[Ocfs2-tools-devel] [PATCH 2/2] Ocfs2-tests: Add acl_tests.sh for ocfs2.

Tristan Ye tristan.ye at oracle.com
Tue Nov 25 03:12:10 PST 2008

Since we've done thorough tests against the xattr on ocfs2,and due to the fact
that acl was mostly relied on xattr, the test script here for acl is more likely
to behave as a sanity checker. It perform all functional tests for ocfs2 from
the userspace tools' point of view(mostly based on getfacl and setfacl).

Currently, this v1 script provides the following testcases:

        1. Generic ACLs Test.

        2. Default ACLs Test.

        3. ACLs Test With File Utilities.

        4. Copying ACLs Test.

        5. Archive and Restore ACLs Test.

        6. ACLs Limitation Test.

        7. Huge ACLs Entries Test.

        8. Stress ACLs Test.

The tests also can be launched against the acl for ext3 to perform a comparison test.

Anyway, it will be much better to test the acl by combining this with xattr testing suite together.

Signed-off-by: Tristan Ye <tristan.ye at oracle.com>
 programs/acl_tests/acl_tests.sh |  858 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 858 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 programs/acl_tests/acl_tests.sh

diff --git a/programs/acl_tests/acl_tests.sh b/programs/acl_tests/acl_tests.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..35eff90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/programs/acl_tests/acl_tests.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,858 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+# License, version 2,  as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 021110-1307, USA.
+# Description:  This script will perform a sanity check on acls with a series
+#		of POSIX acls tools used for a acl-supported fs.
+#		following tools needed:
+# #               /usr/bin/setfacl,/usr/bin/getfacl
+#               /usr/bin/chacl
+# Author:       Tristan Ye (tristan.ye at oracle.com)
+# Global Variables
+. `dirname ${0}`/config.sh
+MOUNT_BIN=`which mount`
+UMOUNT_BIN=`which umount`
+TEE_BIN=`which tee`
+RM_BIN=`which rm`
+MKDIR_BIN=`which mkdir`
+TOUCH_BIN=`which touch`
+DIFF_BIN=`which diff`
+MOVE_BIN=`which mv`
+CP_BIN=`which cp`
+SED_BIN=`which sed`
+CUT_BIN=`which cut`
+GROUPADD_BIN=`which groupadd`
+GROUPDEL_BIN=`which groupdel`
+USERADD_BIN=`which useradd`
+USERDEL_BIN=`which userdel`
+USERMOD_BIN=`which usermod`
+CHOWN_BIN=`which chown`
+CHMOD_BIN=`which chmod`
+SUDO_BIN=`which sudo`
+SETACL_BIN=`which setfacl`
+GETACL_BIN="`which getfacl` --absolute-names"
+CHACL_BIN=`which chacl`
+set -o pipefail
+MOVE_TO_COL="echo -en \\033[${RES_COL}G"
+SETCOLOR_SUCCESS="echo -en \\033[1;32m"
+SETCOLOR_FAILURE="echo -en \\033[1;31m"
+SETCOLOR_WARNING="echo -en \\033[1;33m"
+SETCOLOR_NORMAL="echo -en \\033[0;39m"
+# Utility Functions
+function f_echo_success()
+        [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $MOVE_TO_COL
+                echo -n "["
+        [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $SETCOLOR_SUCCESS
+                echo -n $" PASS "
+        [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $SETCOLOR_NORMAL
+                echo -n "]"
+        return 0
+function f_echo_failure()
+        [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $MOVE_TO_COL
+                echo -n "["
+        [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $SETCOLOR_FAILURE
+                echo -n $"FAILED"
+        [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $SETCOLOR_NORMAL
+                echo -n "]"
+        return 1
+function f_echo_status()
+        if [ "${1}" == "0" ];then
+                f_echo_success
+                echo
+        else
+                f_echo_failure
+                echo
+                exit 1
