[Ocfs2-test-devel] [PATCH 3/5] Ocfs2-test: Add single-node testing launcher for dx-dirs tests.

Tristan Ye tristan.ye at oracle.com
Tue Feb 24 19:12:10 PST 2009

This script will perform a thorough test on indexed-dirs for ocfs2.
Following testcases will be involved.

	1. Basic func test

	2. Random test

	3. Concurrent test

	4. Multi-processes test

	5. Growing test

	6. Stress test

	7. Boundary test.

	8. Destructive test.

Signed-off-by: Tristan Ye <tristan.ye at oracle.com>
 programs/dx_dirs_tests/index_dir_run.sh |  522 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 522 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 programs/dx_dirs_tests/index_dir_run.sh

diff --git a/programs/dx_dirs_tests/index_dir_run.sh b/programs/dx_dirs_tests/index_dir_run.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..da41be9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/programs/dx_dirs_tests/index_dir_run.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+# vim: noexpandtab sw=8 ts=8 sts=0:
+# index_dir_run.sh
+# description:  This script will perform a thorough test on indexed-dirs for ocfs2.
+#		Following testcases will be involved.
+#		1. Basic func test
+#		2. Random test
+#		3. Concurrent test
+#		4. Multi-processes test
+#		5. Growing test
+#		6. Stress test
+#		7. Boundary test.
+#		8. Destructive test.
+# Author:       Tristan Ye,     tristan.ye at oracle.com
+# History:      10 Feb 2009
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+# License, version 2,  as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# Global Variables
+PATH=$PATH:/sbin      # Add /sbin to the path for ocfs2 tools
+export PATH=$PATH:.
+. ./config.sh
+MKFS_BIN="`which sudo` -u root `which mkfs.ocfs2`"
+MOUNT_BIN="`which sudo` -u root `which mount`"
+UMOUNT_BIN="`which sudo` -u root `which umount`"
+TEE_BIN=`which tee`
+RM_BIN=`which rm`
+TAR_BIN=`which tar`
+MKDIR_BIN=`which mkdir`
+TOUCH_BIN=`which touch`
+DIFF_BIN=`which diff`
+MOVE_BIN=`which mv`
+CP_BIN=`which cp`
+SED_BIN=`which sed`
+CUT_BIN=`which cut`
+CHOWN_BIN=`which chown`
+CHMOD_BIN=`which chmod`
+SUDO="`which sudo` -u root"
+export PATH=$PATH:.
+USERNAME=`id -un`
+GROUPNAME=`id -gn`
+set -o pipefail
+MOVE_TO_COL="echo -en \\033[${RES_COL}G"
+SETCOLOR_SUCCESS="echo -en \\033[1;32m"
+SETCOLOR_FAILURE="echo -en \\033[1;31m"
+SETCOLOR_WARNING="echo -en \\033[1;33m"
+SETCOLOR_NORMAL="echo -en \\033[0;39m"
+# Utility Functions
+function f_echo_success()
+        [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $MOVE_TO_COL
+                echo -n "["
+        [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $SETCOLOR_SUCCESS
+                echo -n $" PASS "
+        [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $SETCOLOR_NORMAL
+                echo -n "]"
+        return 0
+function f_echo_failure()
+        [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $MOVE_TO_COL
+                echo -n "["
+        [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $SETCOLOR_FAILURE
+                echo -n $"FAILED"
+        [ "$BOOTUP" = "color" ] && $SETCOLOR_NORMAL
+                echo -n "]"
+        return 1
+function f_echo_status()
+        if [ "${1}" == "0" ];then
+                f_echo_success
+                echo
+        else
+                f_echo_failure
+                echo
+                exit 1
+        fi
+function f_exit_or_not()
+        if [ "${1}" != "0" ];then
+                exit 1;
+        fi
+function f_usage()
+        echo "usage: `basename ${0}` [-o logdir] <-d device> <-t kernel tarball> <mountpoint path>"
+        echo "       -o output directory for the logs"
+        echo "       -t kernel tarball for growing test"
+        echo "       -d block device name used for ocfs2 volume"
+        echo "       <mountpoint path> path of mountpoint where the ocfs2 volume will be mounted on."
+        exit 1;
+function f_getoptions()
+        if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+                f_usage;
+                exit 1
+         fi
+         while getopts "o:hd:t:" options; do
