[Ocfs2-commits] mfasheh commits r1600 - branches/dlm-glue/src

svn-commits at oss.oracle.com svn-commits at oss.oracle.com
Thu Oct 28 16:30:35 CDT 2004

Author: mfasheh
Date: 2004-10-28 16:30:33 -0500 (Thu, 28 Oct 2004)
New Revision: 1600

* forgot to kill this file too

Deleted: branches/dlm-glue/src/ocfs2_disk_dlm.h
--- branches/dlm-glue/src/ocfs2_disk_dlm.h	2004-10-28 21:28:18 UTC (rev 1599)
+++ branches/dlm-glue/src/ocfs2_disk_dlm.h	2004-10-28 21:30:33 UTC (rev 1600)
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 8; -*-
- * vim: noexpandtab sw=8 ts=8 sts=0:
- *
- * ocfs2_disk_dlm.h
- *
- * On-disk structures involved in disk publish/vote for OCFS2.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2002, 2004 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
- * License, version 2,  as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- * 
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
- * License along with this program; if not, write to the
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 021110-1307, USA.
- */
-#ifndef _OCFS2_DISK_DLM_H
-#define _OCFS2_DISK_DLM_H
- * On-disk IPC configuration for an OCFS2 node.
- */
-typedef struct _ocfs_ipc_config_info
-/*00*/	__u16 ip_version;		/* IP version in NBO */
-	__u16 ip_port;			/* IP port in NBO */
-	__u32 ip_reserved1;
-	__u64 ip_reserved2;
-/*10*/	union {
-		__u32 ip_addr4;		/* IPv4 address in NBO */
-		__u32 ip_addr6[4];	/* IPv6 address in NBO */
-	} addr_u;
-} ocfs_ipc_config_info;
- * On disk lock structure for OCFS2
- * Used only for volcfg locking now.
- */
-typedef struct _ocfs2_disk_lock
-/*00*/	__s16 dl_master;	/* Node number of current master */
-	__u8 dl_level;		/* Lock level */
-	__u8 dl_reserved1;
-} ocfs2_disk_lock;
- * On-disk structure representing a Global Unique ID for an OCFS2 node.
- *
- * The GUID has two parts.  The host_id is a generally-randomly-unique
- * hex-as-ascii string of 20 characters (10 bytes).  The mad_id field
- * is, unsurprisingly, the MAC address of the network card that the
- * IPC mechanism will be using (the address in
- * ocfs_ipc_config_info.addr_u).  This should (ha-ha) provide a unique
- * identifier for a node in the OCFS2 cluster.  It has the added
- * benefit of detecting when a node has changed network cards
- * (host_id is the same, mac_id has changed) or when an identical
- * mac address is on a different mode (the converse).
- */
-typedef union _ocfs_guid
-/*00*/	struct
-	{
-		char host_id[OCFS2_GUID_HOSTID_LEN];
-		char mac_id[OCFS2_GUID_MACID_LEN];
-	} id;
-	__u8 guid[OCFS2_GUID_LEN];
-} ocfs_guid;
- * On-disk configuration information for an OCFS2 node.  A node
- * populates its own info for other nodes to read and use.
- */
-typedef struct _ocfs_node_config_info
-/*00*/	ocfs2_disk_lock disk_lock;		/* Lock on the info */
-/*30*/	ocfs_guid guid;				/* GUID */
-/*50*/	ocfs_ipc_config_info ipc_config;	/* IPC info */
-/*70*/	__u8 node_name[MAX_NODE_NAME_LENGTH+1]; /* Name */
-/*91*/	__u8 name_pad[7];			/* Pad to align (UGH) */
-} ocfs_node_config_info;
- * On-disk ... for OCFS2.  FIXME this description.
- */
-typedef struct _ocfs_node_config_hdr
-/*00*/	ocfs2_disk_lock disk_lock;
-/*30*/	__u8 signature[OCFS2_NODE_CONFIG_SIGN_LEN];
-	__u32 version;
-	__u16 num_nodes;
-	__u16 reserved1;
-/*40*/	__u32 last_node;
-	__u32 onch_pad;
-	__u64 cfg_seq_num;
-} ocfs_node_config_hdr;
- * On-disk lock / state change request for OCFS2.
- */
-typedef struct _ocfs_publish
-/*00*/	__u64 time;		/* Time of publish */
-	__s32 vote_UNUSED;
-	__u32 dirty;		/* Is the node in a clean state */
-/*10*/	__u32 vote_type_UNUSED;	/* Type required */
-	__u32 mounted;		/* Does the publisher have it mounted */
-/*18*/	__u32 vote_map_UNUSED[8];	/* Who needs to vote */
-/*38*/	__u64 reserved1;
-/*50*/	__u64 publ_seq_num_UNUSED;	/* Sequence for vote */
-	__u64 lock_id_UNUSED;		/* Lock vote is requested for */
-	/* last seq num used in comm voting */
-/*60*/	__u64 comm_seq_num;
-	__u32 num_ident;
-} ocfs_publish;
-typedef struct _ocfs_vote
-/*00*/	__u8 type_UNUSED;	/* Vote type */
-	__u8 node_UNUSED;	/* Node voting */
-	__u8 reserved1[30];	/* used to be vote[32] */
-/*20*/	__u64 vote_seq_num_UNUSED;	/* Vote sequence */
-	__u64 lock_id_UNUSED;	/* Lock being voted on */
-/*30*/	__u8 open_handle_UNUSED;/* Does the voter have it open */
-	__u8 ov_pad[7];
-} ocfs_vote;
-#endif  /* _OCFS2_DISK_DLM_H */

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