+        fi
+function f_exit_or_not()
+        if [ "${1}" != "0" ];then
+                exit 1;
+        fi
+function f_usage()
+        echo "usage: `basename ${0}` <-o logdir> <-d device> [-t fs_type] [ -i intensity] <mountpoint path>"
+        echo "       -o output directory for the logs"
+        echo "       -d block device name used for ocfs2 volume"
+        echo "       -t fs_type,currently support ocfs2 and ext3"
+        echo "       -i intensity should be small,medium(default) and large"
+        echo "       <mountpoint path> path of mountpoint where the ocfs2 volume will be mounted on."
+        exit 1;
+function f_getoptions()
+	if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+                f_usage;
+                exit 1
+	fi
+        while getopts "o:hd:t:i:" options; do
+		case $options in
+		o ) LOG_DIR="$OPTARG";;
+		d ) DEVICE="$OPTARG";;
+		t ) FS_TYPE="$OPTARG";;
+		h ) f_usage;;
+		* ) f_usage;;
+		esac
+	done
+	shift $(($OPTIND -1))
+	#small
+	local -a test_profile_small=(
+                1024            # block size
+                4096            # cluster size
+                4               # number of node solts
+                "4M"            # journal
+                262144          # blocks count,volume should be 256M
+        );
+        # Medium
+        local -a test_profile_medium=(
+                4096            # block size
+                32768           # cluster size
+                4               # number of node solts
+                "16M"           # journal
+                1048576         # blocks count,4G
+        );
+	# Large
+        local -a test_profile_large=(
+                4096            # block size
+                131072          # cluster size
+                4               # number of node solts
+                "64M"           # journal
+                4194304         # blocks count,16G
+        );
+        local v="test_profile_${INTENSITY}[@]"
+        local -a test_profile=("${!v}")
+        if [ 0 -eq "${#test_profile[@]}" ]
+        then
+                f_usage
+        fi
+        BLOCKSIZE=${test_profile[0]}
+        CLUSTERSIZE=${test_profile[1]}
+        SLOTS=${test_profile[2]}
+        JOURNALSIZE=${test_profile[3]}
+        BLOCKS=${test_profile[4]}
+function f_check()
+	if [ "${EUID}" != "0" ];then
+                echo "You have to be root to run acls tests!"
+                exit 1
+        fi
+	f_getoptions $*
+        if [ -z "${MOUNT_POINT}" ];then
+                f_usage
+        else
+                if [ ! -d ${MOUNT_POINT} ]; then
+                        echo "Mount point ${MOUNT_POINT} does not exist."
+                        exit 1
+                else
+                        #To assure that mount point will not end with a trailing '/'
+                        if [ "`dirname ${MOUNT_POINT}`" = "/" ]; then
+                                MOUNT_POINT="`dirname ${MOUNT_POINT}``basename ${MOUNT_POINT}`"
+                        else
+                                MOUNT_POINT="`dirname ${MOUNT_POINT}`/`basename ${MOUNT_POINT}`"
+                        fi
+                fi
+        fi
+        ${MKDIR_BIN} -p ${LOG_DIR} || exit 1
+        RUN_LOG_FILE="`dirname ${LOG_DIR}`/`basename ${LOG_DIR}`/`date +%F-%H-%M-%S`-acl-tests-run.log"
+        LOG_FILE="`dirname ${LOG_DIR}`/`basename ${LOG_DIR}`/`date +%F-%H-%M-%S`-acl-tests.log"
+        MKFSLOG="`dirname ${LOG_DIR}`/`basename ${LOG_DIR}`/$$_mkfs.log"
+        MOUNTLOG="`dirname ${LOG_DIR}`/`basename ${LOG_DIR}`/$$_mount.log"
+        if [ "${FS_TYPE}" = "ocfs2" ];then
+                MKFS_BIN=`which mkfs.ocfs2`
+        else
+                MKFS_BIN=`which mkfs.ext3`
+        fi
+function f_LogRunMsg()
