[Ocfs2-commits] smushran commits r1888 - in trunk: . fs/ocfs2

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Thu Feb 10 13:59:02 CST 2005

Author: smushran
Date: 2005-02-10 13:59:00 -0600 (Thu, 10 Feb 2005)
New Revision: 1888

added readme.ppc64 to doc things to do to run on ppc64

Added: trunk/README.ppc64
--- trunk/README.ppc64	2005-02-08 01:54:32 UTC (rev 1887)
+++ trunk/README.ppc64	2005-02-10 19:59:00 UTC (rev 1888)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Things one has to do to run it on ppc64
+1. Copy arch/ppc64/kernel/bitops.c into fs/ocfs2, fs/ocfs2/cluster and fs/ocfs2/dlm.
+2. Add references to the included bitops.c in the three Makefile(s).
+3. To run it in pure big endian, add the following in fs/ocfs2/ocfs2.h
+	#undef cpu_to_le64
+	#undef cpu_to_le32
+	#undef cpu_to_le16
+	#undef le64_to_cpu
+	#undef le32_to_cpu
+	#undef le16_to_cpu
+	#define cpu_to_le64(a) (a)
+	#define cpu_to_le32(a) (a)
+	#define cpu_to_le16(a) (a)
+	#define le64_to_cpu(a) (a)
+	#define le32_to_cpu(a) (a)
+	#define le16_to_cpu(a) (a)
+4. Add the above udef/defines in ocfs2-tools/mkfs.ocfs2/mkfs.c and
+   ocfs2-tools/libocfs2/include/ocfs2.h

Modified: trunk/fs/ocfs2/Cscope.make
--- trunk/fs/ocfs2/Cscope.make	2005-02-08 01:54:32 UTC (rev 1887)
+++ trunk/fs/ocfs2/Cscope.make	2005-02-10 19:59:00 UTC (rev 1888)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 CSCOPEFILES+=$(KERNELINC)/../fs/*.c $(KERNELINC)/../fs/jbd/*.c
+CSCOPEFILES+=cluster/*.c dlm/*.c
 	rm -f cscope.*

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