[Ksplice][Uptrack-Announce-Debian] New version of Ksplice Uptrack client available [0.9.10]

Tim Abbott tabbott at ksplice.com
Tue Nov 10 20:13:34 PST 2009

Synopsis: New Ksplice Uptrack client provides several improvements and bug fixes
Version: 0.9.10
Issue date: 2009-11-10


We recommend that all Ksplice Uptrack users upgrade to the latest version.
You can upgrade to the latest version of Ksplice Uptrack by running:

# aptitude update
# aptitude install uptrack


The updated Ksplice Uptrack client contains the following improvements:

* The update installation process is now about 15% faster.

* Uptrack's log rotation has been adjusted to keep at most 5MB of logs.

* The frequency of needing to retry update installation on busy
systems has been significantly reduced.

* Several error messages have been improved.

The updated Ksplice Uptrack client includes fixes for the following

* When the Uptrack cron job is run before the Uptrack client has ever been
run, Uptrack might display an error.

* The Uptrack client now supports being run in environments where 
/usr/sbin is not contained in the PATH environment variable.


Ksplice support is available at support at ksplice.com or +1 765-577-5423.

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