[Ocfs2-devel] [PATCH 3/3] Implement "GROUP_ADD" for online resize, take 2

Mark Fasheh mark.fasheh at oracle.com
Mon Dec 3 19:23:32 PST 2007

On Mon, Dec 03, 2007 at 10:06:32AM +0800, tao.ma wrote:
> Mark Fasheh wrote:
>>> +static int ocfs2_check_new_group(struct inode *inode,
>>> +				 struct ocfs2_dinode *di,
>>> +				 struct ocfs2_new_group_input *input)
>>> +{
>>> +	int ret;
>>> +	struct ocfs2_group_desc *gd;
>>> +	struct buffer_head *group_bh = NULL;
>>> +	struct ocfs2_super *osb = OCFS2_SB(inode->i_sb);
>>> +	u16 cl_bpc = le16_to_cpu(di->id2.i_chain.cl_bpc);
>>> +	u64 cr_blkno;
>>> +	unsigned int max_bits = le16_to_cpu(di->id2.i_chain.cl_cpg) *
>>> +				le16_to_cpu(di->id2.i_chain.cl_bpc);
>>> +
>>> +	ret = ocfs2_read_block(osb, input->group, &group_bh, 0, NULL);
>>> +	if (ret < 0)
>>> +		goto out;
>> You should pass the inode so that the group gets added to the caching 
>> info.
>> We're fine if the checks here fail and userspace tries again since this 
>> read
>> (that doesn't use the caching flag) always goes to disk.
> Just a question. We can cache the group information even if the block isn't 
> in this inode, right?
> I used to think of that we *only* cache the block which is already in the 
> inode.

Yeah, you're right... Hmm. On one hand if we don't cache it now but journal
it, things might be a bit inconstent. On the other hand, if we cache it but
then the operation fails, we'll have the updtodate cache referring to a
block which isn't actually uptodate.

For now, leaving it uncached is fine. Ultimately, it would be nice to add
it to the uptodate cache though. Maybe what you should do is call
"ocfs2_set_new_buffer_uptodate()" on it if the operation suceeds.

>>> +static int ocfs2_verify_group_input(struct inode *inode,
>>> +				    struct ocfs2_dinode *di,
>>> +				    struct ocfs2_new_group_input *input)
>>> +{
>>> +	u16 cl_count = le16_to_cpu(di->id2.i_chain.cl_count);
>>> +	u16 cl_cpg = le16_to_cpu(di->id2.i_chain.cl_cpg);
>>> +	u16 next_free = le16_to_cpu(di->id2.i_chain.cl_next_free_rec);
>>> +	u32 cluster = ocfs2_blocks_to_clusters(inode->i_sb, input->group);
>>> +	u32 total_clusters = le32_to_cpu(di->i_clusters);
>>> +	int ret = -EINVAL;
>>> +
>>> +	if (cluster < total_clusters)
>>> +		mlog(0, "add a group which is in the current volume.\n");
>>> +	else if (input->chain >= cl_count)
>>> +		mlog(0, "input chain exceeds the limit.\n");
>>> +	else if (next_free != cl_count && next_free != input->chain)
>>> +		mlog(0, "the add group should be in chain %u\n", next_free);
>> If I read this properly, then it's insisting that new groups always be 
>> added
>> to the rightmost chain... I'm not sure that's correct - we want to fill
>> chains which have fewer groups than the others first.
> We want to fill the chains first, Instead of growing the chain? This is the 
> mechanism in offline resize. So not suitable for online?
>> Anyway, weren't we trying to avoid enforcing group placement policy in the
>> kernel, short of making sure that the requested chain is a valid one?
> Sorry for my poor English( ;) Keep improving). Do you mean we should 
> enforce group placement policy in the user space, or vice versa?

Well, I just mean which chain the group goes to. It's not a big deal to do
this in kernel, but since userspace has all the information it needs, it can
write a chain number which the kernel just honors.

>>> +	if (input->chain == le16_to_cpu(cl->cl_next_free_rec)) {
>>> +		le16_add_cpu(&cl->cl_next_free_rec, 1);
>>> +		memset(cr, 0, sizeof(struct ocfs2_chain_rec));
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +	cr->c_blkno = le64_to_cpu(input->group);
>> Before this, you need to set the new group descriptors bg_next_group value
>> to cr->c_blkno.
>> By the way, this probably means you need to read the group descriptor near
>> the top of this function instead of within ocfs2_check_new_group().
> I used to write the group descriptors in the user space to avoid the group 
> write in the kernel, so the cr->c_blkno is already set in the bg_next_group 
> in tunefs.ocfs2.
> But from all your 3 comments above, it seems that we *have to* write the 
> new group descriptor in the kernel.

Yeah, there's no way to avoid writing the group descriptor in kernel at
least once. Some information which needs to be written into it requires that
the bitmap lock be held.

The question then becomes "how much of the group descriptor do we fill in
kernel?" I can go either way on that one. You can either fill the entire
block in kernel, or write most of it out in userspace and have kernel only
change the parts required for it to be consistent with the bitmap.

There's already some code for writing block group descriptors in suballoc.c,
you might want to look at that.

Mark Fasheh
Senior Software Developer, Oracle
mark.fasheh at oracle.com

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