[El-errata] ELSA-2012-0774 Low: Oracle Linux 6 libguestfs security, bug fix, and enhancement update

Errata Announcements for Oracle Linux el-errata at oss.oracle.com
Mon Jul 2 19:52:35 PDT 2012

Oracle Linux Security Advisory ELSA-2012-0774


The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 6 have been uploaded to the 
Unbreakable Linux Network:



Description of changes:

- Rebase to libguestfs 1.16.19
   resolves: rhbz#719879
- Rebuild against augeas 0.9.0-3.el6
   related: rhbz#808662
- Fix: Don't abort inspection if mdadm.conf ARRAY doesn't have a uuid.
- Switch back to git for patch management.

- Rebase to libguestfs 1.16.18
   resolves: rhbz#719879
- Fix: guestfs_last_error not set when qemu fails early during launch
   resolves: rhbz#811673
- Fix: RFE: virt-sysprep: hostname can not be changed on rhel system
- Fix: RFE: virt-sysprep: hostname can not be changed on rhel system
- Fix: RFE: virt-sysprep: net-hwaddr not removed from "ifcfg-*" files on
   rhel (RHBZ#811117)
- Fix: inspection fails on ubuntu 10.04 guest with encrypted swap 
- Fix: cannot open disk images which are symlinks to files that
   contain ':' (colon) character (RHBZ#812092)
- BR gettext-devel so we can rerun autoconf.

- Rebase to libguestfs 1.16.15
   resolves: rhbz#719879
- Fix: inspection doesn't recognize Fedora 17+ (RHBZ#809401)

- Rebase to libguestfs 1.16.14
   resolves: rhbz#719879
- virt-sysprep should use virt-inspector2
   resolves: rhbz#807557
- Fix: mkfs blocksize option breaks when creating btrfs
   resolves: rhbz#807905

- Rebase to libguestfs 1.16.12
   resolves: rhbz#719879
- Fix: could not locate HKLM\SYSTEM\MountedDevices
   resolves: rhbz#803699

- Rebase to libguestfs 1.16.10
   resolves: rhbz#719879
- Fix: libguestfs holds open file descriptors when handle is launched
   resolves: rhbz#801788
- Fix: Document for set-pgroup need to be updated
   resolves: rhbz#801273
- Fix: Possible null dereference and resource leaks
   resolves: rhbz#801298

- Rebase to libguestfs 1.16.8
   resolves: rhbz#719879
- Fix set_autosync function so it is not 'ConfigOnly'
   resolves: rhbz#796520
- Fix header compilation for C++
   resolves: rhbz#799695

- Rebase to libguesfs 1.16.6
   resolves: rhbz#798197, 
- Fix virt-inspector2 man page.

- Rebase to libguestfs 1.16.5
   resolves: rhbz#679737, rhbz#789960

- Rebase to libguestfs 1.16.4
   resolves: rhbz#788642

- Rebase to libguestfs 1.16.3
   resolves: rhbz#679737, rhbz#769359, rhbz#785305

- Rebase to libguestfs 1.16.2
   resolves: rhbz#719879

- Rebase to libguestfs 1.16.1
- Disable tests (probably because we are hitting
https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2010-02/threads.html#00823 )
   resolves: rhbz#719879

- Continue with rebase to libguestfs 1.14.7
   resolves: rhbz#719879

- Rebase to libguestfs 1.14.7
   resolves: rhbz#719879

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