+                case $options in
+                o ) LOG_DIR="$OPTARG";;
+                d ) DEVICE="$OPTARG";;
+                t ) KERNEL_TARBALL="$OPTARG";;
+                h ) f_usage;;
+                * ) f_usage;;
+                esac
+        done
+        shift $(($OPTIND -1))
+        MOUNT_POINT=${1}
+function f_check()
+        f_getoptions $*
+        if [ -z "${MOUNT_POINT}" ];then
+                f_usage
+        else
+                if [ ! -d ${MOUNT_POINT} ]; then
+                        echo "Mount point ${MOUNT_POINT} does not exist."
+                        exit 1
+                else
+                        #To assure that mount point will not end with a trailing '/'
+                        if [ "`dirname ${MOUNT_POINT}`" = "/" ]; then
+                                MOUNT_POINT="`dirname ${MOUNT_POINT}``basename ${MOUNT_POINT}`"
+                        else
+                                MOUNT_POINT="`dirname ${MOUNT_POINT}`/`basename ${MOUNT_POINT}`"
+                        fi
+                fi
+        fi
+	TAR_ARGS=xzvf
+        file ${KERNEL_TARBALL}|grep -q gzip || {
+                TAR_ARGS=xjvf
+        }
+	${MKDIR_BIN} -p ${LOG_DIR} || exit 1
+        RUN_LOG_FILE="`dirname ${LOG_DIR}`/`basename ${LOG_DIR}`/`date +%F-%H-%M-%S`-indexed-dirs-tests-run.log"
+        LOG_FILE="`dirname ${LOG_DIR}`/`basename ${LOG_DIR}`/`date +%F-%H-%M-%S`-indexed-dirs-tests.log"
+        MKFSLOG="`dirname ${LOG_DIR}`/`basename ${LOG_DIR}`/$$_mkfs.log"
+        MOUNTLOG="`dirname ${LOG_DIR}`/`basename ${LOG_DIR}`/$$_mount.log"
+function f_LogRunMsg()
+        echo -ne "$@"| ${TEE_BIN} -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+function f_LogMsg()
+        echo "$(date +%Y/%m/%d,%H:%M:%S)  $@" >>${LOG_FILE}
+function f_mkfs()
+        f_LogMsg "Mkfs volume ${DEVICE} by ${BLOCKSIZE} bs and ${CLUSTERSIZE} cs"
+        echo "y"|${MKFS_BIN} --fs-features=indexed-dirs,noinline-data -b ${BLOCKSIZE} -C ${CLUSTERSIZE} -L ${LABELNAME} -N ${SLOTS} ${DEVICE}>>${MKFSLOG} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        if [ "${RET}" != "0" ];then
+                f_LogMsg "Mkfs failed"
+		return 1
+        fi
+	return 0
+function f_mount()
+        f_LogMsg "Mount Volume ${DEVICE} to ${MOUNT_POINT}"
+        ${MOUNT_BIN} -t ocfs2 ${DEVICE} ${MOUNT_POINT} >>${MOUNTLOG} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        if [ "${RET}" != "0" ];then
+                f_LogMsg "Mount volume failed"
+		return 1
+        fi
+        ${SUDO} ${CHMOD_BIN} -R 777 ${MOUNT_POINT}  >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        ${MKDIR_BIN} -p ${WORK_PLACE}
+	return 0
+function f_umount()
+        f_LogMsg "Umount Volume ${DEVICE} from ${MOUNT_POINT}"
+        ${UMOUNT_BIN} ${MOUNT_POINT} >>${MOUNTLOG} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+	if [ "${RET}" != "0" ];then
+		f_LogMsg "Mount volume failed"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	return 0
+function f_get_disk_usage()
+        f_LogMsg "Calculate the disk free size"
+        DISK_FREE=`df -h|grep ${MOUNT_POINT}|awk '{print $4}'`
+        TRAILER_POS=$((${#DISK_FREE}-1))
+        if [ "${TRAILER_CHAR}" = "M" ];then
+                DISK_FREE_M=${DISK_FREE:0:${TRAILER_POS}}
+        fi
+        if [ "${TRAILER_CHAR}" = "G" ];then
+                DISK_FREE_M=`echo ${DISK_FREE:0:${TRAILER_POS}}*1024|bc`
+        fi
+        if [ "${TRAILER_CHAR}" = "T" ];then
+                DISK_FREE_M=`echo ${DISK_FREE:0:${TRAILER_POS}}*1024*1024|bc`
+        fi
+function f_get_tar_size()
+        f_LogMsg "Get untared package size"
+        #${1} is the path of released package
+        TAR_SIZE=`du -sh ${1}|awk '{print $1}'`
+        TRAILER_POS=$((${#TAR_SIZE}-1))
+        if [ "${TRAILER_CHAR}" == "M" ]; then
+                TAR_SIZE_M=${TAR_SIZE:0:${TRAILER_POS}}
+        fi
+        if [ "${TRAILER_CHAR}}" = "G" ];then
+                TAR_SIZE_M=`echo ${TAR_SIZE:0:${TRAILER_POS}}*1024|bc`
+        fi
+        if [ "${TRAILER_CHAR}" = "T" ];then
+                TAR_SIZE_M=`echo ${TAR_SIZE:0:${TRAILER_POS}}*1024*1024|bc`
