[Ocfs2-devel] [PATCH 2/5] Use the sysfs interface for creating filecheck files

Goldwyn Rodrigues rgoldwyn at suse.de
Wed Jun 1 19:26:34 PDT 2016

On 05/31/2016 10:16 PM, Gang He wrote:
>> On 05/30/2016 04:23 AM, Gang He wrote:
>>> Hello Goldwyn,
>>> Please see my comments inline.
>>> I just suggest to re-use the existing code as most as possible, since the
>> code was tested by us.
>>> Thanks
>>> Gang
>>>> From: Goldwyn Rodrigues <rgoldwyn at suse.com>
>>>> This reduces the code base and removes unnecessary data structures
>>>> for filecheck information since all information is stored in ocfs2_super
>>>> now.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Goldwyn Rodrigues <rgoldwyn at suse.com>
>>>> ---
>>>>    fs/ocfs2/filecheck.c | 440
>> ++++++---------------------------------------------
>>>>    fs/ocfs2/filecheck.h |  10 ++
>>>>    fs/ocfs2/ocfs2.h     |   7 +
>>>>    fs/ocfs2/super.c     |   7 +
>>>>    fs/ocfs2/sysfs.c     |  91 ++++++++++-
>>>>    5 files changed, 161 insertions(+), 394 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/fs/ocfs2/filecheck.c b/fs/ocfs2/filecheck.c
>>>> index 2cabbcf..0b41967 100644
>>>> --- a/fs/ocfs2/filecheck.c
>>>> +++ b/fs/ocfs2/filecheck.c
>>>> @@ -17,15 +17,7 @@
>>>>     * General Public License for more details.
>>>>     */
>>>> -#include <linux/list.h>
>>>> -#include <linux/spinlock.h>
>>>> -#include <linux/module.h>
>>>> -#include <linux/slab.h>
>>>> -#include <linux/kmod.h>
>>>>    #include <linux/fs.h>
>>>> -#include <linux/kobject.h>
>>>> -#include <linux/sysfs.h>
>>>> -#include <linux/sysctl.h>
>>>>    #include <cluster/masklog.h>
>>>>    #include "ocfs2.h"
>>>> @@ -53,36 +45,6 @@ static const char * const ocfs2_filecheck_errs[] = {
>>>>    	"UNSUPPORTED"
>>>>    };
>>>> -static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_lock);
>>>> -static LIST_HEAD(ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_list);
>>>> -
>>>> -struct ocfs2_filecheck {
>>>> -	struct list_head fc_head;	/* File check entry list head */
>>>> -	spinlock_t fc_lock;
>>>> -	unsigned int fc_max;	/* Maximum number of entry in list */
>>>> -	unsigned int fc_size;	/* Current entry count in list */
>>>> -	unsigned int fc_done;	/* Finished entry count in list */
>>>> -};
>>> Gang: we can reuse this structure, please move this structure into struct
>> ocfs2_super, instead of defining a few members in struct ocfs2_super.
>>> We should use a separate structure to handle all the file check related
>> thing, make the code simple and easy to maintain.
>> Not sure why you are insistent on keeping a separate structure when it
>> would not be references from different structures. Keeping a prefix of
>> fc will make sure it is for filecheck attributes.
> Gang: I just want to make the feature code more independent in other source files, define a separate data structure to
> make the file check code more easily read for the developer, and keep the code change more less in other source file.
> Actually, the existing  struct ocfs2_filecheck can be re-used here.

Yes, but it is just initialization of the fields. I understand if you 
are doing something more..

>>>> -
>>>> -struct ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_entry {	/* sysfs entry per mounting */
>>>> -	struct list_head fs_list;
>>>> -	atomic_t fs_count;
>>>> -	struct super_block *fs_sb;
>>>> -	struct kset *fs_devicekset;
>>>> -	struct kset *fs_fcheckkset;
>>>> -	struct ocfs2_filecheck *fs_fcheck;
>>>> -};
>>> Gang: I think that we can not delete this structure directly, some members
>> are still useful.
>>> e.g. fs_count, which is used to track if there are any pending file check
>> entries, can be moved into struct ocfs2_filecheck.
>>> kset members maybe be kept in struct ocfs2_filecheck.
>> Okay, I will fix that.

On second though, this may not be required.

>>>> -
>>>> -#define OCFS2_FILECHECK_MAXSIZE		100
>>>> -#define OCFS2_FILECHECK_MINSIZE		10
>>> Gang: any file will reference these two macro?
>>> if not, that means these are not interfaces, should be kept in source file.
>> Yes, they are referenced by multiple files.
>>>> -
>>>> -/* File check operation type */
>>>> -enum {
>>>> -	OCFS2_FILECHECK_TYPE_CHK = 0,	/* Check a file(inode) */
>>>> -	OCFS2_FILECHECK_TYPE_FIX,	/* Fix a file(inode) */
>>>> -	OCFS2_FILECHECK_TYPE_SET = 100	/* Set entry list maximum size */
>>>> -};
>>> Gang: delete the member OCFS2_FILECHECK_TYPE_SET,
>>> Move this enum to the header file if any other source file will use,
>> otherwise should be kept in source file.
>> The idea of removing this structures was to simplify the code. More
>> structures make more complicated code.
> Gang: that is OK, but please define the OCFS2_FILECHECK_TYPE_CHK to 0, otherwise this replacing is not equivalent.

