[Ocfs2-test-devel] [PATCH 07/11] ocfs2-test: Removed 3rd party tests from the build.

Joel Becker Joel.Becker at oracle.com
Mon Nov 3 14:05:58 PST 2008

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 12:32:46PM -0700, Marcos Matsunaga wrote:
> This is to remove some of the tests that we have in ocfs2-tests and we don't
> want in the ocfs2-test RPM.
> 	bonnie
> 	dbench
> 	iozone
> 	postmark

	Why are they in the tree if we will never build them (now that
you've removed them from the Makefile)?  We can either have them in the
tree and provide a configure switch to disable them (the spec file would
do "configure --disable-thirdparty" or whatnot), or we should not have
them in the tree at all.



"Hell is oneself, hell is alone, the other figures in it, merely projections."
        - T. S. Eliot

Joel Becker
Principal Software Developer
E-mail: joel.becker at oracle.com
Phone: (650) 506-8127

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