[Ocfs2-test-devel] [PATCH 6/9] Ocfs2-test: Add single-node testing binary for refcount on ocfs2.

Tristan Ye tristan.ye at oracle.com
Fri Apr 3 01:52:03 PDT 2009

The C written testing binary can be flexible enough to be tuned to
perform tests of various kinds,such as basic sanity check, boundary
,stress tests, combination tests with xattr, random, mmap and concurrent
tests etc.

It expects to be called by following single-node testing launcher
to perform a thorough testing work.

Signed-off-by: Tristan Ye <tristan.ye at oracle.com>
 programs/reflink_tests/reflink_test.c | 1803 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 1803 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 programs/reflink_tests/reflink_test.c

diff --git a/programs/reflink_tests/reflink_test.c b/programs/reflink_tests/reflink_test.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..00ef55d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/programs/reflink_tests/reflink_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1803 @@
+/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 8; -*-
+ * vim: noexpandtab sw=8 ts=8 sts=0:
+ *
+ * reflink_test.c
+ *
+ * reflink testing binary for single node,it includes functionality,
+ * stress,concurrent,random and boundary tests by specifying various
+ * arguments.
+ *
+ * Written by tristan.ye at oracle.com
+ *
+ * XXX: This could easily be turned into an mpi program.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#include "reflink_test.h"
+#include "xattr_test.h"
+static char device[100];
+ocfs2_filesys *fs;
+struct ocfs2_super_block *ocfs2_sb;
+unsigned int blocksize;
+unsigned long clustersize;
+unsigned int max_inline_size;
+unsigned long page_size;
+unsigned long file_size = 1024 * 1024;
+char *prog;
+static char workplace[PATH_MAX];
+static char orig_path[PATH_MAX];
+static char ref_path[PATH_MAX];
+static char fh_log_orig[PATH_MAX];
+static char fh_log_dest[PATH_MAX];
+static int iteration = 1;
+static int testno = 1;
+static unsigned long ref_counts = 10;
+static unsigned long ref_trees = 10;
+static unsigned long child_nums = 10;
+static unsigned long hole_nums = 100;
+static pid_t *child_pid_list;
+int test_flags = 0x00000000;
+  used to verify if original file corrupt
+char *orig_pattern;
+ * Here is the variable for xattr tests.
+char filename[PATH_MAX];
+unsigned long xattr_nums = DEFAULT_XATTR_NUMS;
+unsigned int xattr_name_sz = DEFAULT_XATTR_NAME_SZ;
+unsigned long xattr_value_sz = DEFAULT_XATTR_VALUE_SZ;
+char *xattr_name;
+char *xattr_value;
+char *xattr_value_get;
+char *list;
+char **xattr_name_list_set;
+char **xattr_name_list_get;
+char xattr_namespace_prefix[10];
+static unsigned long list_sz;
+char value_prefix_magic[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrs";
+char value_postfix_magic[] = "srqponmlkjihgfedcba";
+char value_prefix_get[20];
+char value_postfix_get[20];
+char value_sz[6];
+char value_sz_get[6];
+char *name_get;
+static void usage(void)
+	printf("Usage: reflink_tests [-i iteration] <-n ref_counts> "
+	       "<-p refcount_tree_pairs> <-l file_size> <-d disk> "
+	       "<-w workplace> -f -b [-c conc_procs] -m -s -r [-x xattr_nums]"
+	       " [-h holes_num] [-o holes_filling_log]\n\n"
+	       "-f enable basic feature test.\n"
+	       "-b enable boundary test.\n"
+	       "-c enable concurrent tests with conc_procs processes.\n"
+	       "-m enable mmap test.\n"
+	       "-r enable random test.\n"
+	       "-s enable stress test.\n"
+	       "-x enable combination test with xattr.\n"
+	       "-h enable holes punching and filling tests.\n"
+	       "-o specify logfile for holes filling tests,it takes effect"
+	       " when -h enabled.\n"
+	       "-p specify number of refcount trees in fs.\n"
+	       "iteration specify the running times.\n"
+	       "ref_counts specify the reflinks number for one shared inode.\n"
+	       "refcount_tree_pairs specify the refcount tree numbers in fs.\n"
+	       "file_size specify the file size for reflinks.\n"
+	       "disk specify the target volume.\n"
+	       "workplace specify the dir where tests will happen.\n\n");
+	exit(1);
+static int parse_opts(int argc, char **argv)
+	char c;
+	while (1) {
+		c = getopt(argc, argv,
+			   "I:i:d:D:w:fFbBsSrRmMW:n:N:"
+			   "l:L:c:C:p:P:x:X:h:H:o:O:");
+		if (c == -1)
+			break;
+		switch (c) {
+		case 'i':
+		case 'I':
+			iteration = atol(optarg);
+			break;
+		case 'n':
+		case 'N':
+			ref_counts = atol(optarg);
+			break;
+		case 'p':
+		case 'P':
+			ref_trees = atol(optarg);
+			break;
+		case 'l':
+		case 'L':
+			file_size = atol(optarg);
+			break;
+		case 'd':
+		case 'D':
+			strcpy(device, optarg);
+			break;
+		case 'w':
+		case 'W':
+			strcpy(workplace, optarg);
+			break;
+		case 'o':
+		case 'O':
+			strcpy(fh_log_orig, optarg);
+			break;
+		case 'f':
+		case 'F':
+			test_flags |= BASC_TEST;
+			break;
+		case 'r':
+		case 'R':
+			test_flags |= RAND_TEST;
+			break;
+		case 'b':
+		case 'B':
+			test_flags |= BOND_TEST;
+			break;
+		case 's':
+		case 'S':
+			test_flags |= STRS_TEST;
+			break;
+		case 'm':
+		case 'M':
+			test_flags |= MMAP_TEST;
+			break;
+		case 'c':
+		case 'C':
+			child_nums = atol(optarg);
+			test_flags |= CONC_TEST;
+			break;
+		case 'x':
+		case 'X':
+			test_flags |= XATR_TEST;
+			xattr_nums = atol(optarg);
+			break;
+		case 'h':
+		case 'H':
+			test_flags |= HOLE_TEST;
+			hole_nums = atol(optarg);
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (strcmp(workplace, "") == 0)
+		return EINVAL;
+	if (strcmp(device, "") == 0)
+		return EINVAL;
+	if (file_size > G_SIZE)
+		test_flags |= STRS_TEST;
+	return 0;
+static void setup(int argc, char *argv[])
+	int ret;
+	unsigned long i;
+	prog = strrchr(argv[0], '/');
+	if (prog == NULL)
+		prog = argv[0];
+	else
+		prog++;
+	if (parse_opts(argc, argv))
+		usage();
+	ret = open_ocfs2_volume(device);
+	if (ret < 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Open_ocfs2_volume failed!\n");
+		exit(ret);
+	}
+	orig_pattern = (char *)malloc(PATTERN_SIZE);
+	child_pid_list = (pid_t *)malloc(sizeof(pid_t) * child_nums);
+	memset(orig_pattern, 0, PATTERN_SIZE);
+	srand(getpid());
+	page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
+	if (test_flags & XATR_TEST) {
+		xattr_name = (char *)malloc(XATTR_NAME_MAX_SZ + 1);