I am doing away with this in the future posts.

>>>> -
>>>>    struct ocfs2_filecheck_entry {
>>>>    	struct list_head fe_list;
>>>>    	unsigned long fe_ino;
>>>> @@ -91,14 +53,6 @@ struct ocfs2_filecheck_entry {
>>>>    	unsigned int fe_status:31;
>>>>    };
>>>> -struct ocfs2_filecheck_args {
>>>> -	unsigned int fa_type;
>>>> -	union {
>>>> -		unsigned long fa_ino;
>>>> -		unsigned int fa_len;
>>>> -	};
>>>> -};
>>>> -
>>>>    static const char *
>>>>    ocfs2_filecheck_error(int errno)
>>>>    {
>>>> @@ -110,321 +64,51 @@ ocfs2_filecheck_error(int errno)
>>>>    	return ocfs2_filecheck_errs[errno - OCFS2_FILECHECK_ERR_START + 1];
>>>>    }
>>>> -static ssize_t ocfs2_filecheck_show(struct kobject *kobj,
>>>> -				    struct kobj_attribute *attr,
>>>> -				    char *buf);
>>>> -static ssize_t ocfs2_filecheck_store(struct kobject *kobj,
>>>> -				     struct kobj_attribute *attr,
>>>> -				     const char *buf, size_t count);
>>>> -static struct kobj_attribute ocfs2_attr_filecheck_chk =
>>>> -					__ATTR(check, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR,
>>>> -					ocfs2_filecheck_show,
>>>> -					ocfs2_filecheck_store);
>>>> -static struct kobj_attribute ocfs2_attr_filecheck_fix =
>>>> -					__ATTR(fix, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR,
>>>> -					ocfs2_filecheck_show,
>>>> -					ocfs2_filecheck_store);
>>>> -static struct kobj_attribute ocfs2_attr_filecheck_set =
>>>> -					__ATTR(set, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR,
>>>> -					ocfs2_filecheck_show,
>>>> -					ocfs2_filecheck_store);
>>>> -
>>>> -static int ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_wait(atomic_t *p)
>>>> -{
>>>> -	schedule();
>>>> -	return 0;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static void
>>>> -ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_free(struct ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_entry *entry)
>>>> -{
>>>> -	struct ocfs2_filecheck_entry *p;
>>>> -
>>>> -	if (!atomic_dec_and_test(&entry->fs_count))
>>>> -		wait_on_atomic_t(&entry->fs_count, ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_wait,
>>>> -
>>>> -	spin_lock(&entry->fs_fcheck->fc_lock);
>>>> -	while (!list_empty(&entry->fs_fcheck->fc_head)) {
>>>> -		p = list_first_entry(&entry->fs_fcheck->fc_head,
>>>> -				     struct ocfs2_filecheck_entry, fe_list);
>>>> -		list_del(&p->fe_list);
>>>> -		BUG_ON(!p->fe_done); /* To free a undone file check entry */
>>>> -		kfree(p);
>>>> -	}
>>>> -	spin_unlock(&entry->fs_fcheck->fc_lock);
>>>> -
>>>> -	kset_unregister(entry->fs_fcheckkset);
>>>> -	kset_unregister(entry->fs_devicekset);
>>>> -	kfree(entry->fs_fcheck);
>>>> -	kfree(entry);
>>>> -}
>>> Gang: we cannot delete the function ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_free() directly,
>> this will be used to free the file check entries.
>>> Please keep the code, otherwise, it will lead to memory leak.
>> Yes, there should a cleanup routine.
>>>> -
>>>> -static void
>>>> -ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_add(struct ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_entry *entry)
>>>> -{
>>>> -	spin_lock(&ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_lock);
>>>> -	list_add_tail(&entry->fs_list, &ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_list);
>>>> -	spin_unlock(&ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_lock);
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static int ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_del(const char *devname)
>>>> -{
>>>> -	struct ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_entry *p;
>>>> -
>>>> -	spin_lock(&ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_lock);
>>>> -	list_for_each_entry(p, &ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_list, fs_list) {
>>>> -		if (!strcmp(p->fs_sb->s_id, devname)) {
>>>> -			list_del(&p->fs_list);
>>>> -			spin_unlock(&ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_lock);
>>>> -			ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_free(p);
>>>> -			return 0;
>>>> -		}
>>>> -	}
>>>> -	spin_unlock(&ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_lock);
>>>> -	return 1;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static void
>>>> -ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_put(struct ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_entry *entry)
>>>> -{
