[Ocfs2-tools-devel] [Ocfs2-test-devel] [PATCH 4/6] New set of inline-data testing tools:Add shell wrapper for multiple-node inline-data testing.

tristan.ye tristan.ye at oracle.com
Sat Aug 30 03:30:36 PDT 2008

This patch aims at creating a shell wrapper to schedule the testcases
for multiple-node inline-data testing,which helps to make things easier
go by automating testing.

this shell launcher require us to configure the passwordless ssh/rsh
connection among testing nodes and install the openmpi,besides that,all
what we need to do is providing the device name,mount point, log path,
and ranks number(somewhat like process numbers).

It was based on 2 MPI binaries(one for directory,and one for regular
file) to perform different testcases.

Signed-off-by: Tristan Ye <tristan.ye at oracle.com>

Index: ocfs2-test/programs/inline-data/multiple-inline-run.sh
--- ocfs2-test/programs/inline-data/multiple-inline-run.sh	(revision 0)
+++ ocfs2-test/programs/inline-data/multiple-inline-run.sh	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# vi: set ts=8 sw=8 autoindent noexpandtab :
+# File :       	multiple-inline-run.sh
+# Description:  The wrapper script help to run the multiple-node
inline-data test for both files and
+#		dirs.
+# Author:       Tristan Ye,     tristan.ye at oracle.com
+# History:      25 Aug 2008
+# Global Variables
+PATH=$PATH:/sbin      # Add /sbin to the path for ocfs2 tools
+export PATH=$PATH:.
+MPI_RUN=`rpm -ql openmpi|grep bin|grep mpirun`
+MPI_BIN_PATH=`dirname ${MPI_RUN}`
+MPIRUN_BIN="`which mpirun`"
+RM="`which rm`"
+MKDIR="`which mkdir`"
+RSH_BIN="`which rsh`"
+SSH_BIN="`which ssh`"
+AWK_BIN="`which awk`"
+TOUCH_BIN="`which touch`"
+MOUNT_BIN="`which sudo` -u root `which mount`"
+UMOUNT_BIN="`which sudo` -u root `which umount`"
+MKFS_BIN="`which sudo` -u root `which mkfs.ocfs2`"
+INLINE_DATA_BIN=`which multiple-inline-data`
+INLINE_DIRS_BIN=`which multiple-inline-dirs`
+declare -i MPI_RANKS
+MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG="-mca pls_rsh_agent ssh:rsh"
+set -o pipefail
+MOVE_TO_COL="echo -en \\033[${RES_COL}G"
+SETCOLOR_SUCCESS="echo -en \\033[1;32m"
+SETCOLOR_FAILURE="echo -en \\033[1;31m"
+SETCOLOR_WARNING="echo -en \\033[1;33m"
+SETCOLOR_NORMAL="echo -en \\033[0;39m"
+  [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $MOVE_TO_COL
+  echo -n "["
+  [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $SETCOLOR_SUCCESS
+  echo -n $" PASS "
+  [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $SETCOLOR_NORMAL
+  echo -n "]"
+  return 0
+  [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $MOVE_TO_COL
+  echo -n "["
+  [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $SETCOLOR_FAILURE
+  echo -n $"FAILED"
+  [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $SETCOLOR_NORMAL
+  echo -n "]"
+  return 1
+	if [ "${1}" == "0" ];then
+		echo_success
+		echo
+	else
+		echo_failure
+		echo
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	if [ "${1}" != "0" ];then
+		exit 1;
+	fi
+# Utility Functions
+    echo "usage: `basename ${0}` [-r MPI_ranks] [-f MPI_hostfile] [-a
access_method] [-o output] <-d <device>> <mountpoint path>"
+    echo "       -r size of MPI rank"
+    echo "       -a access method for process propagation,should be ssh
or rsh,set ssh as a default method when omited."
+    echo "       -f MPI hostfile,by default,script would generate one
by referring to /etc/ocfs2/cluster.conf"