+		name_get = (char *)malloc(XATTR_NAME_MAX_SZ + 1);
+		xattr_value = (char *)malloc(XATTR_VALUE_MAX_SZ);
+		xattr_value_get = (char *)malloc(XATTR_VALUE_MAX_SZ);
+		xattr_name_list_set = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) *
+						      xattr_nums);
+		for (i = 0; i < xattr_nums; i++)
+			xattr_name_list_set[i] = (char *)malloc(255 + 1);
+		list_sz = (unsigned long)((XATTR_NAME_MAX_SZ + 1) * xattr_nums);
+		list = (char *)malloc(list_sz);
+		xattr_name_list_get = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) *
+						      xattr_nums);
+		for (i = 0; i < xattr_nums; i++)
+			xattr_name_list_get[i] = (char *)malloc(255 + 1);
+	}
+	return;
+static void teardown(void)
+	unsigned long j;
+	if (orig_pattern)
+		free(orig_pattern);
+	if (child_pid_list)
+		free(child_pid_list);
+	if (test_flags & XATR_TEST) {
+		free((void *)xattr_name);
+		free((void *)name_get);
+		free((void *)xattr_value);
+		free((void *)xattr_value_get);
+		for (j = 0; j < xattr_nums; j++)
+			free((void *)xattr_name_list_set[j]);
+		free((void *)xattr_name_list_set);
+		free((void *)list);
+		for (j = 0; j < xattr_nums; j++)
+			free((void *)xattr_name_list_get[j]);
+		free((void *)xattr_name_list_get);
+	}
+static void should_exit(int is_error)
+	if (is_error < 0) {
+		teardown();
+		exit(1);
+	}
+static int basic_test()
+	int i, ret;
+	int sub_testno = 1;
+	printf("Test %d: Basic reflink test.\n", testno);
+	snprintf(orig_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/original_basic_refile", workplace);
+	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+		printf("  *Use Contiguous Extent = %d.\n", i);
+		printf("  *SubTest %d: Prepare file.\n", sub_testno++);
+		ret = prep_orig_file(orig_path, file_size, i);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		printf("  *SubTest %d: Do %ld reflinks.\n", sub_testno++,
+		       ref_counts);
+		ret = do_reflinks(orig_path, orig_path, ref_counts, 0);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		printf("  *SubTest %d: Read %ld reflinks.\n", sub_testno++,
+		       ref_counts);
+		ret = do_reads_on_reflinks(orig_path, ref_counts, file_size,
+					   clustersize);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		printf("  *SubTest %d: Do CoW on %ld reflinks.\n", sub_testno++,
+		       ref_counts);
+		if (test_flags & RAND_TEST) {
+			ret = do_cows_on_write(orig_path, ref_counts, file_size,
+					       HUNK_SIZE);
+			should_exit(ret);
+			ret = verify_orig_file(orig_path);
+			should_exit(ret);
+		} else {
+			printf("  *SubTest %d: Do CoW on %d interval.\n",
+			       sub_testno++, blocksize);
+			ret = do_cows_on_write(orig_path, ref_counts, file_size,
+					       blocksize);
+			should_exit(ret);
+			printf("  *SubTest %d: Verify Original inode.\n",
+			       sub_testno++);
+			ret = verify_orig_file(orig_path);
+			should_exit(ret);
+			printf("  *SubTest %d: Do CoW on %ld interval.\n",
+			       sub_testno++, clustersize);
+			ret = do_cows_on_write(orig_path, ref_counts, file_size,
+					       clustersize);
+			should_exit(ret);
+			printf("  *SubTest %d: Verify Original inode.\n",
+			       sub_testno++);
+			ret = verify_orig_file(orig_path);
+			should_exit(ret);
+			printf("  *SubTest %d: Do CoW on %d interval.\n",
+			       sub_testno, HUNK_SIZE);
+			ret = do_cows_on_write(orig_path, ref_counts, file_size,
+					       HUNK_SIZE);
+			should_exit(ret);
+			printf("  *SubTest %d: Verify Original inode.\n",
+			       sub_testno++);
+			ret = verify_orig_file(orig_path);
+			should_exit(ret);
+		}
+		printf("  *SubTest %d: Read %ld reflinks.\n", sub_testno++,
+		       ref_counts);
+		ret = do_reads_on_reflinks(orig_path, ref_counts, file_size,
+					   clustersize);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		printf("  *SubTest %d: Unlink %ld reflinks.\n", sub_testno++,
+		       ref_counts);
+		ret = do_unlinks(orig_path, ref_counts);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		printf("  *SubTest %d: Verify Original inode.\n", sub_testno++);
+		ret = verify_orig_file(orig_path);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		printf("  *SubTest %d: Do %ld reflinks.\n", sub_testno++,
+		       ref_counts);
+		ret = do_reflinks(orig_path, orig_path, ref_counts, 1);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		printf("  *SubTest %d: Do CoW on truncate with %ld reflinks.\n",
+		       sub_testno++, ref_counts);
+		ret = do_cows_on_ftruncate(orig_path, ref_counts, file_size);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		printf("  *SubTest %d: Verify Original inode.\n", sub_testno++);
+		ret = verify_orig_file(orig_path);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		printf("  *SubTest %d: Unlink %ld reflinks.\n", sub_testno++,
+		       ref_counts);
+		ret = do_unlinks(orig_path, ref_counts);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		printf("  *SubTest %d: Verify Original inode.\n", sub_testno++);
+		ret = verify_orig_file(orig_path);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		printf("  *SubTest %d: Do %ld reflinks.\n", sub_testno++,
+		       ref_counts);
+		ret = do_reflinks(orig_path, orig_path, ref_counts, 2);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		printf("  *SubTest %d: Do CoW on append with %ld reflinks.\n",
+		       sub_testno++, ref_counts);
+		ret = do_appends(orig_path, ref_counts);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		ret = verify_orig_file(orig_path);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		printf("  *SubTest %d: Unlink %ld reflinks.\n", sub_testno++,
+		       ref_counts);
+		ret = do_unlinks(orig_path, ref_counts);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		ret = verify_orig_file(orig_path);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		printf("  *SubTest %d: Unlink original file.\n", sub_testno++);
+		ret = do_unlink(orig_path);
+		should_exit(ret);
+	}
+	testno++;
+	return 0;
+static int boundary_test()
+	char dest[PATH_MAX];
+	char write_buf[HUNK_SIZE * 2];
+	unsigned long offset = 0, write_size = 0;
+	unsigned long extent_size = 0, write_pos = 0;
+	int sub_testno = 1, ret;
+	printf("Test %d: Boundary reflink test.\n", testno++);
+	snprintf(orig_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/original_bound_refile", workplace);