>>>> -	if (atomic_dec_and_test(&entry->fs_count))
>>>> -		wake_up_atomic_t(&entry->fs_count);
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static struct ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_entry *
>>>> -ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_get(const char *devname)
>>>> -{
>>>> -	struct ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_entry *p = NULL;
>>>> -
>>>> -	spin_lock(&ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_lock);
>>>> -	list_for_each_entry(p, &ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_list, fs_list) {
>>>> -		if (!strcmp(p->fs_sb->s_id, devname)) {
>>>> -			atomic_inc(&p->fs_count);
>>>> -			spin_unlock(&ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_lock);
>>>> -			return p;
>>>> -		}
>>>> -	}
>>>> -	spin_unlock(&ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_lock);
>>>> -	return NULL;
>>>> -}
>>> Gang: We can't delete these code directly, fs_count variable is used to
>> track if there is any process to use file check related data.
>>> Please consider this variable before delete this part code.
>>>> -int ocfs2_filecheck_create_sysfs(struct super_block *sb)
>>>> -{
>>>> -	int ret = 0;
>>>> -	struct kset *device_kset = NULL;
>>>> -	struct kset *fcheck_kset = NULL;
>>>> -	struct ocfs2_filecheck *fcheck = NULL;
>>>> -	struct ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_entry *entry = NULL;
>>>> -	struct attribute **attrs = NULL;
>>>> -	struct attribute_group attrgp;
>>>> -
>>>> -	if (!ocfs2_kset)
>>>> -		return -ENOMEM;
>>>> -
>>>> -	attrs = kmalloc(sizeof(struct attribute *) * 4, GFP_NOFS);
>>>> -	if (!attrs) {
>>>> -		ret = -ENOMEM;
>>>> -		goto error;
>>>> -	} else {
>>>> -		attrs[0] = &ocfs2_attr_filecheck_chk.attr;
>>>> -		attrs[1] = &ocfs2_attr_filecheck_fix.attr;
>>>> -		attrs[2] = &ocfs2_attr_filecheck_set.attr;
>>>> -		attrs[3] = NULL;
>>>> -		memset(&attrgp, 0, sizeof(attrgp));
>>>> -		attrgp.attrs = attrs;
>>>> -	}
>>>> -
>>>> -	fcheck = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ocfs2_filecheck), GFP_NOFS);
>>>> -	if (!fcheck) {
>>>> -		ret = -ENOMEM;
>>>> -		goto error;
>>>> -	} else {
>>>> -		INIT_LIST_HEAD(&fcheck->fc_head);
>>>> -		spin_lock_init(&fcheck->fc_lock);
>>>> -		fcheck->fc_max = OCFS2_FILECHECK_MINSIZE;
>>>> -		fcheck->fc_size = 0;
>>>> -		fcheck->fc_done = 0;
>>>> -	}
>>>> -
>>>> -	if (strlen(sb->s_id) <= 0) {
>>>> -		mlog(ML_ERROR,
>>>> -		"Cannot get device basename when create filecheck sysfs\n");
>>>> -		ret = -ENODEV;
>>>> -		goto error;
>>>> -	}
>>>> -
>>>> -	device_kset = kset_create_and_add(sb->s_id, NULL, &ocfs2_kset->kobj);
>>>> -	if (!device_kset) {
>>>> -		ret = -ENOMEM;
>>>> -		goto error;
>>>> -	}
>>>> -
>>>> -	fcheck_kset = kset_create_and_add("filecheck", NULL,
>>>> -					  &device_kset->kobj);
>>>> -	if (!fcheck_kset) {
>>>> -		ret = -ENOMEM;
>>>> -		goto error;
>>>> -	}
>>>> -
>>>> -	ret = sysfs_create_group(&fcheck_kset->kobj, &attrgp);
>>>> -	if (ret)
>>>> -		goto error;
>>>> -
>>>> -	entry = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_entry), GFP_NOFS);
>>>> -	if (!entry) {
>>>> -		ret = -ENOMEM;
>>>> -		goto error;
>>>> -	} else {
>>>> -		atomic_set(&entry->fs_count, 1);
>>>> -		entry->fs_sb = sb;
>>>> -		entry->fs_devicekset = device_kset;
>>>> -		entry->fs_fcheckkset = fcheck_kset;
>>>> -		entry->fs_fcheck = fcheck;
>>>> -		ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_add(entry);
>>>> -	}
>>>> -
>>>> -	kfree(attrs);
>>>> -	return 0;
>>>> -
>>>> -error:
>>>> -	kfree(attrs);
>>>> -	kfree(entry);
>>>> -	kfree(fcheck);
>>>> -	kset_unregister(fcheck_kset);
>>>> -	kset_unregister(device_kset);
>>>> -	return ret;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -int ocfs2_filecheck_remove_sysfs(struct super_block *sb)
>>>> -{
>>>> -	return ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_del(sb->s_id);
>>>> -}
>>> Gang: this part code can be re-used after a little modification.
>> For what?
> Gang: this part code have a complete creating/releasing kset code, have been tested, it will not bring any memory leak.
>>>> -
>>>>    static int
>>>> -ocfs2_filecheck_erase_entries(struct ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_entry *ent,
>>>> +ocfs2_filecheck_erase_entries(struct ocfs2_super *,
>>>>    			      unsigned int count);
>>>> -static int
>>>> -ocfs2_filecheck_adjust_max(struct ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_entry *ent,
