Re:[Ocfs-users] copying files from ocfs to ext3

"Michael Aubertin" maubertin at
Mon Nov 27 10:30:46 PST 2006

Hi David,

It smell like some scsi driver congestion. First of all,
 you can try to set greater value (such 256) to both max and min readahead. 
(see sysctl)
One idea could be to set the elevator to "deadline" or "as" if SAS drive(i.e: Kernel append).
Other could be to mount the ext3 with option such -o  reservation,noatime,nodiratime

Good luck

michael.aubertin at

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Received:11/27/06 16:08
From:David Sharples <davidsharples at>
To:ocfs-users at
Subject:[Ocfs-users] copying files from ocfs to ext3

Hi, using ocfs-2.4.9-e-smp-1.0.12-1 on Redhat 3 U4

Trying to copy files from an ocfs volume to an ext3 volume is very very slow
- talking a couple of minutes for a 100Mb file.
same happens if I use o-direct or not, dd exhibits the same behaviour

ocfs is in the updatedb.conf and both filesystems are in the PRUNEPATHS line
in the same file (a reboot was done after the changes were made just to make

Coping from ocfs to ocfs is very quick as is copying from ext3 to ext3

Any ideas where I can look?



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