+        echo -ne "$@"| ${TEE_BIN} -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+function f_LogMsg()
+        echo "$(date +%Y/%m/%d,%H:%M:%S)  $@" >>${LOG_FILE}
+function f_mkfs_and_mount()
+        f_LogMsg "Mkfs and mount volume before test"
+        if [ "${FS_TYPE}" = "ocfs2" ];then
+                f_LogRunMsg "Mkfsing target volume as ${FS_TYPE} with -b ${BLOCKSIZE} -C ${CLUSTERSIZE}:"
+                echo "y"| ${MKFS_BIN} --fs-features=xattr -b ${BLOCKSIZE} -C ${CLUSTERSIZE} -L ${LABELNAME} -N ${SLOTS} -J "size=${JOURNALSIZE}" ${DEVICE} ${BLOCKS}>>${MKFSLOG} 2>&1
+                RET=$?
+                f_echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+                f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+                f_LogRunMsg "Mounting ${DEVICE} to ${MOUNT_POINT}:"
+                ${MOUNT_BIN} -t ${FS_TYPE} -o acl ${DEVICE} ${MOUNT_POINT} >>${MOUNTLOG} 2>&1
+                RET=$?
+                f_echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+                f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+        else
+                f_LogRunMsg "Mkfsing target volume as ${FS_TYPE} with -b ${BLOCKSIZE}:"
+                ${MKFS_BIN} -b ${BLOCKSIZE} -L ${LABELNAME} ${DEVICE} -F >>${MKFSLOG} 2>&1
+                RET=$?
+                f_echo_status ${RET}|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+                f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+                f_LogRunMsg "Mounting ${DEVICE} to ${MOUNT_POINT}:"
+                ${MOUNT_BIN} -t ${FS_TYPE} -o acl  ${DEVICE} ${MOUNT_POINT} >>${MOUNTLOG} 2>&1
+                RET=$?
+                f_echo_status ${RET} | tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+                f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+        fi
+        f_LogMsg "Chmod ${MOUNT_POINT} as 777"
+        ${CHMOD_BIN} -R 777 ${MOUNT_POINT}  >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        f_exit_or_not $?
+function f_runtest()
+	local WORKPLACE=${MOUNT_POINT}/acls-tests
+	local USERNAMEPREFIX=acls-test-user
+        local USERNAME=
+	local GROUPNAMEPREFIX=acls-tet-group
+	local GROUPNAME=
+	local TESTFILE=
+	local TESTDIR=
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	((TEST_NO++))
+	TESTFILE=${WORKPLACE}/acls-generic-test-file
+	TESTDIR=${WORKPLACE}/acls-generic-test-dir
+	f_LogRunMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Generic ACLs Test:"
+        f_LogMsg "Test ${TEST_NO}: Generic ACLs Test."
+	f_LogMsg "Touch testing file."
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	${MKDIR_BIN} ${TESTDIR} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	f_LogMsg "Add ACLs for file and dir."
+	${SETACL_BIN} -m u:${STARTID}:r-x ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	${SETACL_BIN} -m u:${STARTID}:rwx ${TESTDIR} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	${GETACL_BIN}  --numeric --omit ${TESTFILE} |grep -q ${STARTID} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        f_exit_or_not $?
+        ${GETACL_BIN}  --numeric --omit ${TESTDIR} |grep -q ${STARTID} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        f_exit_or_not $?
+	f_LogMsg "Remove testing files."
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	RET=$?
+        f_echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+	((TEST_PASS++))
+	((TEST_NO++))
+        f_LogRunMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Default ACLs Test:"
+        f_LogMsg "Test ${TEST_NO}: Default ACLs Test."
+	#deep depth dirent operations
+	f_LogMsg "Test Default ACLs with considerable depth."
+	DEPTH=100
+	ROOTDIR=${WORKPLACE}/acls-default-test-dir
+	f_LogMsg "Mkdir rootdir ${ROOTDIR}."