>>>> -			   unsigned int len)
>>>> +
>>>> +int ocfs2_filecheck_set_max_entries(struct ocfs2_super *osb,
>>>> +				int len)
>>>>    {
>>>>    	int ret;
>>>>    	if ((len < OCFS2_FILECHECK_MINSIZE) || (len > OCFS2_FILECHECK_MAXSIZE))
>>>>    		return -EINVAL;
>>>> -	spin_lock(&ent->fs_fcheck->fc_lock);
>>>> -	if (len < (ent->fs_fcheck->fc_size - ent->fs_fcheck->fc_done)) {
>>>> +	spin_lock(&osb->fc_lock);
>>>> +	if (len < (osb->fc_size - osb->fc_done)) {
>>>>    		mlog(ML_ERROR,
>>>>    		"Cannot set online file check maximum entry number "
>>>>    		"to %u due to too many pending entries(%u)\n",
>>>> -		len, ent->fs_fcheck->fc_size - ent->fs_fcheck->fc_done);
>>>> +		len, osb->fc_size - osb->fc_done);
>>>>    		ret = -EBUSY;
>>>>    	} else {
>>>> -		if (len < ent->fs_fcheck->fc_size)
>>>> -			BUG_ON(!ocfs2_filecheck_erase_entries(ent,
>>>> -				ent->fs_fcheck->fc_size - len));
>>>> +		if (len < osb->fc_size)
>>>> +			BUG_ON(!ocfs2_filecheck_erase_entries(osb,
>>>> +				osb->fc_size - len));
>>>> -		ent->fs_fcheck->fc_max = len;
>>>> +		osb->fc_max = len;
>>>>    		ret = 0;
>>>>    	}
>>>> -	spin_unlock(&ent->fs_fcheck->fc_lock);
>>>> +	spin_unlock(&osb->fc_lock);
>>>>    	return ret;
>>>>    }
>>>> -#define OCFS2_FILECHECK_ARGS_LEN	24
>>>> -static int
>>>> -ocfs2_filecheck_args_get_long(const char *buf, size_t count,
>>>> -			      unsigned long *val)
>>>> -{
>>>> -	char buffer[OCFS2_FILECHECK_ARGS_LEN];
>>>> -
>>>> -	memcpy(buffer, buf, count);
>>>> -	buffer[count] = '\0';
>>>> -
>>>> -	if (kstrtoul(buffer, 0, val))
>>>> -		return 1;
>>>> -
>>>> -	return 0;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static int
>>>> -ocfs2_filecheck_type_parse(const char *name, unsigned int *type)
>>>> -{
>>>> -	if (!strncmp(name, "fix", 4))
>>>> -		*type = OCFS2_FILECHECK_TYPE_FIX;
>>>> -	else if (!strncmp(name, "check", 6))
>>>> -		*type = OCFS2_FILECHECK_TYPE_CHK;
>>>> -	else if (!strncmp(name, "set", 4))
>>>> -		*type = OCFS2_FILECHECK_TYPE_SET;
>>>> -	else
>>>> -		return 1;
>>>> -
>>>> -	return 0;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static int
>>>> -ocfs2_filecheck_args_parse(const char *name, const char *buf, size_t count,
>>>> -			   struct ocfs2_filecheck_args *args)
>>>> -{
>>>> -	unsigned long val = 0;
>>>> -	unsigned int type;
>>>> -
>>>> -	/* too short/long args length */
>>>> -	if ((count < 1) || (count >= OCFS2_FILECHECK_ARGS_LEN))
>>>> -		return 1;
>>>> -
>>>> -	if (ocfs2_filecheck_type_parse(name, &type))
>>>> -		return 1;
>>>> -	if (ocfs2_filecheck_args_get_long(buf, count, &val))
>>>> -		return 1;
>>>> -
>>>> -	if (val <= 0)
>>>> -		return 1;
>>>> -	args->fa_type = type;
>>>> -	if (type == OCFS2_FILECHECK_TYPE_SET)
>>>> -		args->fa_len = (unsigned int)val;
>>>> -	else
>>>> -		args->fa_ino = val;
>>>> -
>>>> -	return 0;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>> Gang: please keep the ocfs2_filecheck_args_parse function, or write a
>> similar argument checking function since the arguments are from user-space,
>> must be check strictly.
>>> Otherwise, this will be a way for malicious users to panic the kernel.
>> How? Do you have an example?
> Gang: for example, user input a too long number string, we should return a invalid error directly, not do the further file check operation.
> We need a ocfs2_filecheck_args_parse function, add some argument checking rules for now and future (when we find more limitations),
> return the error to the user process directly, to avoid bringing the further IO checking efforts.
>>>> -static ssize_t ocfs2_filecheck_show(struct kobject *kobj,
>>>> -				    struct kobj_attribute *attr,
>>>> +int ocfs2_filecheck_show(struct ocfs2_super *osb, unsigned int type,
>>>>    				    char *buf)
>>>>    {
>>>>    	ssize_t ret = 0, total = 0, remain = PAGE_SIZE;
>>>> -	unsigned int type;
>>>>    	struct ocfs2_filecheck_entry *p;
>>>> -	struct ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_entry *ent;
>>>> -
>>>> -	if (ocfs2_filecheck_type_parse(attr->attr.name, &type))
>>>> -		return -EINVAL;
>>>> -
>>>> -	ent = ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_get(kobj->parent->name);
>>> Gang: if delete file check data reference count mechanism, how to make sure
>> the resource race condition (e.g. list the check results during the file
>> system umounting.)
>>> Please consider this race condition problem.

