[DTrace-devel] [PATCH 7/9] tests: delete the kernel build dir stuff

Nick Alcock nick.alcock at oracle.com
Wed Jul 31 19:32:19 UTC 2024

On 31 Jul 2024, Kris Van Hees spake thusly:

> The subject line does not (to me) convey what this patch actually does.  It
> would be more clear to perhaps say something like "test: remove obsolete
> kernel coverage data collection'

Sorry, that's a truly *terrible* subject line isn't it :( A classic
case of being deep in the runtest weeds and forgetting that the tests
include, uh, actual *tests* and not just the test runner.

Adjusted to exactly what you suggested, except s/test/runtest/ (since
it's not a *test* at fault here).

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