+	${MKDIR_BIN} ${ROOTDIR} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	f_LogMsg "Add default ACLs to root dir."
+	for i in $(seq ${DEFAULT_ACL_NUM});do
+		${SETACL_BIN} -d -m u:$((${STARTID}+${i})):rwx ${ROOTDIR} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		f_exit_or_not $?
+	done
+	ROOTDIR_DEFAULT_ACL=/tmp/rootdir_default_acl.$$
+	SONDIR_DEFAULT_ACL=/tmp/sondir_default_acl.$$
+	INHERIT_ACL_TEMPLATE=/tmp/inherit_acl_template.$$
+	INHERIT_ACL=/tmp/inherit_acl.$$
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	f_LogMsg "Create dir tree to test default acls."
+	for i in $(seq ${DEPTH});do
+		TESTFILE=${TESTDIR}/default-file-level-${i}
+		TESTDIR=${TESTDIR}/default-dir-level-${i}
+		${MKDIR_BIN} ${TESTDIR} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		${TOUCH_BIN} ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		f_exit_or_not $?
+		f_exit_or_not $?
+			f_LogMsg "Level ${i} dir ${TESTDIR}'s default ACLs did not match root's."
+                	RET=1
+	                f_echo_status ${RET}|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+			return -1
+		}
+		if [ ! -f ${INHERIT_ACL_TEMPLATE} ];then
+			f_exit_or_not $?
+		else
+			f_exit_or_not $?
+				f_LogMsg "Level ${i} file ${TESTFILE}'s inherited ACLs did not match other's."
+				RET=1
+				f_echo_status ${RET}|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+				return -1
+			}
+		fi
+	done
+	f_LogMsg "Remove temporary comparing files."
+        ${RM_BIN} -rf ${SONDIR_DEFAULT_ACL}
+        ${RM_BIN} -rf ${INHERIT_ACL_TEMPLATE}
+        ${RM_BIN} -rf ${INHERIT_ACL}
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	f_LogMsg "Remove testing files."
+	${RM_BIN} -rf ${ROOTDIR}
+	RET=$?
+        f_echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        ((TEST_PASS++))
+	((TEST_NO++))
+	#cp,mv,ls
+        f_LogRunMsg "[${TEST_NO}] ACLs Test With File Utilities:"
+        f_LogMsg "Test ${TEST_NO}: ACLs Test With File Utilities."
+	TESTFILE=${WORKPLACE}/acls-utils-test-file
+	TESTFILE_MOVED=${WORKPLACE}/acls-utils-test-file-moved
+	TESTFILE_COPIED=${WORKPLACE}/acls-utils-test-file-copied
+	ORIG_ACL=/tmp/utils-test-orig-acl.$$
+	MOVED_ACL=/tmp/utils-test-moved-acl.$$
+	COPIED_ACL=/tmp/utils-test-copied-acl.$$
+	USERNUM=1000
+	f_LogMsg "Touch original files with ACLs attached."
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	for i in $(seq ${USERNUM});do
+		${SETACL_BIN} -m u:$((${STARTID}+${i})):r-x ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		f_exit_or_not $?
+	done
+	f_LogMsg "Test ls cmd."
+	ls -l ${TESTFILE} | awk '{print $1}'| grep -q '+' || {
+		f_LogMsg "ls utility has not been updated for handling acl."
+		RET=1
+		f_echo_status ${RET}|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+		return -1
+	}
+	${GETACL_BIN} --omit ${TESTFILE} >${ORIG_ACL} 2>>${LOG_FILE}
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	f_LogMsg "Test cp cmd."
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+		f_LogMsg "cp utility has not been updated for handling acl."
+		RET=1
+		f_echo_status ${RET}|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+		return -1
+	}
+	f_LogMsg "Test mv cmd."
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+		f_LogMsg "mv utility has not been updated for handling acl."
+                RET=1
+                f_echo_status ${RET}|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+                return -1
+	}
+	f_LogMsg "Remove temporary comparing files."
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	f_LogMsg "Remove testing files."
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	RET=$?
+        f_echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        ((TEST_PASS++))
+	((TEST_NO++))
+        f_LogRunMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Copying ACLs Test:"