>> Isn't spinlock enough? What is the race?
> Gang: No, since file check operation is executed without spinlock, we need a reference count to keep the related data, until the last usage is finished.

Filesystem unmonting is a different game. It evicts inodes. Could you 
clarify more?

Anyways, doing away with fe_done and using the status instead should help.

>>>> -	if (!ent) {
>>>> -		mlog(ML_ERROR,
>>>> -		"Cannot get the corresponding entry via device basename %s\n",
>>>> -		kobj->name);
>>>> -		return -ENODEV;
>>>> -	}
>>>> -
>>>> -	if (type == OCFS2_FILECHECK_TYPE_SET) {
>>>> -		spin_lock(&ent->fs_fcheck->fc_lock);
>>>> -		total = snprintf(buf, remain, "%u\n", ent->fs_fcheck->fc_max);
>>>> -		spin_unlock(&ent->fs_fcheck->fc_lock);
>>>> -		goto exit;
>>>> -	}
>>>>    	ret = snprintf(buf, remain, "INO\t\tDONE\tERROR\n");
>>>>    	total += ret;
>>>>    	remain -= ret;
>>>> -	spin_lock(&ent->fs_fcheck->fc_lock);
>>>> -	list_for_each_entry(p, &ent->fs_fcheck->fc_head, fe_list) {
>>>> +	spin_lock(&osb->fc_lock);
>>>> +	list_for_each_entry(p, &osb->file_check_entries, fe_list) {
>>>>    		if (p->fe_type != type)
>>>>    			continue;
>>>> @@ -443,24 +127,21 @@ static ssize_t ocfs2_filecheck_show(struct kobject
>>>> *kobj,
>>>>    		total += ret;
>>>>    		remain -= ret;
>>>>    	}
>>>> -	spin_unlock(&ent->fs_fcheck->fc_lock);
>>>> -
>>>> -exit:
>>>> -	ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_put(ent);
>>>> +	spin_unlock(&osb->fc_lock);
>>>>    	return total;
>>>>    }
>>>>    static int
>>>> -ocfs2_filecheck_erase_entry(struct ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_entry *ent)
>>>> +ocfs2_filecheck_erase_entry(struct ocfs2_super *osb)
>>>>    {
>>>>    	struct ocfs2_filecheck_entry *p;
>>>> -	list_for_each_entry(p, &ent->fs_fcheck->fc_head, fe_list) {
>>>> +	list_for_each_entry(p, &osb->file_check_entries, fe_list) {
>>>>    		if (p->fe_done) {
>>>>    			list_del(&p->fe_list);
>>>>    			kfree(p);
>>>> -			ent->fs_fcheck->fc_size--;
>>>> -			ent->fs_fcheck->fc_done--;
>>>> +			osb->fc_size--;
>>>> +			osb->fc_done--;
>>>>    			return 1;
>>>>    		}
>>>>    	}
>>>> @@ -469,14 +150,14 @@ ocfs2_filecheck_erase_entry(struct
>>>> ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_entry *ent)
>>>>    }
>>>>    static int
>>>> -ocfs2_filecheck_erase_entries(struct ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_entry *ent,
>>>> +ocfs2_filecheck_erase_entries(struct ocfs2_super *osb,
>>>>    			      unsigned int count)
>>>>    {
>>>>    	unsigned int i = 0;
>>>>    	unsigned int ret = 0;
>>>>    	while (i++ < count) {
>>>> -		if (ocfs2_filecheck_erase_entry(ent))
>>>> +		if (ocfs2_filecheck_erase_entry(osb))
>>>>    			ret++;
>>>>    		else
>>>>    			break;
>>>> @@ -486,24 +167,24 @@ ocfs2_filecheck_erase_entries(struct
>>>> ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_entry *ent,
>>>>    }
>>>>    static void
>>>> -ocfs2_filecheck_done_entry(struct ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_entry *ent,
>>>> +ocfs2_filecheck_done_entry(struct ocfs2_super *osb,
>>>>    			   struct ocfs2_filecheck_entry *entry)
>>>>    {
>>>>    	entry->fe_done = 1;
>>>> -	spin_lock(&ent->fs_fcheck->fc_lock);
>>>> -	ent->fs_fcheck->fc_done++;
>>>> -	spin_unlock(&ent->fs_fcheck->fc_lock);
>>>> +	spin_lock(&osb->fc_lock);
>>>> +	osb->fc_done++;
>>>> +	spin_unlock(&osb->fc_lock);
>>>>    }
>>>>    static unsigned int
>>>> -ocfs2_filecheck_handle(struct super_block *sb,
>>>> +ocfs2_filecheck_handle(struct ocfs2_super *osb,
>>>>    		       unsigned long ino, unsigned int flags)
>>>>    {
>>>>    	unsigned int ret = OCFS2_FILECHECK_ERR_SUCCESS;
>>>>    	struct inode *inode = NULL;
>>>>    	int rc;
>>>> -	inode = ocfs2_iget(OCFS2_SB(sb), ino, flags, 0);
>>>> +	inode = ocfs2_iget(osb, ino, flags, 0);
>>>>    	if (IS_ERR(inode)) {
>>>>    		rc = (int)(-(long)inode);
>>>>    		if (rc >= OCFS2_FILECHECK_ERR_START &&
>>>> @@ -518,89 +199,64 @@ ocfs2_filecheck_handle(struct super_block *sb,
>>>>    }
>>>>    static void
>>>> -ocfs2_filecheck_handle_entry(struct ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_entry *ent,
>>>> +ocfs2_filecheck_handle_entry(struct ocfs2_super *osb,
>>>>    			     struct ocfs2_filecheck_entry *entry)
>>>>    {
>>>>    	if (entry->fe_type == OCFS2_FILECHECK_TYPE_CHK)
>>>> -		entry->fe_status = ocfs2_filecheck_handle(ent->fs_sb,
>>>> +		entry->fe_status = ocfs2_filecheck_handle(osb,
>>>>    				entry->fe_ino, OCFS2_FI_FLAG_FILECHECK_CHK);
>>>>    	else if (entry->fe_type == OCFS2_FILECHECK_TYPE_FIX)
>>>> -		entry->fe_status = ocfs2_filecheck_handle(ent->fs_sb,
>>>> +		entry->fe_status = ocfs2_filecheck_handle(osb,
>>>>    				entry->fe_ino, OCFS2_FI_FLAG_FILECHECK_FIX);
>>>>    	else
>>>>    		entry->fe_status = OCFS2_FILECHECK_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
>>>> -	ocfs2_filecheck_done_entry(ent, entry);