+	snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%s_target", orig_path);
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: CoW on extent 1 more byte than max_inline_sz.\n",
+	       sub_testno++);
+	ret = prep_orig_file(orig_path, max_inline_size + 1, 1);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = reflink(orig_path, dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	offset = 0;
+	write_size = 1;
+	get_rand_buf(write_buf, 1);
+	ret = write_at_file(dest, write_buf, write_size, offset);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	truncate(dest, 0);
+	ret = do_unlink(dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = reflink(orig_path, dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	offset = max_inline_size;
+	write_size = 1;
+	get_rand_buf(write_buf, write_size);
+	ret = write_at_file(dest, write_buf, write_size, offset);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	truncate(dest, 0);
+	ret = do_unlink(dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = reflink(orig_path, dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	offset = get_rand(0, max_inline_size);
+	get_rand_buf(write_buf, write_size);
+	ret = write_at_file(dest, write_buf, write_size, offset);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	truncate(dest, max_inline_size);
+	ret = do_unlink(dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = verify_orig_file(orig_path);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: CoW on extent between max_inline_sz and 1M.\n",
+	       sub_testno++);
+	extent_size = get_rand(max_inline_size + 1, M_SIZE);
+	ret = prep_orig_file(orig_path, extent_size, 1);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = reflink(orig_path, dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	offset = get_rand(0, extent_size - 1);
+	get_rand_buf(write_buf, write_size);
+	ret = write_at_file(dest, write_buf, write_size, offset);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlink(dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = verify_orig_file(orig_path);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: CoW on 1M extent.\n", sub_testno++);
+	ret = prep_orig_file(orig_path, M_SIZE, 1);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = reflink(orig_path, dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	offset = get_rand(0, M_SIZE - 1);
+	get_rand_buf(write_buf, write_size);
+	ret = write_at_file(dest, write_buf, write_size, offset);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlink(dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = verify_orig_file(orig_path);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: CoW on contiguous 1G extent.\n", sub_testno++);
+	ret = prep_orig_file(orig_path, G_SIZE, 1);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = reflink(orig_path, dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	offset = 0;
+	get_rand_buf(write_buf, write_size);
+	ret = write_at_file(dest, write_buf, write_size, offset);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlink(dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = reflink(orig_path, dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	offset = G_SIZE - 1;
+	get_rand_buf(write_buf, write_size);
+	ret = write_at_file(dest, write_buf, write_size, offset);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlink(dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = reflink(orig_path, dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	offset = get_rand(0, G_SIZE - 1);
+	get_rand_buf(write_buf, write_size);
+	ret = write_at_file(dest, write_buf, write_size, offset);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlink(dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = reflink(orig_path, dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	offset = 0;
+	while (offset < G_SIZE) {
+		write_pos = get_rand(offset, offset + M_SIZE - 1);
+		ret = write_at_file(dest, write_buf, write_size, write_pos);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		offset += M_SIZE;
+	}
+	ret = do_unlink(dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: CoW on incontiguous 1G extent.\n", sub_testno++);
+	ret = prep_orig_file(orig_path, G_SIZE, 0);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = reflink(orig_path, dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	offset = 0;
+	get_rand_buf(write_buf, write_size);
+	ret = write_at_file(dest, write_buf, write_size, offset);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlink(dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = reflink(orig_path, dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	offset = G_SIZE - 1;
+	get_rand_buf(write_buf, write_size);
+	ret = write_at_file(dest, write_buf, write_size, offset);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlink(dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = reflink(orig_path, dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	offset = get_rand(0, G_SIZE - 1);
+	get_rand_buf(write_buf, write_size);
+	ret = write_at_file(dest, write_buf, write_size, offset);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlink(dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = reflink(orig_path, dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	offset = 0;
+	while (offset < G_SIZE) {
+		write_pos = get_rand(offset, offset + M_SIZE - 1);
+		get_rand_buf(write_buf, write_size);
+		ret = write_at_file(dest, write_buf, write_size, write_pos);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		offset += M_SIZE;
+	}
+	ret = do_unlink(dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlink(orig_path);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	return 0;
+static int stress_test()
+	char dest[PATH_MAX], tmp_dest[PATH_MAX];
+	char write_buf[HUNK_SIZE * 2];
+	unsigned long offset = 0, write_size = 0;
+	unsigned long i, j, interval = 0;
+	int ret;
+	int sub_testno = 1;
+	printf("Test %d: Stress refcount test.\n", testno);
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: Stress test with tremendous refcount trees.\n",
+	       sub_testno++);
+	for (i = 0; i < ref_trees; i++) {
+		snprintf(orig_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/original_stress_refile_%ld",
+			 workplace, i);
+		snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%s_target", orig_path);