+        f_LogMsg "Test ${TEST_NO}: Copying ACLs Test."
+	TESTFILE=${WORKPLACE}/copying-src-acl-test-file
+	FILENUM=1000
+	DESTFILE_PREFIX=${WORKPLACE}/copying-dest-acl-test-file
+	SRC_ACL=/tmp/copying-test-src-acl.$$
+	DEST_ACL=/tmp/copying-test-desct-acl.$$
+	f_LogMsg "Touch source copying file."
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	for i in $(seq ${USERNUM});do
+		${SETACL_BIN} -m u:$((${STARTID}+${i})):r-x ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		f_exit_or_not $?
+	done
+	${GETACL_BIN} --omit ${TESTFILE}>${SRC_ACL} 2>>${LOG_FILE}
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	for i in $(seq ${FILENUM});do
+		f_exit_or_not $?
+	done
+	f_LogMsg "Copying ACLs to destination files."
+	${GETACL_BIN} --omit ${TESTFILE} 2>>${LOG_FILE}| ${SETACL_BIN} --set-file=- ${DESTFILE_PREFIX}* >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1 || {
+		f_LogMsg "Copying ACLs to dest file failed."
+		RET=1
+		f_echo_status ${RET}|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+                return -1
+	}
+	for i in $(seq ${FILENUM});do
+		${GETACL_BIN} --omit ${DESTFILE_PREFIX}-${i} >${DEST_ACL} 2>>${LOG_FILE}
+		f_exit_or_not $?
+		${DIFF_BIN} ${SRC_ACL} ${DEST_ACL} || {
+			f_LogMsg "Dest ACL from copied file did not match original one."
+			RET=1
+			f_echo_status ${RET} | tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+			return -1
+		}
+	done
+	f_LogMsg "Remove temporary and testing files"
+	${RM_BIN} -rf ${WORKPLACE}/*
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	${RM_BIN} -rf ${SRC_ACL} ${DEST_ACL}
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	RET=$?
+        f_echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        ((TEST_PASS++))
+	((TEST_NO++))
+        f_LogRunMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Archive and Restore ACLs Test:"
+        f_LogMsg "Test ${TEST_NO}: Archive and Restore ACLs Test."
+	f_LogMsg "Construct the files Tree with ACLs."
+	ROOTDIR=${WORKPLACE}/ar_test_root
+	DEPTH=100
+	ACL_AR_FILE=/tmp/acl_test_ar_file
+	f_LogMsg "Mkdir root"
+	${MKDIR_BIN} ${ROOTDIR} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	f_LogMsg "Add ACLs for root."
+	${SETACL_BIN} -m u:${STARTID}:rwx ${ROOTDIR} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	for i in $(seq ${DEPTH});do
+		TESTFILE=${TESTDIR}/ar_file_level_${i}
+		TESTDIR=${TESTDIR}/ar_dir_level_${i}
+		${TOUCH_BIN} ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		f_exit_or_not $?
+		${MKDIR_BIN} ${TESTDIR} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		f_exit_or_not $?
+		${SETACL_BIN} -m u:$((${STARTID}+${i})):rwx ${TESTDIR} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		f_exit_or_not $?
+		${SETACL_BIN} -m u:$((${STARTID}+${i})):rw- ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		f_exit_or_not $?
+	done
+	f_LogMsg "Archive ACLs recursively into a file"
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	f_LogMsg "Clear ACLs for files Tree recursively."
+	${SETACL_BIN} -R -b ${ROOTDIR} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	f_LogMsg "Restore ACLs for files Tree from ar file."
+	${SETACL_BIN} --restore ${ACL_AR_FILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	f_LogMsg "Verify the restored ACLs."
+	for i in $(seq ${DEPTH});do
+		TESTFILE=${TESTDIR}/ar_file_level_${i}
+		TESTDIR=${TESTDIR}/ar_dir_level_${i}
+		FILE_USER_ID=$(${GETACL_BIN} --omit --numeric ${TESTFILE} 2>>${LOG_FILE}|${SED_BIN} -n '2p'|${CUT_BIN} -d':' -f2)
+		FILE_ACL_PEM=$(${GETACL_BIN} --omit --numeric ${TESTFILE} 2>>${LOG_FILE}|${SED_BIN} -n '2p'|${CUT_BIN} -d':' -f3)
+		DIR_USER_ID=$(${GETACL_BIN} --omit --numeric ${TESTDIR} 2>>${LOG_FILE}|${SED_BIN} -n '2p'|${CUT_BIN} -d':' -f2)