>>>> +	ocfs2_filecheck_done_entry(osb, entry);
>>>>    }
>>>> -static ssize_t ocfs2_filecheck_store(struct kobject *kobj,
>>>> -				     struct kobj_attribute *attr,
>>>> -				     const char *buf, size_t count)
>>>> +int ocfs2_filecheck_add_inode(struct ocfs2_super *osb,
>>>> +				     unsigned long ino)
>>>>    {
>>>> -	struct ocfs2_filecheck_args args;
>>>>    	struct ocfs2_filecheck_entry *entry;
>>>> -	struct ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_entry *ent;
>>>>    	ssize_t ret = 0;
>>>> -	if (count == 0)
>>>> -		return count;
>>>> -
>>>> -	if (ocfs2_filecheck_args_parse(attr->attr.name, buf, count, &args)) {
>>>> -		mlog(ML_ERROR, "Invalid arguments for online file check\n");
>>>> -		return -EINVAL;
>>>> -	}
>>>> -
>>>> -	ent = ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_get(kobj->parent->name);
>>>> -	if (!ent) {
>>>> -		mlog(ML_ERROR,
>>>> -		"Cannot get the corresponding entry via device basename %s\n",
>>>> -		kobj->parent->name);
>>>> -		return -ENODEV;
>>>> -	}
>>>> -
>>>> -	if (args.fa_type == OCFS2_FILECHECK_TYPE_SET) {
>>>> -		ret = ocfs2_filecheck_adjust_max(ent, args.fa_len);
>>>> -		goto exit;
>>>> -	}
>>>> -
>>>>    	entry = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ocfs2_filecheck_entry), GFP_NOFS);
>>>>    	if (!entry) {
>>>>    		ret = -ENOMEM;
>>>>    		goto exit;
>>>>    	}
>>>> -	spin_lock(&ent->fs_fcheck->fc_lock);
>>>> -	if ((ent->fs_fcheck->fc_size >= ent->fs_fcheck->fc_max) &&
>>>> -	    (ent->fs_fcheck->fc_done == 0)) {
>>>> +	spin_lock(&osb->fc_lock);
>>>> +	if ((osb->fc_size >= osb->fc_max) &&
>>>> +	    (osb->fc_done == 0)) {
>>>>    		mlog(ML_ERROR,
>>>>    		"Cannot do more file check "
>>>>    		"since file check queue(%u) is full now\n",
>>>> -		ent->fs_fcheck->fc_max);
>>>> +		osb->fc_max);
>>>>    		ret = -EBUSY;
>>>>    		kfree(entry);
>>>>    	} else {
>>>> -		if ((ent->fs_fcheck->fc_size >= ent->fs_fcheck->fc_max) &&
>>>> -		    (ent->fs_fcheck->fc_done > 0)) {
>>>> +		if ((osb->fc_size >= osb->fc_max) &&
>>>> +		    (osb->fc_done > 0)) {
>>>>    			/* Delete the oldest entry which was done,
>>>>    			 * make sure the entry size in list does
>>>>    			 * not exceed maximum value
>>>>    			 */
>>>> -			BUG_ON(!ocfs2_filecheck_erase_entry(ent));
>>>> +			BUG_ON(!ocfs2_filecheck_erase_entry(osb));
>>>>    		}
>>>> -		entry->fe_ino = args.fa_ino;
>>>> -		entry->fe_type = args.fa_type;
>>>> +		entry->fe_ino = ino;
>>>> +		entry->fe_type = OCFS2_FILECHECK_TYPE_CHK;
>>>>    		entry->fe_done = 0;
>>>>    		entry->fe_status = OCFS2_FILECHECK_ERR_INPROGRESS;
>>>> -		list_add_tail(&entry->fe_list, &ent->fs_fcheck->fc_head);
>>>> -		ent->fs_fcheck->fc_size++;
>>>> +		list_add_tail(&entry->fe_list, &osb->file_check_entries);
>>>> +		osb->fc_size++;
>>>>    	}
>>>> -	spin_unlock(&ent->fs_fcheck->fc_lock);
>>>> +	spin_unlock(&osb->fc_lock);
>>>>    	if (!ret)
>>>> -		ocfs2_filecheck_handle_entry(ent, entry);
>>>> +		ocfs2_filecheck_handle_entry(osb, entry);
>>>>    exit:
>>>> -	ocfs2_filecheck_sysfs_put(ent);
>>>> -	return (!ret ? count : ret);
>>>> +	return ret;
>>>>    }
>>>> diff --git a/fs/ocfs2/filecheck.h b/fs/ocfs2/filecheck.h
>>>> index e5cd002..b1a0d8c 100644
>>>> --- a/fs/ocfs2/filecheck.h
>>>> +++ b/fs/ocfs2/filecheck.h
>>>> @@ -42,8 +42,18 @@ enum {
>>>> +#define OCFS2_FILECHECK_MAXSIZE         100
>>>> +#define OCFS2_FILECHECK_MINSIZE         10
>>>> +
>>>> +/* File check operation type */
>>>> +#define OCFS2_FILECHECK_TYPE_CHK  	1   /* Check a file(inode) */
>>>> +#define OCFS2_FILECHECK_TYPE_FIX  	2   /* Fix a file(inode) */
>>> Please use enum, not use macro definitions, maybe there will be more type.
>>> OCFS2_FILECHECK_TYPE_CHK should be zero, otherwise this macro is different
>> with previous enum definitions.
>>>>    int ocfs2_filecheck_create_sysfs(struct super_block *sb);
>>>>    int ocfs2_filecheck_remove_sysfs(struct super_block *sb);
>>>> +int ocfs2_filefix_inode(struct ocfs2_super *osb, unsigned long ino);
>>>> +int ocfs2_filecheck_add_inode(struct ocfs2_super *osb, unsigned long ino);
>>>> +int ocfs2_filecheck_set_max_entries(struct ocfs2_super *osb, int num);
>>>> +int ocfs2_filecheck_show(struct ocfs2_super *osb, unsigned int type, char
>>>> *buf);
>>>>    #endif  /* FILECHECK_H */
>>>> diff --git a/fs/ocfs2/ocfs2.h b/fs/ocfs2/ocfs2.h
>>>> index 8e66cdf..9ced543 100644
>>>> --- a/fs/ocfs2/ocfs2.h
>>>> +++ b/fs/ocfs2/ocfs2.h
>>>> @@ -474,6 +474,13 @@ struct ocfs2_super
>>>>    	 */
>>>>    	struct workqueue_struct *ocfs2_wq;
>>>> +	/* file check */
>>>> +	struct list_head file_check_entries;
>>>> +	unsigned int fc_size;
>>>> +	unsigned int fc_max;
>>>> +	unsigned int fc_done;
>>>> +	spinlock_t fc_lock;
>>>> +
>>> Gang: please use a separate structure to include all the file check members,
>> easy to read/maintain.
>> I would prefer it to be a part of ocfs2_super. It is easier to maintain
