[rds-devel] Fw:rds-sample can't

Chen Nai chennai1982 at 126.com
Fri Oct 30 01:29:55 PDT 2015

The reason causing the client blocking at recvmsg is the loop condition of do {} while(), 

because the parameter of count (-C number) on the client side could not be passed to the server side,
the server side only executes sendmsg once.

----- 转发邮件信息 -----
发件人: "Chen Nai"<chennai1982 at 126.com>
发送时间: 2015年10月30 星期五 15:33
收件人: "rds-devel"<rds-devel at oss.oracle.com>
主题: rds-sample can't

Hi, all:
I am using rds-sample.c (/usr/share/doc/rds-tools-2.0.7/examples/rds-sample.c) to test RDS RDMA message send/recv function.
On the server side, I run:

[root at dbtce01 app_rds]# ./sample -s -v
server listening on
Received RDS RDMA packet 0 of len 104, cmsg len 24, on port 4000
payload contains: 40  IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGH
Received RDS RDMA packet 1 of len 104, cmsg len 24, on port 4000
do_rdma_read: Error sending message: -1 107

1 packets received
Then on the client side, run:
[root at dbnode01 app_rds]# ./sample -s -c -C 40 -rr -v
Client Sending RDMA message 0 from to
Client Sending RDMA message 1 from to
Then the client side hung like this until ctrl+C is pressed.
I found that the client process is blocking at recvmsg as belows:
[root at dbnode01 ~]# ps -ef | grep sample
root      7712  5664  0 15:32 pts/0    00:00:00 ./sample -s -c -C 4 -rr -v
root      7715  7442  0 15:32 pts/1    00:00:00 grep sample
[root at dbnode01 ~]# strace -p 7712
Process 7712 attached - interrupt to quit
So what's the matter for RDMA message? While RDS regular messages are transmitted and received successfully.

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