+		ret = prep_orig_file(orig_path, max_inline_size + 1, 1);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		ret = reflink(orig_path, dest);
+		should_exit(ret);
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < ref_trees; i++) {
+		snprintf(orig_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/original_stress_refile_%ld",
+			 workplace, i);
+		snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%s_target", orig_path);
+		offset = get_rand(0, max_inline_size);
+		write_size = 1;
+		get_rand_buf(write_buf, write_size);
+		ret = write_at_file(dest, write_buf, write_size, offset);
+		should_exit(ret);
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < ref_trees; i++) {
+		snprintf(orig_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/original_stress_refile_%ld",
+			 workplace, i);
+		snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%s_target", orig_path);
+		ret = do_unlink(orig_path);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		ret = do_unlink(dest);
+		should_exit(ret);
+	}
+	fflush(stdout);
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: Stress test with tremendous shared inodes on "
+	       "one refcount tree.\n", sub_testno++);
+	snprintf(orig_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/original_stress_refile", workplace);
+	ret = prep_orig_file(orig_path, max_inline_size + 1, 1);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_reflinks(orig_path, orig_path, ref_counts, 1);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	for (i = 0; i < ref_counts; i++) {
+		if (get_rand(0, 1))
+			continue;
+		snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%sr%ld", orig_path, i);
+		offset = 0;
+		while (offset < max_inline_size + 1) {
+			write_size = get_rand(1, max_inline_size);
+			get_rand_buf(write_buf, write_size);
+			ret = write_at_file(dest, write_buf, write_size,
+					    offset);
+			should_exit(ret);
+			offset += write_size;
+		}
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < ref_counts; i++) {
+		if (get_rand(0, 1))
+			continue;
+		snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%sr%ld", orig_path, i);
+		truncate(dest, 0);
+	}
+	ret = do_unlinks(orig_path, ref_counts);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlink(orig_path);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	fflush(stdout);
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: Stress test with HUGEFILE reflinked.\n",
+	       sub_testno++);
+	/*Use a 10G file for testing?*/
+	snprintf(orig_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/original_stress_refile", workplace);
+	snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%s_target", orig_path);
+	ret = prep_orig_file(orig_path, file_size, 1);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = reflink(orig_path, dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	strcpy(tmp_dest, dest);
+	/*Then write original and target file randomly*/
+	offset = 0;
+	interval = file_size / 10000;
+	i = 0;
+	while (offset < file_size) {
+		write_size = get_rand(1, M_SIZE * 2);
+		get_rand_buf(write_buf, write_size);
+		ret = write_at_file(orig_path, write_buf, write_size, offset);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		offset = offset + write_size + interval;
+		snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%s_%ld", tmp_dest, i);
+		ret = reflink(orig_path, dest);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		i++;
+	}
+	for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+		snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%s_%ld", tmp_dest, j);
+		ret = do_unlink(dest);
+		should_exit(ret);
+	}
+	ret = do_reflinks_at_random(orig_path, orig_path, ref_counts);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlinks(orig_path, ref_counts);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	strcpy(dest, tmp_dest);
+	offset = 0;
+	interval = file_size / 10000;
+	while (offset < file_size) {
+		write_size = get_rand(1, M_SIZE * 2);
+		get_rand_buf(write_buf, write_size);
+		ret = write_at_file(dest, write_buf, write_size, offset);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		offset = offset + write_size + interval;
+	}
+	ret = do_unlink(dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlink(orig_path);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	fflush(stdout);
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: Stress test with enormous extents in "
+	       "1M hunks.\n", sub_testno++);
+	/*Use a 10G file for testing?*/
+	snprintf(orig_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/original_stress_refile", workplace);
+	snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%s_target", orig_path);
+	ret = prep_orig_file(orig_path, file_size, 0);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = reflink(orig_path, dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	/*Then write original and target file randomly*/
+	offset = 0;
+	interval = file_size / 1000;
+	while (offset < file_size) {
+		write_size = get_rand(1, M_SIZE * 2);
+		get_rand_buf(write_buf, write_size);
+		ret = write_at_file(orig_path, write_buf, write_size, offset);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		offset = offset + write_size + interval;
+	}
+	ret = do_unlink(dest);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlink(orig_path);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	/*
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: Stress test with HUGEFILE and tremendous "
+	       "reflinks together\n", sub_testno++);
+	snprintf(orig_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/original_stress_refile", workplace);
+	ret = prep_orig_file(orig_path, file_size, 1);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_reflinks(orig_path, orig_path, ref_counts, 0);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_cows_on_write(orig_path, ref_counts, file_size,
+			       file_size / 100);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlinks(orig_path, ref_counts);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlink(orig_path);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	*/
+	return 0;
+static void sigchld_handler()
+	pid_t pid;
+	union wait status;
+	while (1) {
+		pid = wait3(&status, WNOHANG, NULL);
+		if (pid <= 0)
+			break;
+	}
+static void kill_all_children()
