[Ocfs2-test-devel] [PATCH 10/12] Ocfs2-test: Add reflink_files.sh testcase for reflink_tests.

Tristan Ye tristan.ye at oracle.com
Wed Oct 14 01:36:02 PDT 2009

Add a simple script to perform reflinking tests on a given list
of files in a loop per joel's requests.

Signed-off-by: Tristan Ye <tristan.ye at oracle.com>
 programs/reflink_tests/reflink_files.sh |  196 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 196 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 programs/reflink_tests/reflink_files.sh

diff --git a/programs/reflink_tests/reflink_files.sh b/programs/reflink_tests/reflink_files.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..71a99de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/programs/reflink_tests/reflink_files.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# vim: noexpandtab sw=8 ts=8 sts=0:
+# reflink_files.sh
+# Description:  It's a simple script that takes a list of files to run reflink
+#		in a loop.
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+# License, version 2,  as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# Global Variables
+if [ -f `dirname ${0}`/o2tf.sh ]; then
+        . `dirname ${0}`/o2tf.sh
+REFLINK_BIN=`which reflink`
+declare -a FILES
+set -o pipefail
+# Utility Functions
+function f_usage()
+	echo "usage: `basename ${0}` [-o logdir] <-w working place > <-i iterations> <-s sleep_interval> <list of files>"
+	echo "	     -o output directory for the logs"
+	echo "	     -w specify your working place where snaphosts reside"
+	echo "	     -i specify the iterations of loop"
+	echo "	     -s specify the sleeping intervals between loops"
+	echo "	     The rest of args sepecifed are the original files for snapshoting"
+        exit 1;
+function f_getoptions()
+	if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+		f_usage;
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	while getopts "o:hw:i:s:" options; do
+		case $options in
+		o ) LOG_DIR="$OPTARG";;
+		h ) f_usage;;
+		* ) f_usage;;
+		esac
+	done
+	shift $(($OPTIND -1))
+        FILES=${*}
+function f_check()
+	f_getoptions $*
+	if [ -z "${WORK_PLACE}" ];then
+		f_usage
+	else
+		if [ ! -d ${WORK_PLACE} ]; then
+			echo "working place ${WORK_PLACE} does not exist."
+			exit 1
+		else
+			if [ "`dirname ${WORK_PLACE}`" = "/" ]; then
+				WORK_PLACE="`dirname ${WORK_PLACE}``basename ${WORK_PLACE}`"
+			else
+				WORK_PLACE="`dirname ${WORK_PLACE}`/`basename ${WORK_PLACE}`"
+			fi
+		fi
+	fi
+	${MKDIR_BIN} -p ${LOG_DIR} || exit 1
+	LOG_FILE="`dirname ${LOG_DIR}`/`basename ${LOG_DIR}`/`date +%F-%H-%M-%S`-reflink-files.log"
+	RUN_LOG_FILE="`dirname ${LOG_DIR}`/`basename ${LOG_DIR}`/`date +%F-%H-%M-%S`-reflink-files-run.log"
+	DIR_PREFIX=${WORK_PLACE}/reflink_files
+function f_create_dir()
+	((DIR_COUNT++))
+	${MKDIR_BIN} -p ${DIR_NAME}>>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+function f_remove_dir()
+	DIR_INDEX=${1}
+	for file in ${FILES};do
+		${RM_BIN} -rf ${DIR_NAME}/${reflink_file} >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+	done
+	${RM_BIN} -rf ${DIR_NAME}>>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+function f_do_reflinks()
+	DIR_INDEX=${1}
+	for file in ${FILES};do
+		${REFLINK_BIN} $file ${DIR_NAME}/`basename ${file}` >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+	done
+function f_run_test()
+	f_LogRunMsg ${RUN_LOG_FILE} "Creating dir ${DIR_PREFIX}$((${DIR_COUNT}+1)) and doing reflinks\n"
+	f_LogMsg ${RUN_LOG_FILE} "Creating dir ${DIR_PREFIX}$((${DIR_COUNT}+1)) and doing reflinks"
+	f_create_dir
+	f_do_reflinks ${DIR_COUNT}
+	for i in `seq ${ITERATION}`;do
+		if [ "$((${RANDOM}%2))" -eq "1" ];then
+			f_LogRunMsg ${RUN_LOG_FILE} "removing dir ${DIR_PREFIX}${DIR_COUNT} and unlinking reflinks\n"
+			f_LogMsg ${RUN_LOG_FILE} "removing dir ${DIR_PREFIX}${DIR_COUNT} and unlinking reflinks"
+			f_remove_dir ${DIR_COUNT}
+			f_LogRunMsg ${RUN_LOG_FILE} "Creating dir ${DIR_PREFIX}$((${DIR_COUNT}+1)) and doing reflinks\n"
+			f_LogMsg ${RUN_LOG_FILE} "Creating dir ${DIR_PREFIX}$((${DIR_COUNT}+1)) and doing reflinks"
+			f_create_dir
+			f_do_reflinks ${DIR_COUNT}
+		else
+			f_LogRunMsg ${RUN_LOG_FILE} "Creating dir ${DIR_PREFIX}$((${DIR_COUNT}+1)) and doing reflinks\n"
+			f_LogMsg ${RUN_LOG_FILE} "Creating dir ${DIR_PREFIX}$((${DIR_COUNT}+1)) and doing reflinks"
+			f_create_dir
+			f_do_reflinks ${DIR_COUNT}
+			f_LogRunMsg ${RUN_LOG_FILE} "removing dir ${DIR_PREFIX}$((${DIR_COUNT}-1)) and unlinking reflinks\n"
+			f_LogMsg ${RUN_LOG_FILE} "removing dir ${DIR_PREFIX}$((${DIR_COUNT}-1)) and unlinking reflinks"
+			f_remove_dir $((${DIR_COUNT}-1))
+		fi
+		sleep ${SLEEP_INTERVAL}
+	done
+	#Make sure tests end up with one reference
+	f_LogRunMsg ${RUN_LOG_FILE} "removing dir ${DIR_PREFIX}${DIR_COUNT} and unlinking reflinks\n"
+	f_LogMsg ${RUN_LOG_FILE} "removing dir ${DIR_PREFIX}${DIR_COUNT} and unlinking reflinks"
+	f_remove_dir ${DIR_COUNT}
+# Main Entry
+#redfine the int signal hander
+trap 'echo -ne "\n\n">>${LOG_FILE};echo  "Interrupted by Ctrl+C,Cleanuping... "|tee -a ${LOG_FILE}; f_cleanup;exit 1' SIGINT
+f_check $*
+f_LogRunMsg ${RUN_LOG_FILE} "=====================Reflink files test start:  `date`=====================\n"
+f_LogMsg ${LOG_FILE} "=====================Reflink files test start:  `date`====================="
+f_LogRunMsg ${RUN_LOG_FILE} "=====================Reflink files tests end: `date`=====================\n"
+f_LogMsg ${LOG_FILE} "=====================Reflink files tests end: `date`====================="
+f_LogRunMsg ${RUN_LOG_FILE} "Time elapsed(s): $((${END_TIME}-${START_TIME}))\n"
+f_LogRunMsg ${RUN_LOG_FILE} "Tests total: ${TEST_NO}\n"
+f_LogRunMsg ${RUN_LOG_FILE} "Tests passed: ${TEST_PASS}\n"

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