[rds-devel] [ofa-general] [PATCH RFC] rds: add iwarp support

Olaf Kirch olaf.kirch at oracle.com
Fri Jul 4 02:13:16 PDT 2008

On Friday 04 July 2008 10:54:05 Olaf Kirch wrote:
> OTOH if we want to go for maximum code sharing, one could put the
> ib_dereg_mr call into __rds_iwarp_teardown_mr, so that it gets cleaned
> up in the following loop:

Okay, I re-read the fastreg patch. So it seems what you want to do is to
allocate the fastreg_mr once, and remap it several times. Correct?
Then this fits the current model quite well, except that we need
to splice the whole thing into the send cq handling (so that we
get told when the MR was mapped).

Am I supposed to use the send WQ for mapping the MR, or could one
use a separate WQ - so that we avoid stalling the MR mapping behind
a large queue of send WRs?

Anyway, I looked at your code and tried to fold it back into the IB
code. It seems except for the RDMA code there's not a huge difference
there. I'll post a patch based on your work later today

Olaf Kirch  |  --- o --- Nous sommes du soleil we love when we play
okir at lst.de |    / | \   sol.dhoop.naytheet.ah kin.ir.samse.qurax

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