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < child_nums; i++)
+		kill(child_pid_list[i], SIGTERM);
+	free(child_pid_list);
+static void sigint_handler()
+	kill_all_children();
+	signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
+	kill(getpid(), SIGINT);
+static void sigterm_handler()
+	kill_all_children();
+	signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL);
+	kill(getpid(), SIGTERM);
+static int concurrent_test()
+	int ret, rc;
+	int i, j, status, choice;
+	char reflink_path[PATH_MAX];
+	pid_t pid;
+	printf("Test %d: Concurrent test.\n", testno);
+	snprintf(orig_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/original_conc_refile", workplace);
+	ret = prep_orig_file(orig_path, file_size, 0);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	do_reflinks(orig_path, orig_path, ref_counts, 0);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	/*flush out the father's i/o buffer*/
+	fflush(stderr);
+	fflush(stdout);
+	signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld_handler);
+	 for (i = 0; i < child_nums; i++) {
+		pid = fork();
+		if (pid < 0) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "Fork process error!\n");
+			return pid;
+		}
+		/* child to do CoW*/
+		/* and some increment the refcount, some decrement*/
+		if (pid == 0) {
+			srand(getpid());
+			choice = get_rand(0, 3);
+			if (choice == 0) {
+				/* do reflink to increment refcount*/
+				for (j = 0; j < ref_counts; j++) {
+					snprintf(reflink_path, PATH_MAX,
+						 "%s-%d-%d", orig_path,
+						 getpid(), j);
+					ret = reflink(orig_path, reflink_path);
+					should_exit(ret);
+				}
+				sleep(2);
+				/*should unlink newly reflinked inodes lastly*/
+				for (j = 0; j < ref_counts; j++) {
+					snprintf(reflink_path, PATH_MAX,
+						 "%s-%d-%d", orig_path,
+						 getpid(), j);
+					ret = do_unlink(reflink_path);
+					should_exit(ret);
+				}
+			}
+			if (choice == 1) {
+				/* do cow to decrement refcount*/
+				ret = do_cows_on_write(orig_path, ref_counts,
+						       file_size, clustersize);
+				should_exit(ret);
+			}
+			if (choice == 2) {
+				/* do truncate and append*/
+				if (!(test_flags & MMAP_TEST)) {
+					ret = do_cows_on_ftruncate(orig_path,
+								   ref_counts,
+								   file_size);
+					should_exit(ret);
+				}
+				ret = do_appends(orig_path, ref_counts);
+				should_exit(ret);
+			}
+			if (choice == 3) {
+				/* do read */
+				ret = verify_orig_file(orig_path);
+				should_exit(ret);
+			}
+			sleep(2);
+			exit(0);
+		}
+		if (pid > 0)
+			child_pid_list[i] = pid;
+	}
+	signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler);
+	signal(SIGTERM, sigterm_handler);
+	/*father wait all children to leave*/
+	for (i = 0; i < child_nums; i++) {
+		ret = waitpid(child_pid_list[i], &status, 0);
+		rc = WEXITSTATUS(status);
+		if (rc) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "Child %d exits abnormally with "
+				"RC=%d\n", child_pid_list[i], rc);
+		}
+	}
+	/* father to verify original unchanged file*/
+	ret = verify_orig_file(orig_path);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlinks(orig_path, ref_counts);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = verify_orig_file(orig_path);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlink(orig_path);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	return 0;
+static int xattr_boundary_test(int ea_nums, int ea_name_size,
+			       unsigned long ea_value_size)
+	int fd, fr, ret;
+	unsigned long i;
+	xattr_nums = ea_nums;
+	xattr_name_sz = ea_name_size;
+	xattr_value_sz = ea_value_size;
+	fd = open(orig_path, FILE_RW_FLAGS);
+	/*Prepare xattrs for original inode*/
+	for (i = 0; i < xattr_nums; i++) {
+		xattr_name_generator(i, USER, xattr_name_sz, xattr_name_sz);
+		xattr_value_constructor(i);
+		ret = add_or_update_ea(NORMAL, fd, XATTR_CREATE, "add");
+		should_exit(ret);
+		ret = read_ea(NORMAL, fd);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		ret = xattr_value_validator(i);
+		should_exit(ret);
+	}
+	ret = reflink(orig_path, ref_path);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	fr = open(ref_path, FILE_RW_FLAGS);
+	for (i = 0; i < xattr_nums; i++) {
+		if ((i % 2) == 0)
+			xattr_value_sz = XATTR_VALUE_TO_CLUSTER - 2;
+		else
+			xattr_value_sz = XATTR_VALUE_TO_CLUSTER + 2;
+		strcpy(xattr_name, xattr_name_list_set[i]);
+		xattr_value_constructor(i);
+		ret = add_or_update_ea(NORMAL, fr, XATTR_REPLACE, "update");
+		should_exit(ret);
+		ret = read_ea(NORMAL, fr);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		ret = xattr_value_validator(i);
+		should_exit(ret);
+	}
+	ret = verify_orig_file_xattr(NORMAL, orig_path, list_sz);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	for (i = 0; i < xattr_nums; i++) {
+		if (get_rand(0, 1))
+			continue;
+		strcpy(xattr_name, xattr_name_list_set[i]);
+		ret = remove_ea(NORMAL, fr);
+		should_exit(ret);
+	}
+	ret = verify_orig_file_xattr(NORMAL, orig_path, list_sz);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	for (i = 0; i < xattr_nums; i++) {
+		strcpy(xattr_name, xattr_name_list_set[i]);
+		ret = remove_ea(NORMAL, fd);
+		should_exit(ret);
+	}
+	ret = do_unlink(ref_path);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	close(fd);
+	close(fr);
+	return 0;
+static int do_xattr_cows(char *ref_pfx, unsigned long iter, int ea_nums)
+	unsigned long i, j;
+	char dest[PATH_MAX];
+	int fd, ret;
+	for (i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
+		snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%sr%ld", ref_pfx, i);
+		fd = open64(dest, FILE_RW_FLAGS);
+		if (fd < 0) {
+			fd = errno;
+			fprintf(stderr, "open file %s failed:%d:%s\n",
+				dest, fd, strerror(fd));
+			return fd;
+		}
+		strcpy(filename, dest);
+		for (j = 0; j < ea_nums; j++) {
+			strcpy(xattr_name, xattr_name_list_set[j]);
+			xattr_value_sz = get_rand(1, XATTR_VALUE_MAX_SZ);
+			if (xattr_value_sz > xattr_name_sz + 50)
+				xattr_value_constructor(j);
+			else
+				xattr_value_generator(j, xattr_value_sz,
+						      xattr_value_sz);
+			ret = add_or_update_ea(NORMAL, fd, XATTR_REPLACE,
+					       "update");
+			should_exit(ret);
+			if (xattr_value_sz > xattr_name_sz + 50) {
+				ret = read_ea(NORMAL, fd);
+				should_exit(ret);
+				ret = xattr_value_validator(j);
+				should_exit(ret);
+			}
+		}
