[Ocfs-users] Could not get a raw device slot for disk access. Please free up some devices.

sundar mahadevan sundarmahadevan82 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 3 09:32:06 PDT 2009

I'm setting up ocfs on opensuse 10.3 with kernel .
Appreciate if you could guide on the solution to this error.

I have a secondary hard disk (80G)

created raw paritions
primary /dev/sdb1 - 12G
extended /dev/sdb2 - 12G comprising of /dev/sdb5 - 4G /dev/sdb6 - 3G
/dev/sdb7 - 5G

The error is as follows:
Could not get a raw device slot for disk access. Please free up some devices.
Error: Error opening /dev/rawctl
No such file or directory, bindraw.c 63

Since there was mention of /dev/rawctl, i tried the following too:

# mkdir /dev/raw
cd /dev/raw
mknod raw5 c 162 5
modprobe raw
raw /dev/raw/raw5 /dev/sdb5

Even after the above commands, when i try to run ocfstool, i get the same error.

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