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Sourcebo is a content management system (CMS) for software projects. Each project has its own source code repository, a download area, documentation listings, mailing lists, and bug tracking. Sourcebo uses the Subversion source control system for almost all interaction. There are no web forms or other hosted software for the majority of Sourcebo tasks. The only exceptions are mailing list management and bug tracking.

Source Control

At its core, Sourcebo provides source control for a project. This source control is provided by Subversion. The "source repository", as Sourcebo calls it, lives under the project URL in the src/ directory. The repository is visible via HTTP to everyone. Developers with write access can use WebDAV to commit their changes.


A project needs more than just source, however. Project leaders may wish to provide archives of released versions, compiled binaries, documentation, and other accoutrements. Sourcebo provides this with the "content repository". The content repository is a second Subversion repository living under the project URL in the content/ directory. Most of the web-visible content is stored here.




Project Configuration

Mailing Lists

Sourcebo uses the Mailman mailing list software to run project mailing lists. Each project gets four mailing lists:

Bug Tracking

Sourcebo uses Bugzilla to track bugs. Each project has its own entry in the bugzilla database.

Using Sourcebo

Most Sourcebo users will interact completely through Subversion. Their basic tasks will all be accomplished via manipulation of the source and content repositories. Here are some documents on Subversion:

The Source Repository

Developers should have no trouble using Subversion with the above documents to manage the project's source code. Sourcebo enforces the "trunk, branches, and tags" repository layout recommended in the Best Practices guide. If you have a project named myproject on the server myserver.mydomain.com, you will be able to access the trunk of development via the URL http://myserver.mydomain.com/projects/myproject/src/trunk/. If you have write access to the repository, you can commit and change source as much as you like. Happy coding!

The Content Repository

The content repository is also a Subversion repository. It uses the same layout as the source repository, but with some extra structure. As it is slightly more complex, I've split the content repository information into a few separate pages:

2011-12-23 01:01