+		close(fd);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int do_xattr_data_cows(char *ref_pfx, unsigned long iter, int ea_nums)
+	unsigned long i, j;
+	char dest[PATH_MAX];
+	int fd, ret;
+	unsigned long offset = 0, write_size = 0;
+	char write_buf[HUNK_SIZE];
+	for (i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
+		snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%sr%ld", ref_pfx, i);
+		fd = open64(dest, FILE_RW_FLAGS);
+		if (fd < 0) {
+			fd = errno;
+			fprintf(stderr, "open file %s failed:%d:%s\n",
+				dest, fd, strerror(fd));
+			return fd;
+		}
+		strcpy(filename, dest);
+		for (j = 0; j < ea_nums; j++) {
+			/* Update xattr*/
+			strcpy(xattr_name, xattr_name_list_set[j]);
+			xattr_value_sz = get_rand(1, XATTR_VALUE_MAX_SZ);
+			if (xattr_value_sz > xattr_name_sz + 50)
+				xattr_value_constructor(j);
+			else
+				xattr_value_generator(j, xattr_value_sz,
+						      xattr_value_sz);
+			ret = add_or_update_ea(NORMAL, fd, XATTR_REPLACE,
+					       "update");
+			should_exit(ret);
+			if (xattr_value_sz > xattr_name_sz + 50) {
+				ret = read_ea(NORMAL, fd);
+				should_exit(ret);
+				ret = xattr_value_validator(j);
+				should_exit(ret);
+			}
+			/* Update file data*/
+			offset = get_rand(0, file_size - 1);
+			write_size = get_rand(1, HUNK_SIZE);
+			if (offset + write_size > file_size)
+				write_size = file_size - offset;
+			get_rand_buf(write_buf, write_size);
+			ret = write_at(fd, write_buf, write_size, offset);
+			if (ret < 0)
+				return ret;
+		}
+		close(fd);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int do_xattr_reads(char *ref_pfx, unsigned long iter, int ea_nums)
+	unsigned long i, j;
+	char dest[PATH_MAX];
+	int fd, ret;
+	for (i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
+		snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%sr%ld", ref_pfx, i);
+		strcpy(filename, dest);
+		fd = open64(dest, FILE_RO_FLAGS);
+		if (fd < 0) {
+			fd = errno;
+			fprintf(stderr, "open file %s failed:%d:%s\n",
+				dest, fd, strerror(fd));
+			return fd;
+		}
+		for (j = 0; j < ea_nums; j++) {
+			strcpy(xattr_name, xattr_name_list_set[j]);
+			memset(xattr_value_get, 0, xattr_value_sz);
+			ret = read_ea(NORMAL, fd);
+			should_exit(ret);
+		}
+		close(fd);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int do_xattr_removes(char *ref_pfx, unsigned long iter, int ea_nums)
+	unsigned long i, j;
+	char dest[PATH_MAX];
+	int fd, ret;
+	for (i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
+		snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%sr%ld", ref_pfx, i);
+		fd = open64(dest, FILE_RW_FLAGS);
+		if (fd < 0) {
+			fd = errno;
+			fprintf(stderr, "open file %s failed:%d:%s\n",
+				dest, fd, strerror(fd));
+			return fd;
+		}
+		strcpy(filename, dest);
+		for (j = 0; j < ea_nums; j++) {
+			strcpy(xattr_name, xattr_name_list_set[j]);
+			ret = remove_ea(NORMAL, fd);
+			should_exit(ret);
+			if (get_rand(0, 1))
+				continue;
+			xattr_value_sz = get_rand(1, XATTR_VALUE_MAX_SZ);
+			if (xattr_value_sz > xattr_name_sz + 50)
+				xattr_value_constructor(j);
+			else
+				xattr_value_generator(j, xattr_value_sz,
+						      xattr_value_sz);
+			ret = add_or_update_ea(NORMAL, fd, XATTR_CREATE, "add");
+			should_exit(ret);
+		}
+		close(fd);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int do_xattr_lists(char *ref_pfx, unsigned long iter)
+	unsigned long i;
+	char dest[PATH_MAX];
+	int ret;
+	for (i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
+		snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%sr%ld", ref_pfx, i);
+		ret = verify_orig_file_xattr(NORMAL, dest, list_sz);
+		should_exit(ret);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int xattr_basic_test(int ea_nums, int ea_name_size,
+			    unsigned long ea_value_size)
+	int fd, ret;
+	unsigned long i;
+	int sub_testno = 1;
+	xattr_nums = ea_nums;
+	xattr_name_sz = ea_name_size;
+	xattr_value_sz = ea_value_size;
+	snprintf(orig_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/original_xattr_basic_refile",
+		 workplace);
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: Prep original inode with %ld EAs.\n",
+	       sub_testno++, xattr_nums);
+	ret = prep_orig_file(orig_path, file_size, 1);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	fd = open(orig_path, FILE_RW_FLAGS);
+	for (i = 0; i < ea_nums; i++) {
+		memset(xattr_name, 0, xattr_name_sz + 1);
+		xattr_name_generator(i, USER, xattr_name_sz, xattr_name_sz);
+		xattr_value_constructor(i);
+		ret = add_or_update_ea(NORMAL, fd, XATTR_CREATE, "add");
+		should_exit(ret);
+		ret = read_ea(NORMAL, fd);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		ret = xattr_value_validator(i);
+		should_exit(ret);
+	}
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: Updating %ld reflinks' %ld EAs to CoW.\n",
+	       sub_testno++, ref_counts, xattr_nums);
+	/*Updating xattr of reflinks to cause CoW*/
+	ret = do_reflinks(orig_path, orig_path, ref_counts, 0);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_xattr_cows(orig_path, ref_counts, xattr_nums);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = verify_orig_file_xattr(NORMAL, orig_path, list_sz);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlinks(orig_path, ref_counts);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: Removing %ld reflinks' %ld EAs randomly.\n",
+	       sub_testno++, ref_counts, xattr_nums);
+	/*Random remove&add ea*/
+	ret = do_reflinks(orig_path, orig_path, ref_counts, 0);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_xattr_removes(orig_path, ref_counts, xattr_nums);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = verify_orig_file_xattr(NORMAL, orig_path, list_sz);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlinks(orig_path, ref_counts);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	/*Data&Xattr updating combination test*/
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: Updating %ld reflinks' EAs&File-data together"
+	       " to CoW.\n", sub_testno++, ref_counts);
+	ret = do_reflinks(orig_path, orig_path, ref_counts, 0);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_xattr_data_cows(orig_path, ref_counts, xattr_nums);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = verify_orig_file_xattr(NORMAL, orig_path, list_sz);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlinks(orig_path, ref_counts);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	/*Xattr read test*/