+        fi
+function f_growtest()
+	while :;do
+		TAR_DIR=${WORK_PLACE}/tar-released-${TAR_NUM}
+		${MKDIR_BIN} -p ${TAR_DIR}
+		${TAR_BIN} ${TAR_ARGS} ${KERNEL_TARBALL} -C ${TAR_DIR} >/dev/null 2>&1|| {
+                        f_LogMsg "Untar failed, probably due to no space for file data or inodes."
+			return 0
+                }
+		if [ "${TAR_NUM}" = "1" ];then
+                        sync
+                        f_get_tar_size ${TAR_DIR}
+                fi
+                sync
+                f_get_disk_usage
+                CMP_RC=`echo "${DISK_FREE_M}<$((${TAR_SIZE_M}))"|bc`
+                if [ "${CMP_RC}" = "1" ];then
+                        break
+                fi
+                ((TAR_NUM++))
+	done
+	return 0
+function f_runtest()
+	f_LogRunMsg "[*] Mkfs device ${DEVICE}:"
+	f_mkfs
+	RET=$?
+	f_echo_status ${RET}| tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+	f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+	f_LogRunMsg "[*] Mount device ${DEVICE} to ${MOUNT_POINT}:"
+	f_mount
+	RET=$?
+	f_echo_status ${RET}| tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+	f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+	((TEST_NO++))
+	f_LogRunMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Basic Fucntional Test:"
+	f_LogMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Basic Fucntional Test, CMD:${SUDO} ${INDEXED_DIRS_TEST_BIN} -i 10 -n 20000 -v ${DEVICE} -d 2 -w ${WORK_PLACE} -f"
+	${SUDO} ${INDEXED_DIRS_TEST_BIN} -i 10 -n 20000 -v ${DEVICE} -d 2 -w ${WORK_PLACE} -f >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        f_echo_status ${RET} | tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+	((TEST_PASS++))
+	f_LogMsg "Cleanup working place"
+	${SUDO} ${CHMOD_BIN} -R 777 ${MOUNT_POINT}  >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        ${RM_BIN} -rf ${WORK_PLACE}/* >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+	((TEST_NO++))
+        f_LogRunMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Random Test:"
+	f_LogMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Random Test, CMD:${SUDO} ${INDEXED_DIRS_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -n 5000 -v ${DEVICE} -d 2 -w ${WORK_PLACE} -r 10"
+	${SUDO} ${INDEXED_DIRS_TEST_BIN} -i 5 -n 5000 -v ${DEVICE} -d 2 -w ${WORK_PLACE} -r 1 >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        f_echo_status ${RET} | tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+        ((TEST_PASS++))
+	f_LogMsg "Cleanup working place"
+	${SUDO} ${CHMOD_BIN} -R 777 ${MOUNT_POINT}  >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+	${RM_BIN} -rf ${WORK_PLACE}/* >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+	RET=$?
+	f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+	((TEST_NO++))
+        f_LogRunMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Concurrent Test:"
+	f_LogMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Concurrent Test:, CMD:${SUDO} ${INDEXED_DIRS_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -n 4000 -v ${DEVICE} -d 1 -w ${WORK_PLACE} -c 200"
+        ${SUDO} ${INDEXED_DIRS_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -n 4000 -v ${DEVICE} -d 1 -w ${WORK_PLACE} -c 200 >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        f_echo_status ${RET} | tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+        ((TEST_PASS++))
+	f_LogMsg "Cleanup working place"
+	${SUDO} ${CHMOD_BIN} -R 777 ${MOUNT_POINT}  >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        ${RM_BIN} -rf ${WORK_PLACE}/* >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+	((TEST_NO++))
+        f_LogRunMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Multiple Processes Test:"
+	f_LogMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Multiple Processes Test, CMD:${SUDO} ${INDEXED_DIRS_TEST_BIN} -i 10 -n 1000 -v ${DEVICE} -d 1 -w ${WORK_PLACE} -m 1000"
+        ${SUDO} ${INDEXED_DIRS_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -n 300 -v ${DEVICE} -d 1 -w ${WORK_PLACE} -m 10 >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        f_echo_status ${RET} | tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+        ((TEST_PASS++))