>> and read.
>>>>    	struct kobject kobj;
>>>>    	struct completion kobj_unregister;
>>>>    };
>>>> diff --git a/fs/ocfs2/super.c b/fs/ocfs2/super.c
>>>> index 96b7a9f..a7791fa 100644
>>>> --- a/fs/ocfs2/super.c
>>>> +++ b/fs/ocfs2/super.c
>>>> @@ -2215,6 +2215,13 @@ static int ocfs2_initialize_super(struct super_block
>>>> *sb,
>>>>    	get_random_bytes(&osb->s_next_generation, sizeof(u32));
>>>> +	/* file check information */
>>>> +	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&osb->file_check_entries);
>>>> +	osb->fc_max = OCFS2_FILECHECK_MINSIZE;
>>>> +	osb->fc_size = 0;
>>>> +	osb->fc_done = 0;
>>>> +	spin_lock_init(&osb->fc_lock);
>>>> +
>>> Gang: write a separate funtion in filecheck.c to include these line code,
>> easy to read/maintain.
>> Why? Unless we are starting something specific to filecheck, I don't see
>> any need.
> Gang: I just want to make the file check thing is done in filecheck source file, the other module just call some functions.
> Let the code more clear.
>>>>    	/* FIXME
>>>>    	 * This should be done in ocfs2_journal_init(), but unknown
>>>>    	 * ordering issues will cause the filesystem to crash.
>>>> diff --git a/fs/ocfs2/sysfs.c b/fs/ocfs2/sysfs.c
>>>> index e21e699..81e3dd4 100644
>>>> --- a/fs/ocfs2/sysfs.c
>>>> +++ b/fs/ocfs2/sysfs.c
>>>> @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
>>>>    #include "ocfs2.h"
>>>>    #include "sysfs.h"
>>>> +#include "filecheck.h"
>>>>    struct ocfs2_sb_attr {
>>>>    	struct attribute attr;
>>>> @@ -9,8 +10,12 @@ struct ocfs2_sb_attr {
>>>>    			const char *buf, size_t count);
>>>>    };
>>>> -#define OCFS2_SB_ATTR(_name, _mode) \
>>>> -struct ocfs2_sb_attr sb_attr_##_name = __ATTR(name, _mode, _show, _store)
>>>> +#define OCFS2_SB_ATTR(_name) \
>>>> +struct ocfs2_sb_attr sb_attr_##_name = { \
>>>> +	.attr = {.name = __stringify(_name), .mode = (S_IWUSR | S_IRUGO)},  \
>>>> +	.show = _name##_show, \
>>>> +	.store = _name##_store \
>>>> +}
>>>>    #define OCFS2_SB_ATTR_RO(_name) \
>>>>    struct ocfs2_sb_attr sb_attr_##_name = __ATTR_RO(_name)
>>>> @@ -46,6 +51,81 @@ static ssize_t slot_num_show(struct ocfs2_super *osb,
>>>>    	return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", osb->slot_num);
>>>>    }
>>>> +static ssize_t file_check_show(struct ocfs2_super *osb,
>>>> +		struct ocfs2_sb_attr *attr,
>>>> +		char *buf)
>>>> +{
>>>> +	return ocfs2_filecheck_show(osb, OCFS2_FILECHECK_TYPE_CHK, buf);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static ssize_t file_check_store(struct ocfs2_super *osb,
>>>> +		struct ocfs2_sb_attr *attr,
>>>> +		const char *buf, size_t count)
>>>> +{
>>>> +	unsigned long t;
>>>> +	int ret;
>>>> +
>>>> +	ret = kstrtoul(skip_spaces(buf), 0, &t);
>>>> +	if (ret)
>>>> +		return ret;
>>>> +	ret = ocfs2_filecheck_add_inode(osb, t);
>>>> +	if (ret)
>>>> +		return ret;
>>>> +	return count;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static ssize_t file_fix_show(struct ocfs2_super *osb,
>>>> +		struct ocfs2_sb_attr *attr,
>>>> +		char *buf)
>>>> +{
>>>> +	return ocfs2_filecheck_show(osb, OCFS2_FILECHECK_TYPE_FIX, buf);
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static ssize_t file_fix_store(struct ocfs2_super *osb,
>>>> +		struct ocfs2_sb_attr *attr,
>>>> +		const char *buf, size_t count)
>>>> +{
>>>> +	unsigned long t;
>>>> +	int ret;
>>>> +
>>>> +	ret = kstrtoul(skip_spaces(buf), 0, &t);
>>>> +	if (ret)
>>>> +		return ret;
>>>> +	ret = ocfs2_filecheck_add_inode(osb, t);
>>>> +	if (ret)
>>>> +		return ret;
>>>> +	return count;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static ssize_t file_check_max_entries_show(struct ocfs2_super *osb,
>>>> +		struct ocfs2_sb_attr *attr,
>>>> +		char *buf)
>>>> +{
>>>> +	int len = 0;
>>>> +	spin_lock(&osb->fc_lock);
>>>> +	/* Show done, current size and max */
>>>> +	len += sprintf(buf, "%d\t%d\t%d\n", osb->fc_done, osb->fc_size,
>>>> +			osb->fc_max);
>>>> +	spin_unlock(&osb->fc_lock);
>>>> +	return len;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static ssize_t file_check_max_entries_store(struct ocfs2_super *osb,
>>>> +		struct ocfs2_sb_attr *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
>>>> +{
>>>> +
>>>> +	unsigned long t;
>>>> +	int ret;
>>>> +
>>>> +	ret = kstrtoul(skip_spaces(buf), 0, &t);
>>> Gang: please make sure the function kstrtoul does work well since the
>> inputed buf has not terminating null character.
>>> This is why I write a wrapper function ocfs2_filecheck_args_get_long().
>> Can you give an example on how this can be activated? Maybe a check on
>> value < 0 may make sense.
> Gang: I am not sure if this function works well when the string is inputed without a terminating null character.
> need to test all the case if using the function directly. But we test all the case with a terminating null character.