+    echo "       -o output directory for the logs"
+    echo "       -d device name used for ocfs2 volume"
+    echo "       <mountpoint path> path of mountpoint where the ocfs2
volume will be mounted on."
+    exit 1;
+         if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+                f_usage;
+                exit 1
+         fi
+         while getopts "o:hd:r:a:f:" options; do
+                case $options in
+		r ) MPI_RANKS="$OPTARG";;
+                o ) LOG_OUT_DIR="$OPTARG";;
+                d ) OCFS2_DEVICE="$OPTARG";;
+                h ) f_usage
+                    exit 1;;
+                * ) f_usage
+                   exit 1;;
+                esac
+        done
+        shift $(($OPTIND -1))
+        MOUNT_POINT=${1}
+        TMP_FILE="${TMP_DIR}/.tmp_openmpi_hostfile"
+        if [ -f "$MPI_HOSTFILE" ];then
+                ${RM} -rf ${MPI_HOSTFILE}
+        fi
+        cat ${CLUSTER_CONFIG_FILE}|grep name|sed '$ d'|${AWK_BIN}
'{print $3}'>$TMP_FILE
+        while read line
+        do
+                echo "$line      slots=2">>$MPI_HOSTFILE
+        done<$TMP_FILE
+        ${RM} -rf $TMP_FILE
+	rpm -q --quiet openmpi ||{
+                echo "Need to install openmpi in advance"
+                exit 1
+        }
+        f_getoptions $*
+	if [ "$MPI_ACCESS_METHOD" = "rsh" ];then
+                MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG="-mca pls_rsh_agent rsh:ssh"
+                REMOTE_SH_BIN=${RSH_BIN}
+        fi
+        if [ -z "${MOUNT_POINT}" ];then
+                f_usage
+        fi
+        ${MKDIR} -p ${LOG_OUT_DIR} || exit 1
+        LOG_POSTFIX=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)
+        DATA_LOG_FILE="`dirname ${LOG_OUT_DIR}`/`basename
+        DIRS_LOG_FILE="`dirname ${LOG_OUT_DIR}`/`basename
+        RUN_LOG_FILE="`dirname ${LOG_OUT_DIR}`/`basename
+	if [ -z "$MPI_HOSTFILE" ];then
+                f_create_hostfile
+        else
+                if [ ! -f "${MPI_HOSTFILE}" ];then
+                        f_usage
+                fi
+        fi
+	echo -n "Mkfsing device(-b ${BLOCKSIZE} -C ${CLUSTERSIZE}): "|tee -a
+	echo y|${MKFS_BIN} --fs-features=inline-data -b ${BLOCKSIZE} -C
+	RET=$?
+	echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+	exit_or_not ${RET}
+	while read node_line ; do
+		host_node=`echo ${node_line}|${AWK_BIN} '{print $1}'`
+		echo -n "Mounting device to ${MOUNT_POINT} on ${host_node}:"|tee -a
+		RET=$(${REMOTE_SH_BIN} -n ${host_node} "sudo /bin/mount -t ocfs2 -o
rw,nointr ${OCFS2_DEVICE} ${MOUNT_POINT};echo \$?" 2>>${RUN_LOG_FILE})
+		echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+		exit_or_not ${RET}
+	done<${MPI_HOSTFILE}
+	while read node_line;do
+		host_node=`echo ${node_line}|awk '{print $1}'`
+		echo -ne "Unmounting device from ${MOUNT_POINT} on ${host_node}:"|tee
+		RET=$(${REMOTE_SH_BIN} -n ${host_node} "sudo /bin/umount
${MOUNT_POINT};echo \$?" 2>>${RUN_LOG_FILE})
+		echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+		exit_or_not ${RET}
+	done<${MPI_HOSTFILE}
+	echo >>${DATA_LOG_FILE}
+        echo
+        echo -ne "Functionality Test For Regular File Among Nodes:"|tee
+        echo -ne "Functionality Test For Regular File Among Nodes:">>
+        echo >>${DATA_LOG_FILE}
+        echo
+	echo -e "Testing Binary:\t\t${INLINE_DATA_BIN} -i 1 -d ${OCFS2_DEVICE}
+	${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca
btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE}
+	RET=$?
+	echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+	exit_or_not ${RET}
+	echo >>${DATA_LOG_FILE}
+        echo
+        echo -ne "Stress Test For Regular File Among Nodes:"|tee -a
+        echo -ne "Stress Test For Regular File Among Nodes:">>
+        echo >>${DATA_LOG_FILE}
+        echo
+	echo -e "Testing Binary:\t\t${INLINE_DATA_BIN} -i 50 -d
+        ${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca
btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE}
+	RET=$?
+        echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        exit_or_not ${RET}
+	echo >>${DIRS_LOG_FILE}
+        echo
+        echo -ne "Functionality Test For Directory Among Nodes:"|tee -a
+        echo -ne "Functionality Test For Directory Among Nodes:">>
+        echo >>${DIRS_LOG_FILE}
+        echo
+	echo -e "Testing Binary:\t\t${INLINE_DIRS_BIN} -i 1 -s 20 -d
+	${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca
btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE}
${INLINE_DIRS_BIN} -i 1 -s 20 -d ${OCFS2_DEVICE}
+	RET=$?
+        echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        exit_or_not ${RET}
+	echo >>${DIRS_LOG_FILE}
+        echo
+        echo -ne "Stress Test I Test For Directory Among Nodes:"|tee -a
+        echo -ne "Stress Test I Test For Directory Among Nodes:">>
+        echo >>${DIRS_LOG_FILE}
+        echo
+	echo -e "Testing Binary:\t\t${INLINE_DIRS_BIN} -i 1 -s 100 -d
+        ${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca
btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE}
${INLINE_DIRS_BIN} -i 1 -s 100 -d ${OCFS2_DEVICE}
+	RET=$?
+        echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        exit_or_not ${RET}
+	echo >>${DIRS_LOG_FILE}
+        echo
+        echo -ne "Stress Test II Test For Directory Among Nodes:"|tee
+        echo -ne "Stress Test II Test For Directory Among Nodes:">>
+        echo >>${DIRS_LOG_FILE}
+        echo
+	echo -e "Testing Binary:\t\t${INLINE_DIRS_BIN} -i 5 -s 20 -d
+        ${MPIRUN_BIN} ${MPI_PLS_AGENT_ARG} -mca btl tcp,self -mca
btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np ${MPI_RANKS} --hostfile ${MPI_HOSTFILE}
${INLINE_DIRS_BIN} -i 1 -s 20 -d ${OCFS2_DEVICE}
+	RET=$?
+        echo_status ${RET} |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        exit_or_not ${RET}
+	if [ -f "$TMP_FILE" ];then
+		${RM} -rf $TMP_FILE
+	fi
+# Main Entry
+trap 'echo -ne "\n\n">>${RUN_LOG_FILE};echo  "Interrupted by Ctrl
+C,Cleanuping... "|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}; f_cleanup;exit 1' SIGINT
+trap ' : ' SIGTERM
+f_setup $*
+for BLOCKSIZE in 512 1024 4096
+	for CLUSTERSIZE in  4096 32768 1048576
+	do
+		echo "++++++++++Multiple node inline-data test with \"-b ${BLOCKSIZE}
-C ${CLUSTERSIZE}\"++++++++++" |tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+		echo "++++++++++Multiple node inline-data test with \"-b ${BLOCKSIZE}
-C ${CLUSTERSIZE}\"++++++++++">>${DATA_LOG_FILE}
+		echo "++++++++++Multiple node inline-data test with \"-b ${BLOCKSIZE}
-C ${CLUSTERSIZE}\"++++++++++">>${DIRS_LOG_FILE}
+		echo
+		f_do_mkfs_and_mount
+		f_run_data_test
+		f_run_dirs_test
+		f_do_umount
+		echo
+		echo -e "\n\n\n">>${DATA_LOG_FILE}
+		echo -e "\n\n\n">>${DIRS_LOG_FILE}
+	done

Property changes on:
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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