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: Reading %ld reflinks' %ld EAs randomly.\n",
+	       sub_testno++, ref_counts, xattr_nums);
+	ret = do_reflinks(orig_path, orig_path, ref_counts, 0);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	xattr_value_sz = XATTR_VALUE_MAX_SZ;
+	ret = do_xattr_reads(orig_path, ref_counts, xattr_nums);
+	ret = verify_orig_file_xattr(NORMAL, orig_path, list_sz);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlinks(orig_path, ref_counts);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	/*Xattr list test*/
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: Listing %ld reflinks' EAs.\n", sub_testno++,
+	       ref_counts);
+	ret = do_reflinks(orig_path, orig_path, ref_counts, 0);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	if (list_sz < XATTR_LIST_MAX_SZ) {
+		xattr_value_sz = ea_value_size;
+		ret = do_xattr_lists(orig_path, ref_counts);
+		should_exit(ret);
+	}
+	ret = verify_orig_file_xattr(NORMAL, orig_path, list_sz);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlinks(orig_path, ref_counts);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: Unlinking reflinks and original inode.\n",
+	       sub_testno++);
+	/*Remove original inode*/
+	for (i = 0; i < xattr_nums; i++) {
+		strcpy(xattr_name, xattr_name_list_set[i]);
+		ret = remove_ea(NORMAL, fd);
+		should_exit(ret);
+	}
+	close(fd);
+	ret = do_unlink(orig_path);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	return 0;
+static int xattr_random_reflink_test(int ea_nums, int ea_name_size,
+				     int ea_value_size, unsigned long ref_nums)
+	int fd, ret;
+	unsigned long i, j;
+	unsigned long ea_index = 0, ea_count = 0;
+	char dest[PATH_MAX], tmp_dest[PATH_MAX];
+	xattr_nums = ea_nums;
+	xattr_name_sz = ea_name_size;
+	xattr_value_sz = ea_value_size;
+	ea_count = xattr_nums;
+	snprintf(orig_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/original_xattr_random_refile",
+		workplace);
+	snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%s_target", orig_path);
+	strcpy(tmp_dest, dest);
+	ret = prep_orig_file(orig_path, file_size, 1);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	fd = open(orig_path, FILE_RW_FLAGS);
+	for (i = 0; i < xattr_nums; i++) {
+		memset(xattr_name, 0, xattr_name_sz + 1);
+		xattr_name_generator(i, USER, xattr_name_sz, xattr_name_sz);
+		xattr_value_constructor(i);
+		ret = add_or_update_ea(NORMAL, fd, XATTR_CREATE, "add");
+		should_exit(ret);
+	}
+	printf("prep original over\n");
+	for (j = 0; j < ref_nums; j++) {
+		printf("ref_links[%ld] ....\n", j);
+		if (j % 3 == 0) {
+			memset(xattr_name, 0, xattr_name_sz + 1);
+			xattr_name_generator(ea_count, USER, xattr_name_sz,
+					     xattr_name_sz);
+			xattr_value_constructor(ea_count);
+			ret = add_or_update_ea(NORMAL, fd, XATTR_CREATE, "add");
+			should_exit(ret);
+			ea_count++;
+		}
+		if (j % 3 == 1) {
+			ea_index = get_rand(0, ea_count);
+			while (!xattr_name_list_set[ea_index]) {
+				printf("ea_index = %ld\n", ea_index);
+				ea_index = get_rand(0, ea_count);
+			}
+			strcpy(xattr_name, xattr_name_list_set[ea_index]);
+			xattr_value_constructor(ea_index);
+			ret = add_or_update_ea(NORMAL, fd, XATTR_REPLACE,
+					       "update");
+			should_exit(ret);
+		}
+		if (j % 3 == 2) {
+			ea_index = get_rand(0, ea_count);
+			while (!xattr_name_list_set[ea_index])
+				ea_index = get_rand(0, ea_count);
+			strcpy(xattr_name, xattr_name_list_set[ea_index]);
+			printf("xattr_name = %s\n", xattr_name);
+			xattr_name_list_set[ea_index] = NULL;
+			ret = remove_ea(NORMAL, fd);
+			should_exit(ret);
+		}
+		snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%s_%ld", tmp_dest, j);
+		ret = reflink(orig_path, dest);
+		should_exit(ret);
+		printf("reflink[%ld] over\n", j);
+	}
+	printf("rflink over\n");
+	for (j = 0; j < ref_nums; j++) {
+		snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%s_%ld", tmp_dest, j);
+		ret = do_unlink(dest);
+		should_exit(ret);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int xattr_combin_test()
+	/* think about tests with ea together
+	*  also should enable boundary tests with ea and file data.
+	*/
+	unsigned long old_xattr_nums, old_ref_counts;
+	int sub_testno = 1, ret, fd, fr;
+	/*boundary test for xattr refcount*/
+	printf("Test %d: Boundary xattr refcount test.\n", testno++);
+	snprintf(orig_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/original_xattr_bound_refile",
+		 workplace);
+	snprintf(ref_path, PATH_MAX, "%s_target", orig_path);
+	old_xattr_nums = xattr_nums;
+	old_ref_counts = ref_counts;
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: Reflink with small value ea.\n", sub_testno++);
+	ret = prep_orig_file(orig_path, max_inline_size + 1, 1);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	fd = open(orig_path, FILE_RW_FLAGS);
+	xattr_nums = 1;
+	xattr_name_sz = XATTR_NAME_LEAST_SZ;
+	xattr_value_sz = XATTR_VALUE_TO_CLUSTER - 4;
+	xattr_name_generator(0, USER, xattr_name_sz, xattr_name_sz);
+	xattr_value_constructor(0);
+	ret = add_or_update_ea(NORMAL, fd, XATTR_CREATE, "add");
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = read_ea(NORMAL, fd);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = xattr_value_validator(0);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = reflink(orig_path, ref_path);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = verify_orig_file_xattr(NORMAL, orig_path, list_sz);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	fr = open(ref_path, FILE_RW_FLAGS);
+	xattr_value_sz = XATTR_VALUE_TO_CLUSTER - 4;
+	xattr_value_constructor(0);
+	ret = add_or_update_ea(NORMAL, fr, XATTR_REPLACE, "update");
+	should_exit(ret);
+	xattr_value_sz = XATTR_VALUE_TO_CLUSTER - 2;
+	xattr_value_constructor(0);
+	ret = add_or_update_ea(NORMAL, fr, XATTR_REPLACE, "update");
+	should_exit(ret);
+	xattr_value_sz = XATTR_VALUE_TO_CLUSTER + 2;
+	xattr_value_constructor(0);
+	ret = add_or_update_ea(NORMAL, fr, XATTR_REPLACE, "update");
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = read_ea(NORMAL, fr);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = xattr_value_validator(0);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = remove_ea(NORMAL, fr);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlink(ref_path);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	close(fr);