+	f_LogMsg "Cleanup working place"
+	${SUDO} ${CHMOD_BIN} -R 777 ${MOUNT_POINT}  >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        ${RM_BIN} -rf ${WORK_PLACE}/* >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+	((TEST_NO++))
+        f_LogRunMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Boundary & Limitation Test:"
+	f_LogMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Boundary & Limitation Test, CMD:${SUDO} ${INDEXED_DIRS_TEST_BIN} -i 1 -v ${DEVICE} -w ${WORK_PLACE} -b"
+        ${SUDO} ${INDEXED_DIRS_TEST_BIN} -i 1  -v ${DEVICE} -w ${WORK_PLACE} -b>>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        f_echo_status ${RET} | tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+        ((TEST_PASS++))
+	f_LogMsg "Cleanup working place"
+	${SUDO} ${CHMOD_BIN} -R 777 ${MOUNT_POINT}  >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        ${RM_BIN} -rf ${WORK_PLACE}/* >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+	((TEST_NO++))
+        f_LogRunMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Growing Fillup Test:"
+	f_growtest
+        RET=$?
+        f_echo_status ${RET} | tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+        ((TEST_PASS++))
+	f_LogMsg "Cleanup working place"
+	${SUDO} ${CHMOD_BIN} -R 777 ${MOUNT_POINT}  >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        ${RM_BIN} -rf ${WORK_PLACE}/* >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+	((TEST_NO++))
+        f_LogRunMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Stress Test:"
+	f_LogMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Stress Test, CMD:${SUDO} ${INDEXED_DIRS_TEST_BIN} -i 10 -n 500000 -v ${DEVICE} -w ${WORK_PLACE} -s"
+        ${SUDO} ${INDEXED_DIRS_TEST_BIN} -i 10 -n 500000  -v ${DEVICE} -w ${WORK_PLACE} -s>>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        f_echo_status ${RET} | tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+        ((TEST_PASS++))
+	f_LogMsg "Cleanup working place"
+	${SUDO} ${CHMOD_BIN} -R 777 ${MOUNT_POINT}  >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        ${RM_BIN} -rf ${WORK_PLACE}/* >>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+	((TEST_NO++))
+        f_LogRunMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Destructive Test:"
+	f_LogMsg "[${TEST_NO}] Destructive Test, CMD:${SUDO} ${INDEXED_DIRS_TEST_BIN} -i 2 -n 500 -d 10  -v ${DEVICE} -w ${WORK_PLACE} -p "
+        ${SUDO} ${INDEXED_DIRS_TEST_BIN} -i 2 -n 500 -d 10  -v ${DEVICE} -w ${WORK_PLACE} -p>>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
+        RET=$?
+        f_echo_status ${RET} | tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+        f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+        ((TEST_PASS++))
+	f_LogRunMsg "[*] Umount device ${DEVICE} from ${MOUNT_POINT}:"
+	f_umount
+	RET=$?
+	f_echo_status ${RET}| tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}
+	f_exit_or_not ${RET}
+function f_cleanup()
+        :
+# Main Entry
+#redfine the int signal hander
+trap 'echo -ne "\n\n">>${RUN_LOG_FILE};echo  "Interrupted by Ctrl+C,Cleanuping... "|tee -a ${RUN_LOG_FILE}; f_cleanup;exit 1' SIGINT
+f_check $*
+f_LogRunMsg "=====================Indexed dirs tests start:  `date`=====================\n"
+f_LogMsg "=====================Indexed dirs tests start:  `date`====================="
+for BLOCKSIZE in 512 1024 4096;do
+	for CLUSTERSIZE in 4096 32768 1048576;do
+		f_LogRunMsg "<- Running test with ${BLOCKSIZE} bs and ${CLUSTERSIZE} cs ->\n"
+		f_LogMsg "<- Running test with ${BLOCKSIZE} bs and ${CLUSTERSIZE} cs ->"
+		f_runtest
+	done
+f_LogRunMsg "=====================Indexed dirs tests end: `date`=====================\n"
+f_LogMsg "=====================Indexed dirs tests end: `date`====================="
+f_LogRunMsg "Time elapsed(s): $((${END_TIME}-${START_TIME}))\n"
+f_LogRunMsg "Tests total: ${TEST_NO}\n"
+f_LogRunMsg "Tests passed: ${TEST_PASS}\n"

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