} -c -b 6000 --hole -f ${testfile} | tee -a ${logfile}
+	LogRC $?
+	${ECHO} "Umount volume from all nodes after test."|tee -a ${logfile}
+        ${REMOTE_UMOUNT_BIN} -m ${MOUNT_POINT} -n ${NODE_LIST}>>${logfile} 2>&1
+	LogMsg "lvb_torture_test"
+	local logdir=${O2TDIR}/log/lvb_torture_log
+        local logfile=${logdir}/lvb_torture_test_${DATE}.log
+	${SUDO} mkdir -p ${logdir}
+	${BINDIR}/run_lvb_torture.py -d /dlm/ -i 10 -H ${DEVICE_NAME} -l ${logfile} -n ${NODE_LIST} ocfs2test_domain ocfs2test_lock
+	LogRC $?
+	LogMsg "create-racer-test"
+	local logdir=${O2TDIR}/log/create_racer_log
+        local logfile=${logdir}/create_racer_test_${DATE}.log
+        local testpath=${MOUNT_POINT}
+        ${SUDO} mkdir -p ${logdir}
+        #force to umount volume from all nodes
+        ${ECHO} "Try to umount volume from all nodes before test."|tee -a ${logfile}
+        ${REMOTE_UMOUNT_BIN} -m ${MOUNT_POINT} -n ${NODE_LIST}>>${logfile} 2>&1
+        CLUSTERSIZE=32k
+        BLOCKSIZE=4k
+        SLOTS=4
+        LABEL=ocfs2test
+        ${ECHO} "Format volume to launch new test"|tee -a ${logfile}
+        echo y|${MKFS_BIN} -C ${CLUSTERSIZE} -b ${BLOCKSIZE} -N ${SLOTS} -L ${LABEL} ${DEVICE_NAME} || {
+                ${ECHO} "Can not format ${DEVICE_NAME}"
+                return 1
+        }
+        ${ECHO} "Mount volume to all nodes"|tee -a ${logfile}
+        ${REMOTE_MOUNT_BIN} -l ${LABEL} -m ${MOUNT_POINT} -n ${NODE_LIST}>>${logfile} 2>&1
+        ${BINDIR}/run_create_racer.py -i 40000 -l ${logfile} -n ${NODE_LIST} -p ${testpath}
+	LogRC $?
+	${ECHO} "Umount volume from all nodes after test."|tee -a ${logfile}
+        ${REMOTE_UMOUNT_BIN} -m ${MOUNT_POINT} -n ${NODE_LIST}>>${logfile} 2>&1
+	LogMsg "flock-tests"
+	local logdir=${O2TDIR}/log/flock_log
+        local flock_logfile=${logdir}/flock_test_${DATE}.log
+        local fcntl_logfile=${logdir}/fcntl_test_${DATE}.log
+        local testfile1=${MOUNT_POINT}/flock_test_file1
+	local testfile2=${MOUNT_POINT}/flock_test_file2
+	${SUDO} touch ${testfile1}
+	${SUDO} touch ${testfile2}
+        ${SUDO} mkdir -p ${logdir}
+        #force to umount volume from all nodes
+        ${ECHO} "Try to umount volume from all nodes before test."|tee -a ${flock_logfile}
+        ${REMOTE_UMOUNT_BIN} -m ${MOUNT_POINT} -n ${NODE_LIST}>>${flock_logfile} 2>&1
+        CLUSTERSIZE=32k
+        BLOCKSIZE=4k
+        SLOTS=4
+        LABEL=ocfs2test
+        ${ECHO} "Format volume to launch new test"|tee -a ${flock_logfile}
+        echo y|${MKFS_BIN} -C ${CLUSTERSIZE} -b ${BLOCKSIZE} -N ${SLOTS} -L ${LABEL} ${DEVICE_NAME} || {
+                ${ECHO} "Can not format ${DEVICE_NAME}"
+                return 1
+        }
+        ${ECHO} "Mount volume to all nodes"|tee -a ${flock_logfile}
+        ${REMOTE_MOUNT_BIN} -l ${LABEL} -m ${MOUNT_POINT} -n ${NODE_LIST}>>${flock_logfile} 2>&1
+        ${BINDIR}/run_flock_unit_test.py -l ${fcntl_logfile} -n ${NODE_LIST} -t fcntl -e ${testfile1} -f ${testfile2} \
+	&& \
+	${BINDIR}/run_flock_unit_test.py -l ${flock_logfile} -n ${NODE_LIST} -t flock -e ${testfile1} -f ${testfile2}
+	LogRC $?
+	${ECHO} "Umount volume from all nodes after test."|tee -a ${logfile}
+        ${REMOTE_UMOUNT_BIN} -m ${MOUNT_POINT} -n ${NODE_LIST}>>${logfile} 2>&1
+	LogMsg "open-delete-test"
+	local logdir=${O2TDIR}/log/open_delete_log
+        local logfile=${logdir}/open_delete_test_${DATE}.log
+        local testfile=${MOUNT_POINT}/open_delete_test_file
+        ${SUDO} mkdir -p ${logdir}
+        #force to umount volume from all nodes
+        ${ECHO} "Try to umount volume from all nodes before test."|tee -a ${logfile}
+        ${REMOTE_UMOUNT_BIN} -m ${MOUNT_POINT} -n ${NODE_LIST}>>${logfile} 2>&1
+        CLUSTERSIZE=32k
+        BLOCKSIZE=4k
+        SLOTS=4
+        LABEL=ocfs2test
+        ${ECHO} "Format volume to launch new test"|tee -a ${logfile}
+        echo y|${MKFS_BIN} -C ${CLUSTERSIZE} -b ${BLOCKSIZE} -N ${SLOTS} -L ${LABEL} ${DEVICE_NAME} || {
+                ${ECHO} "Can not format ${DEVICE_NAME}"
+                return 1
+        }
+        ${ECHO} "Mount volume to all nodes"|tee -a ${logfile}
+        ${REMOTE_MOUNT_BIN} -l ${LABEL} -m ${MOUNT_POINT} -n ${NODE_LIST}>>${logfile} 2>&1
+        ${BINDIR}/open_delete.py -f ${testfile} -i 10000 -l ${logfile} -n ${NODE_LIST}
+	LogRC $?
+	${ECHO} "Umount volume from all nodes after test."|tee -a ${logfile}
+        ${REMOTE_UMOUNT_BIN} -m ${MOUNT_POINT} -n ${NODE_LIST}>>${logfile} 2>&1
+	:
+# Main Entry
+trap 'echo -ne "\n\n">>${LOGFILE};echo  "Interrupted by Ctrl+C,Cleanuping... "|tee -a ${LOGFILE}; f_cleanup;exit 1' SIGINT
+trap ' : ' SIGTERM
+f_setup $*
+STARTRUN=$(date +%s)
+${ECHO} "`date` - Starting Multiple Nodes Regress test" > ${LOGFILE}
+START=$(date +%s)
+START=$(date +%s)
+START=$(date +%s)
+START=$(date +%s)
+START=$(date +%s)
+START=$(date +%s)
+START=$(date +%s)
+START=$(date +%s)
+END=$(date +%s)
+DIFF=$(( ${END} - ${STARTRUN} ));
+${ECHO} "Total Runtime ${DIFF} seconds.\n" >> ${LOGFILE}
+${ECHO} "`date` - Ended Multiple Nodes Regress test" >> ${LOGFILE}

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