[Ocfs2-devel] disk full when it shouldn't

Massimo Cetra ctrixk at navynet.it
Thu Dec 2 09:20:56 PST 2010

Il 09/11/2010 02:06, Tao Ma ha scritto:
> Hi Massimo,
> From the output, it seems that you shouldn't meet with ENOSPC problem
> at that time. So when you meet with ENOSPC, could you please do 'sync'
> first(that will sync the metadata to the disk so that stat_sysdir can
> output the real metadata info) and then do stat_sysdir?
> btw, you can also try to 'touch' one new file in your ocfs2 volume. So
> if it succeeds, it means that the inode_alloc is ok. Otherwise, your
> inode_alloc has no space. Please also try this test when you meet with

Hi Tao,

As i supposed, the problem arose another time.

Attached you may find the stat_sysdir output.

For the sake of completeness, have to say that:

- The output of df was the following:

# df -i
Filesystem             Inode   IUsati  ILib. IUso% Montato su
/dev/drbd2           9174751 4695156 4479595   52% /var/mail

# df
Filesystem        blocchi di   1K   Usati Disponib. Uso% Montato su
/dev/drbd2            36699004  18780656  17918348  52% /var/mail

The filesystem was not full:

sheet3-1:/var/mail/virtual# dd if=/dev/zero of=TEST bs=1024 count=1024
dd: scrittura di `TEST': No space left on device
1009+0 records in
1008+0 records out
1032192 bytes (1,0 MB) copied, 0,454305 s, 2,3 MB/s

mailq from postfix had the following errors:

       (maildir delivery failed: error writing message: No space left on 
       (maildir delivery failed: error writing message: No space left on 
       (maildir delivery failed: error writing message: No space left on 

A bunch of emails coundn't be delivered.

I temporarily fixed it by removing old emails and the system recovered.

I had another problem on a couple of different servers today and i'm 
investigating to send more informations.


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