[Ksplice][RHEL 5 Updates] New updates available via Ksplice (RHSA-2013:0168-1)

Jamie Iles jamie.iles at oracle.com
Wed Jan 23 08:37:50 PST 2013

Synopsis: RHSA-2013:0168-1 can now be patched using Ksplice
CVEs: CVE-2012-1568 CVE-2012-4444

Systems running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 can now use Ksplice to
patch against the latest Red Hat Security Advisory, RHSA-2013:0168-1.


We recommend that all users of Ksplice Uptrack on RHEL 5 install these

On systems that have "autoinstall = yes" in /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf,
these updates will be installed automatically and you do not need to
take any action.

Alternatively, you can install these updates by running:

# /usr/sbin/uptrack-upgrade -y


* CVE-2012-1568: A predictable base address with shared libraries and ASLR.

Address space layout randomization (ASLR) is a security method which
involves randomly arranging the positions of key data areas,
usually including the base of the executable and position of libraries,
heap, and stack, in a process's address space.

When running a binary with a lot of shared libraries, predictable base
address is used for one of the loaded libraries. This flaw could be
used to bypass ASLR.

* CVE-2012-4444: Prohibit reassembling IPv6 fragments when some data overlaps.

Accepting overlapping fragmented IPv6 packets can lead to OS fingerprinting,
IDS/IPS insertion/evasion, firewall evasion.


Ksplice support is available at ksplice-support_ww at oracle.com.

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