[Ocfs2-test-devel] [PATCH 6/6] ocfs2-test: python_common - Converted from LAM/MPI to OpenMPI.

Marcos Matsunaga Marcos.Matsunaga at oracle.com
Mon Jan 5 12:27:44 PST 2009

Removed the following functions that were used by LAM/MPI:

Signed-off-by: Marcos Matsunaga <Marcos.Matsunaga at oracle.com>
 programs/python_common/o2tf.py |  134 ----------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 134 deletions(-)

diff --git a/programs/python_common/o2tf.py b/programs/python_common/o2tf.py
index 53d7865..6df8ebf 100644
--- a/programs/python_common/o2tf.py
+++ b/programs/python_common/o2tf.py
@@ -236,73 +236,6 @@ so just do a sanity check here to test if all nodes are available.
 		printlog(str(inst), logfile, 0, '')
-# StartMPI is used by :
-#   - o2tf.py
-def StartMPI(DEBUGON, nodes, logfile):
-	'Start LAM/MPI on all nodes, doing a sanity check before.'
-	from os import access,F_OK
-	if os.access(config.LAMBOOT, F_OK) == 0:
-		printlog('o2tf.StartMPI: Lamboot not found', 
-			logfile, 0, '')
-		sys.exit(1)
-	if os.access(config.LAMHOSTS, F_OK) == 1:
-		os.system('rm -f ' + config.LAMHOSTS)
-	nodelist = string.split(nodes,',')
-	nodelen = len(nodelist)
-	fd = open(config.LAMHOSTS,'w',0)
-	for i in range(nodelen):
-		fd.write(nodelist[i] + '\n')
-	fd.close()
-# Check if all hosts are accessible
-	try:
-		if DEBUGON:
-			printlog('o2tf.StartMPI: Trying to run %s with %s \
-				file.' % (config.RECON, config.LAMHOSTS), 
-				logfile, 0, '')
-		os.system('%s -v %s' % (config.RECON, config.LAMHOSTS))
-	except os.error:
-		pass
-# Looks like everything is ok. So, run lamboot.
-	try:
-		if DEBUGON:
-			printlog('o2tf.StartMPI: Trying to run %s with %s \
-				file.' % (config.LAMBOOT, config.LAMHOSTS),
-				logfile, 0, '')
-		os.system('%s -v %s' % (config.LAMBOOT, config.LAMHOSTS))
-	except os.error:
-		pass
-# calls mpi-run-parts
-# mpi_runparts is used by :
-#   - o2tf.py
-#   - run_buildkernel.py
-def mpi_runparts(DEBUGON, nproc, cmd, nodes, logfile):
-	'Execute commands in parallel using LAM/MPI.'
-	from os import access,F_OK
-	found = 0
-	uname = os.uname()
-	nodelen = len(string.split(nodes,','))
-	try:
-		if DEBUGON:
-			printlog('o2tf.mpi_runparts: MPIRUN = %s' % \
-				config.MPIRUN, logfile, 0, '')
-			printlog('o2tf.mpi_runparts: nproc = %s' % nproc,
-				logfile, 0, '')
-			printlog('o2tf.mpi_runparts: nodelen = %d' % nodelen,
-				logfile, 0, '')
-			printlog('o2tf.mpi_runparts: MPIRUNPARTS = %s' % \
-				config.MPIRUNPARTS, logfile, 0, '')
-			printlog('o2tf.mpi_runparts: cmd = %s' % cmd,
-				logfile, 0, '')
-		pid = os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT,
-			'/bin/bash', ['bash', '-xc',
-			config.MPIRUN + ' -sigs -ger -w n0-%d %s %s' % \
-			( nodelen - 1, config.MPIRUNPARTS, cmd)])
-		os.waitpid(pid,0)
-	except os.error:
-		pass
 # Calls mpirun from openmpi
 def openmpi_run(DEBUGON, nproc, cmd, nodes, remote_sh, logfile, w_flag):
@@ -347,73 +280,6 @@ def openmpi_run(DEBUGON, nproc, cmd, nodes, remote_sh, logfile, w_flag):
-# lamexec is used by :
-#   - 
-# Calls mpirun (Original from the LAM/MPI Package)
-# mpi_run is used by :
-#   - open_delete.py
-def mpi_run(DEBUGON, nproc, cmd, nodes, logfile):
-	'Execute commands in parallel using LAM/MPI.'
-	from os import access,F_OK
-	found = 0
-	uname = os.uname()
-	nodelen = len(string.split(nodes,','))
-	if nproc == 'C':
-		nprocopt='C'
-	else:
-		nprocopt='-np ' + str(nproc)
-	try:
-		if DEBUGON:
-			printlog('o2tf.mpi_run: MPIRUN = %s' % config.MPIRUN,
-				logfile, 0, '')
-			printlog('o2tf.mpi_run: nproc = %s' % nproc,
-				logfile, 0, '')
-			printlog('o2tf.mpi_run: nodelen = %d' % nodelen,
-				logfile, 0, '')
-			printlog('o2tf.mpi_run: cmd = %s' % cmd,
-				logfile, 0, '')
-#		pid = os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT,
-#			'/bin/bash', ['bash', '-xc',
-#			config.MPIRUN + ' %s -sigs -ger -w n0-%d %s' % \
-#			( nprocopt, nodelen - 1, cmd)])
-		return os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT,
-			'/bin/bash', ['bash', '-xc',
-			config.MPIRUN + ' %s -sigs -ger -w n0-%d %s' % \
-			( nprocopt, nodelen - 1, cmd)])
-#		os.waitpid(pid,0)
-	except os.error:
-		pass
-# lamexec is used by :
-#   - 
-def lamexec(DEBUGON, nproc, wait, cmd, nodes, logfile):
-	'Execute commands in parallel using LAM/MPI.'
-	from os import access,F_OK
-	found = 0
-	uname = os.uname()
-	nodelen = len(string.split(nodes,','))
-	try:
-		if DEBUGON:
-			printlog('o2tf.lamexec: LAMEXEC = %s' % config.LAMEXEC,
-				logfile, 0, '')
-			printlog('o2tf.lamexec: nproc = %s' % nproc,
-				logfile, 0, '')
-			printlog('o2tf.lamexec: cmd = %s' % cmd,
-				logfile, 0, '')
-			printlog('o2tf.lamexec: nodelen = %d' % nodelen,
-				logfile, 0, '')
-			printlog('o2tf.lamexec: nodes = %s' % nodes,
-				logfile, 0, '')
-		pid = os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT,
-			'/bin/bash', ['bash', '-xc',
-			config.LAMEXEC + ' -pty -np %s %s n0-%d %s' % \
-			( nproc, wait, nodelen - 1, cmd)])
-		os.waitpid(pid,0)
-	except os.error:
-		pass
 # lrand is used by :
 #   - 
 def lrand(DEBUGON, max):

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