We are testing clustering and I am having issues getting all of my nodes to mount.� I have 4 nodes.� I am using iSCSI to share 1 target with 2 luns.� All 4 nodes can are accessing the target; I can run fdisk -l against the block devices.� Initially I had all 4 nodes mounting the share but brought the cluster down to add an additional NIC.� Presently nodes 2 and 3 can mount the shares, 1 and 4 can not.� Previously I had node 1 mounted and nodes 2, 3 and 4 could not.<br>
<br>Any help is appreciated!<br><br>Nodes 2 & 3:<br><br># service o2cb status<br>Driver for "configfs": Loaded<br>Filesystem "configfs": Mounted<br>Driver for "ocfs2_dlmfs": Loaded<br>Filesystem "ocfs2_dlmfs": Mounted<br>
Checking O2CB cluster ocfs2: Online<br>Heartbeat dead threshold = 31<br>� Network idle timeout: 30000<br>� Network keepalive delay: 2000<br>� Network reconnect delay: 2000<br>Checking O2CB heartbeat: Active<br><br><br>Nodes 1 & 4:<br>
<br># service o2cb status<br>Driver for "configfs": Loaded<br>Filesystem "configfs": Mounted<br>Driver for "ocfs2_dlmfs": Loaded<br>Filesystem "ocfs2_dlmfs": Mounted<br>Checking O2CB cluster ocfs2: Online<br>
Heartbeat dead threshold = 31<br>� Network idle timeout: 30000<br>� Network keepalive delay: 2000<br>� Network reconnect delay: 2000<br>Checking O2CB heartbeat: Not active<br><br><br>All nodes:<br><br># mounted.ocfs2 -d<br>
Device��������������� FS���� UUID��������������������������������� Label<br>/dev/sda1������������ ocfs2� fea0a398-a696-414f-bd9f-d7aa84bd6b77� ocu01<br>/dev/sdb1������������ ocfs2� 26e82fa7-ec91-4a81-a965-571ed4223ab0� oracluster<br>
<br># mounted.ocfs2 -f<br>Device��������������� FS���� Nodes<br>/dev/sda1������������ ocfs2� ocnode2, ocnode3<br>/dev/sdb1������������ ocfs2� ocnode2, ocnode3<br><br><br>dmesg snippet from node 4:<br><br>o2net: connected to node ocnode2 (num 2) at <a href=""></a><br>
(4145,0):o2net_connect_expired:1664 ERROR: no connection established with node 3 after 30.0 seconds, giving up and returning errors.<br>(4176,0):dlm_request_join:1036 ERROR: status = -107<br>(4176,0):dlm_try_to_join_domain:1210 ERROR: status = -107<br>
(4176,0):dlm_join_domain:1488 ERROR: status = -107<br>(4176,0):dlm_register_domain:1754 ERROR: status = -107<br>(4176,0):ocfs2_dlm_init:2723 ERROR: status = -107<br>(4176,0):ocfs2_mount_volume:1437 ERROR: status = -107<br>
ocfs2: Unmounting device (8,17) on (node 4)<br>o2net: no longer connected to node ocnode2 (num 2) at <a href=""></a><br><br>