+	ret = verify_orig_file_xattr(NORMAL, orig_path, list_sz);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = remove_ea(NORMAL, fd);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: Reflink with large value ea.\n", sub_testno++);
+	xattr_nums = 1;
+	xattr_name_sz = XATTR_NAME_LEAST_SZ;
+	xattr_value_sz = XATTR_VALUE_TO_CLUSTER + 2;
+	xattr_name_generator(0, USER, xattr_name_sz, xattr_name_sz);
+	xattr_value_constructor(0);
+	ret = add_or_update_ea(NORMAL, fd, XATTR_CREATE, "add");
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = read_ea(NORMAL, fd);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = xattr_value_validator(0);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = reflink(orig_path, ref_path);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = verify_orig_file_xattr(NORMAL, orig_path, list_sz);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	fr = open(ref_path, FILE_RW_FLAGS);
+	xattr_value_sz = XATTR_VALUE_TO_CLUSTER + 2;
+	xattr_value_constructor(0);
+	ret = add_or_update_ea(NORMAL, fr, XATTR_REPLACE, "update");
+	should_exit(ret);
+	xattr_value_sz = XATTR_VALUE_TO_CLUSTER - 2;
+	xattr_value_constructor(0);
+	ret = add_or_update_ea(NORMAL, fr, XATTR_REPLACE, "update");
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = read_ea(NORMAL, fr);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = xattr_value_validator(0);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = remove_ea(NORMAL, fr);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = do_unlink(ref_path);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	close(fr);
+	ret = verify_orig_file_xattr(NORMAL, orig_path, list_sz);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	ret = remove_ea(NORMAL, fd);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: Reflink with clustered-extented-block-xattr"
+	       "(large value).\n", sub_testno++);
+	xattr_boundary_test(20, XATTR_NAME_LEAST_SZ,
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: Reflink with none-clustered-extented-block-xattr"
+	       "(small value).\n", sub_testno++);
+	xattr_boundary_test(20, XATTR_NAME_LEAST_SZ,
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: Reflink with clustered-extented-bucket-xattr"
+	       "(large value).\n", sub_testno++);
+	xattr_boundary_test(60, XATTR_NAME_LEAST_SZ,
+	printf("  *SubTest %d: Reflink with none-clustered-extented-bucket-"
+	       "xattr (small value).\n", sub_testno++);
+	xattr_boundary_test(60, XATTR_NAME_LEAST_SZ,
+	ret = do_unlink(orig_path);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	fflush(stdout);
+	printf("Test %d: Basic xattr refcount test without value clusters.\n",
+	       testno++);
+	ret = xattr_basic_test(50, XATTR_NAME_LEAST_SZ,
+			       XATTR_VALUE_TO_CLUSTER - 2);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	fflush(stdout);
+	printf("Test %d: Basic xattr refcount test with value clusters.\n",
+	       testno++);
+	ret = xattr_basic_test(50, XATTR_NAME_LEAST_SZ,
+			       XATTR_VALUE_TO_CLUSTER + 2);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	fflush(stdout);
+	xattr_nums = old_xattr_nums;
+	if (xattr_nums < 10000)
+		goto bail;
+	/* Stress test with huge xattr entires and huge value size*/
+	/* Note that there is no more list ea test however*/
+	xattr_nums = old_xattr_nums;
+	printf("Test %d: Stress xattr refcout test with max name size.\n",
+	       testno++);
+	ret = xattr_basic_test(100, XATTR_NAME_MAX_SZ,
+			       XATTR_NAME_MAX_SZ + 60);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	fflush(stdout);
+	xattr_nums = old_xattr_nums;
+	ref_counts = 100;
+	printf("Test %d: Stress xattr refcout test with max value size.\n",
+	       testno++);
+	ret = xattr_basic_test(100, XATTR_NAME_LEAST_SZ, XATTR_VALUE_MAX_SZ);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	fflush(stdout);
+	printf("Test %d: Stress xattr refcout test with all huge args.\n",
+	      testno++);
+	xattr_nums = old_xattr_nums;
+	ret = xattr_basic_test(xattr_nums, XATTR_NAME_MAX_SZ,
+			       XATTR_VALUE_MAX_SZ);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	fflush(stdout);
+	printf("Test %d: Stress xattr random reflink tests.\n",
+	       testno++);
+	xattr_nums = old_xattr_nums;
+	ref_counts = old_ref_counts;
+	ret = xattr_random_reflink_test(xattr_nums / 2, XATTR_NAME_MAX_SZ,
+					XATTR_VALUE_MAX_SZ, xattr_nums / 4);
+	should_exit(ret);
+	fflush(stdout);
+	return 0;
+static int holes_fill_test(void)
+	unsigned long i, j;
+	char dest[PATH_MAX];
+	struct write_unit wu;
+	int ret;
+	FILE *log;
+	printf("Test %d: Holes filling&punching test.\n", testno++);
+	snprintf(orig_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/original_xattr_holes_refile",
+		 workplace);
+	prep_file_with_hole(orig_path, file_size);
+	do_reflinks(orig_path, orig_path, ref_counts, 0);
+	for (i = 0; i < ref_counts; i++) {
+		snprintf(dest, PATH_MAX, "%sr%ld", orig_path, i);
+		snprintf(fh_log_dest, PATH_MAX, "%sr%ld", fh_log_orig, i);
+		log = open_logfile(fh_log_dest);
+		for (j = 0; j < hole_nums; j++) {
+			prep_rand_write_unit(&wu);
+			log_write(log, &wu);
+			ret = do_write_file(dest, &wu);
+			if (ret)
+				return -1;
+			sync();
+		}
+		fclose(log);
+	}
+	log = open_logfile(fh_log_orig);
+	for (j = 0; j < hole_nums; j++) {
+		prep_rand_write_unit(&wu);
+		log_write(log, &wu);
+		ret = do_write_file(orig_path, &wu);
+		if (ret)
+			return -1;
+	}
+	fclose(log);
+	return 0;
+static void run_test(void)
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < iteration; i++) {
+		printf("Round %d test running...\n", i);
+		if (test_flags & BASC_TEST)
+			basic_test();
+		if (test_flags & RAND_TEST)
+			basic_test();
+		if ((test_flags & MMAP_TEST) && !(test_flags & HOLE_TEST))
+			basic_test();
+		if (test_flags & CONC_TEST)
+			concurrent_test();
+		if (test_flags & BOND_TEST)
+			boundary_test();
+		if (test_flags & STRS_TEST)
+			stress_test();
+		if (test_flags & XATR_TEST)
+			xattr_combin_test();
+		if (test_flags & HOLE_TEST)
+			holes_fill_test();
+	}
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+	setup(argc, argv);
+	run_test();
+	teardown();
+	return 0;

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