+                DIR_ACL_PEM=$(${GETACL_BIN} --omit --numeric ${TESTDIR} 2>>${LOG_FILE}|${SED_BIN} -n '2p'|${CUT_BIN} -d':' -f3)
+		if [ ! "${FILE_USER_ID}" = "$((${STARTID}+${i}))" ] || [ ! "${FILE_ACL_PEM}" = "rw-" ];then
+			f_LogMsg "Level ${i}'s testfile's ACLs was not restored correctly"
+	                RET=1
+			f_echo_status ${RET}|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+			return -1
+		fi
+		if [ ! "${DIR_USER_ID}" = "$((${STARTID}+${i}))" ] || [ ! "${DIR_ACL_PEM}" = "rwx" ];then
+			f_LogMsg "Level ${i}'s testdir's ACLs was not restored correctly"
+			RET=1
+			f_echo_status ${RET}|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+			return -1
+                fi
+	done
+	f_LogMsg "Remove temporary and testing files."
+	${RM_BIN} -rf ${WORKPLACE}/*
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	${RM_BIN} -rf ${ACL_AR_FILE}
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	RET=$?
+        f_echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        ((TEST_PASS++))
+	((TEST_NO++))
+	#8191
+        f_LogRunMsg "[${TEST_NO}] ACLs Limitation Test:"
+        f_LogMsg "Test ${TEST_NO}: ACLs Limitation Test."
+	f_LogMsg "Touch testing file ${TESTFILE}"
+        TESTFILE=${WORKPLACE}/acls-test-file
+        ${TOUCH_BIN} ${TESTFILE}
+        f_exit_or_not $?
+	ACL_ENTRY_LIMIT=$((8191-4)) #should exclude mask and 3 normal permission entries
+	f_LogMsg "Add ${ACL_ENTRY_LIMIT} ACLs entries to reach the limitation."
+	for i in $(seq ${ACL_ENTRY_LIMIT});do
+		${SETACL_BIN} -m u:$((${STARTID}+${i})):rwx ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		f_exit_or_not $?
+	done
+	f_LogMsg "Try to exceed ACLs limitation"
+	${SETACL_BIN} -m u:$((${STARTID}+${i}+1)):rwx ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+	RET=$?
+	if [ ${RET} == "0" ];then
+		f_LogMsg "should not exceed the limit of ACLs"
+                RET=1
+                f_echo_status ${RET}|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+                return -1
+	fi
+	f_LogMsg "Remove testing file ${TESTFILE}."
+        ${RM_BIN} -rf ${TESTFILE}
+        f_exit_or_not $?
+	RET=$?
+        f_echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        ((TEST_PASS++))
+	((TEST_NO++))
+	TESTFILE=${WORKPLACE}/acls-huge-entries-test-file
+	f_LogRunMsg "[${TEST_NO}] ACLs Huge Entries Test:"
+        f_LogMsg "Test ${TEST_NO}: ACLs Huge Entries Test."
+	f_LogMsg "Touch testing file ${TESTFILE}"
+	TESTFILE=${WORKPLACE}/acls-test-file
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	USERNUM=4000
+	f_LogMsg "Add ${USERNUM} ACLs user entries."
+	for i in $(seq ${USERNUM});do
+		${SETACL_BIN} -m u:$((${STARTID}+${i})):rwx ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		f_exit_or_not $?
+	done
+	f_LogMsg "Add ${USERNUM} ACLs group entries."
+	for i in $(seq ${GROUPNUM});do
+		${SETACL_BIN} -m g:$((${STARTID}+${i})):r-x ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		f_exit_or_not $?
+	done
+	f_LogMsg "Remove all ACLs entries."
+	${SETACL_BIN} -b ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	f_LogMsg "Add ${USERNUM} ACLs user entries."
+	for i in $(seq ${USERNUM});do
+                ${SETACL_BIN} -m u:$((${STARTID}+${i})):rwx ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+                f_exit_or_not $?
+        done
+	f_LogMsg "Add ${USERNUM} ACLs group entries."
+	for i in $(seq ${GROUPNUM});do
+                ${SETACL_BIN} -m g:$((${STARTID}+${i})):r-x ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+                f_exit_or_not $?
+        done
+	f_LogMsg "Remove ACL entry one by one."
+	for i in $(seq ${USERNUM});do
+                ${SETACL_BIN} -x u:$((${STARTID}+${i})) ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+                f_exit_or_not $?
+        done
+	for i in $(seq ${GROUPNUM});do
