[Ocfs-devel] Mode context extremely poor performance.

Aubertin Michael maubertin at ares.fr
Mon Nov 22 09:46:46 CST 2004

Hi all,

I curently have a big problem. One request (listed above) using context
take up to 1000 more time than the on RAW or ext2 database. I have ran
this request on a single IA32 machine with Redhat and dbf on ext2. The
average reponse time is less than a sec. The same request on RAC 4 nodes
cluster on RAW take the same average time. On ext2 idem. But on OCFS it
took up to 15 sec randomly between 1sec>responce_time>15sec.

We tried to ran the request on a single itanium (without RAC) on OCFS. -
> sameproblem.
We tries to ran the request on single nodes without RAC with only DBF
file on OCFS. -> Same problem.
We tried to run several version of OCFS -> same problem.

We bench a few storage throuput with no revelant bottle neck. And in RAW
device the reponse time is perfect.

I read OCFS source a recompile it in debug mode. I can see that the same
number of reading block demand (according to the sql log) follow an
increasing amount of ocfs_get_block2() call. In consequence the request
reponse time is dramaticaly increase. I tried to put more verbose debug
trace in ocfs_create_or_open_file() in order to grab to oin.hndl
releasing token, but i don't konw enough OCFS desing yet to be
performant, so i write to you to have help.

First question: Could you help me please ..... ;-).
Second: I see in the source you use VFS dentry struture. In the RH
2.4.18 I2 kernel this structure was little modified to be more "2.6"
looked like. Is it cannot be the problem ? (Pointer to nowhere ? Gcc
BUG ?...)

Thank you by advance for any help.
Michael Aubertin.

Trace log available at:

Software architecture:
OCFS tested: 1.0.11 / 1.0.12 / 1.0.13 (all have the same problem).
Redhat AS 2.1 kernel e-41smp ITANIUM
gcc 2.96-128.7.2
fileutils 4.1-10.6
qlogic version 7.00.03 with HP register patch

Hardware architecture:
2 HP EVA3000 with Continious access real time replication.
2 * 4 nodes  HP RX4640 Itanium entry level servers.

SQL Request:


The table:

SQL> desc snap.vwmt_profil_match_a_fh
 Name                    Null?    Type
 ----------------------- -------- ----------------
 ABO_ID                  NOT NULL NUMBER(11)
 ABO_PHO                          NUMBER
 ABO_PAYS                         VARCHAR2(4)
 ABO_REGION                       NUMBER(11)
 ABO_DEPARTEMENT                  NUMBER(11)
 ABO_VILLE                        NUMBER(11)
 ABO_CP                           VARCHAR2(50)
 PROF_AGE                         NUMBER(4)
 PROF_STATUT                      NUMBER(11)
 PROF_TAILLE                      NUMBER(11)
 PROF_POIDS                       NUMBER(11)
 PROF_SILH                        NUMBER(4)
 PROF_CHEVEUX                     NUMBER(4)
 PROF_YEUX                        NUMBER(4)
 PROF_ETHN                        NUMBER(4)
 PROF_STYLE                       NUMBER(4)
 PROF_REVENUS                     NUMBER(4)
 PROF_ENFANTS                     NUMBER(4)
 PROF_ENF_SOUHAIT                 NUMBER(4)
 PROF_CAT_PROF                    NUMBER(4)
 PROF_ETUDES                      NUMBER(4)
 PROF_FUMEUR                      NUMBER(4)
 PROF_NB_PHOTOS                   NUMBER(4)
 PROF_DATE_MAJ                    DATE
 PROF_NATIONALITE                 NUMBER(11)
 PROF_LANGUE                      NUMBER(20)
 PROF_ANNONCE                     NUMBER(11)
 PROF_ANNONCE_VOC                 NUMBER(4)
 AUTH_ACCES                       DATE
 ANN_DATE_MAJ                     DATE
 ABO_PSEUDO                       VARCHAR2(50)
 PROF_LOOK                        NUMBER(4)
 PROF_VIDEO                       NUMBER(4)
 PERSO_ROMANTIQUE                 NUMBER(4)
 PERSO_ATTIRANT                   NUMBER(20)
 PERSO_MARIAGE                    NUMBER(4)
 PERSO_RELIGION                   NUMBER(4)
 INSC_DATE_INSC                   DATE
 RECH_AGE_MINI                    NUMBER
 RECH_AGE_MAXI                    NUMBER
 RECH_TAILLE_MINI                 NUMBER
 RECH_TAILLE_MAXI                 NUMBER
 RECH_POIDS_MINI                  NUMBER
 RECH_POIDS_MAXI                  NUMBER
 RECH_CRITERES                    VARCHAR2(4000)
 ZERANK                           NUMBER

The index:

create index SNAP.CTX_PROFIL_MATCH_${ROLE}_${SEX}_01
indextype is ctxsys.context PARAMETERS ('MEMORY 50M STORAGE


BEGIN ctx_ddl.create_preference('SYS.TEXT_STORAGE',
    'BASIC_STORAGE'); ctx_ddl.set_attribute('SYS.TEXT_STORAGE', 
 'pctfree 0 tablespace TBS_SNAP_INDEX');
    ctx_ddl.set_attribute('SYS.TEXT_STORAGE', 'I_ROWID_INDEX_CLAUSE',
   'pctfree 0 tablespace TBS_SNAP_INDEX');
    ctx_ddl.set_attribute('SYS.TEXT_STORAGE', 'I_TABLE_CLAUSE',
    'pctfree 0 tablespace TBS_SNAP_INDEX');
    ctx_ddl.set_attribute('SYS.TEXT_STORAGE', 'K_TABLE_CLAUSE',
    'pctfree 0tablespace TBS_SNAP_DATA');
    ctx_ddl.set_attribute('SYS.TEXT_STORAGE', 'N_TABLE_CLAUSE',
    'pctfree 0 tablespace TBS_SNAP_DATA');
    ctx_ddl.set_attribute('SYS.TEXT_STORAGE', 'P_TABLE_CLAUSE',
    'pctfree 0 tablespace TBS_SNAP_DATA');
    ctx_ddl.set_attribute('SYS.TEXT_STORAGE', 'R_TABLE_CLAUSE',
--    'compress pctfree 0 pctused 99
    'pctfree 0 pctused 99 tablespace TBS_SNAP_INDEX');

Aubertin Michael <maubertin at ares.fr>

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