So, do you have a testcase?

>>>> +	if (ret)
>>>> +		return ret;
>>>> +	ret = ocfs2_filecheck_set_max_entries(osb, (int)t);
>>>> +	if (ret)
>>>> +		return ret;
>>>> +	return count;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>>    static void sb_release(struct kobject *kobj)
>>>>    {
>>>>    	struct ocfs2_super *osb = container_of(kobj, struct ocfs2_super, kobj);
>>>> @@ -58,8 +138,15 @@ static const struct sysfs_ops ocfs2_sb_sysfs_ops = {
>>>>    };
>>>>    static OCFS2_SB_ATTR_RO(slot_num);
>>>> +static OCFS2_SB_ATTR(file_check);
>>>> +static OCFS2_SB_ATTR(file_fix);
>>>> +static OCFS2_SB_ATTR(file_check_max_entries);
>>>> +
>>>>    static struct attribute *ocfs2_sb_attrs[] = {
>>>>    	&sb_attr_slot_num.attr,
>>>> +	&sb_attr_file_check.attr,
>>>> +	&sb_attr_file_fix.attr,
>>>> +	&sb_attr_file_check_max_entries.attr,
>>>>    	NULL
>>>>    };
>>> Gang: as I said in the first patch, please make all the file check related
>> attributes in a separate sub directory.
>>> It will let us to be easy to read/debug, especially if there is any
>> reference count leaking problem.
>> The main reason of the code is to remove unnecessary data structures
>> which is making the code hard to understand. I don't see a point in
>> keeping them in a separate structure besides adding more indirections.
>> --
>> Goldwyn


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