[Ksplice][RHEL6-Updates] New updates available via Ksplice (RHSA-2015:2636-1)

Oracle Ksplice ksplice-support_ww at oracle.com
Wed Dec 16 01:26:48 PST 2015

Synopsis: RHSA-2015:2636-1 can now be patched using Ksplice
CVEs: CVE-2015-2925 CVE-2015-5307 CVE-2015-7613 CVE-2015-7872 CVE-2015-8104

Systems running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 can now use Ksplice to
patch against the latest Red Hat Security Advisory, RHSA-2015:2636-1.


We recommend that all users of Ksplice Uptrack on RHEL 6 install these

On systems that have "autoinstall = yes" in /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf,
these updates will be installed automatically and you do not need to
take any action.

Alternatively, you can install these updates by running:

# /usr/sbin/uptrack-upgrade -y


* CVE-2015-7872: Denial-of-service when garbage collecting uninstantiated keyring.

A logic error in the security keyring subsystem leads to a kernel crash
when garbage collecting a un-instantiated keyring.  A local, un-privileged
user can use this flaw to cause a denial-of-service.

* CVE-2015-7613: Privilege escalation in IPC object initialization.

Incorrect initialization of IPC objects could result in memory
corruption when creating message queues or shared memory.  A local,
unprivileged user could use this flaw to escalate privileges.

* CVE-2015-5307: KVM host denial-of-service in alignment check.

A guest could cause a denial-of-service on a KVM host by triggering an
infinite stream of alignment check exceptions and causing the processor
microcode to enter an infinite loop.  A privileged user in a guest could
use this flaw to crash the host.

* CVE-2015-8104: KVM host denial-of-service in debug exception.

A guest could cause a denial-of-service on a KVM host by triggering a
debug exception to fire during an existing debug exception.  This could
cause the host to get trapped in an infinite loop causing a
denial-of-service.  A privileged user in a guest could use this flaw to
crash the host.

* CVE-2015-2925: Privilege escalation in bind mounts inside namespaces.

Incorrect handling of renames inside container bind mounts could allow a
local user to escape a container and escalate privileges under specific


Ksplice support is available at ksplice-support_ww at oracle.com.


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