+                ${SETACL_BIN} -x g:$((${STARTID}+${i})) ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+                f_exit_or_not $?
+        done
+	f_LogMsg "Remove testing file ${TESTFILE}."
+	${RM_BIN} -rf ${TESTFILE}
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+	RET=$?
+        f_echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+	((TEST_PASS++))
+	((TEST_NO++))
+        f_LogRunMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Stress ACLs Test:"
+        f_LogMsg "Test ${TEST_NO}: Stress ACLs Test."
+	#huge entries,huge files and dirents
+	FILENUM=1000
+	DIRNUM=1000
+	f_LogMsg "Touch ${FILENUM} files and ${DIRNUM} dirs"	
+	TESTFILE=${WORKPLACE}/acls-test-file
+        ${TOUCH_BIN} ${TESTFILE}
+	for i in $(seq ${FILENUM});do
+		TESTFILE=${WORKPLACE}/acls-test-file-${i}
+		${TOUCH_BIN} ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		f_exit_or_not $?
+		for j in $(seq ${USERNUM});do
+			${SETACL_BIN} -m u:$((${STARTID}+${j})):rwx ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		done
+		for k in $(seq ${GROUPNUM});do
+			${SETACL_BIN} -m g:$((${STARTID}+${k})):r-x ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		done
+	done
+	for i in $(seq ${DIRNUM});do
+		TESTDIR=${WORKPLACE}/acls-test-dir-${i}
+		${MKDIR_BIN} ${TESTDIR} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		f_exit_or_not $?
+		for j in $(seq ${USERNUM});do
+			${SETACL_BIN} -m u:$((${STARTID}+${j})):rwx ${TESTDIR} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+                done
+                for k in $(seq ${GROUPNUM});do
+			${SETACL_BIN} -m g:$((${STARTID}+${k})):r-x ${TESTDIR} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+                done
+		for l in $(seq ${USERNUM});do
+			${SETACL_BIN} -d -m u:$((${STARTID}+${l})):r-- ${TESTDIR} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+                done
+	done
+	f_LogMsg "Remove all ACLs and testing files."
+	for i in $(seq ${FILENUM});do
+		TESTFILE=${WORKPLACE}/acls-test-file-${i}
+		${SETACL_BIN} -b ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		${RM_BIN} -rf ${TESTFILE} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		f_exit_or_not $?
+	done
+	for i in $(seq ${DIRNUM});do
+		TESTDIR=${WORKPLACE}/acls-test-dir-${i}
+		${SETACL_BIN} -b ${TESTDIR} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		${RM_BIN} -rf ${TESTDIR} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+		f_exit_or_not $?
+	done
+	RET=$?
+        f_echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        ((TEST_PASS++))
+	${RM_BIN} -rf ${WORKPLACE}
+	f_exit_or_not $?
+function f_umount()
+	f_LogMsg "Umount volume after test done"
+        f_LogRunMsg "Umounting volume ${DEVICE} from ${MOUNT_POINT}:"
+        ${UMOUNT_BIN} ${MOUNT_POINT} >>${MOUNTLOG} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        f_echo_status ${RET} | tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+function f_cleanup()
+	:
+# Main Entry
+#redfine the int signal hander
+trap 'echo -ne "\n\n">>${RUN_LOG_FILE};echo  "Interrupted by Ctrl+C,Cleanuping... "|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}; f_cleanup;exit 1' SIGINT
+f_check $*
+f_LogRunMsg "=====================ACLs testing starts on ${FS_TYPE}: `date`=====================\n"
+f_LogMsg "=====================ACLs testing starts on ${FS_TYPE}: `date`====================="
+f_LogRunMsg "=====================ACLs testing ends on ${FS_TYPE}: `date`=====================\n"
+f_LogMsg "=====================ACLs testing ends on ${FS_TYPE}: `date`====================="
+f_LogRunMsg "Time elapsed(s): $((${END_TIME}-${START_TIME}))\n"
+f_LogRunMsg "Tests total: ${TEST_NO}\n"
+f_LogRunMsg "Tests passed: ${TEST_PASS}\n"

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